Regret voting for Trump yet?

Regret voting for Trump yet?

trump got most of his support by making le funny tweets
his tweets still get tons of upvotes

>Being a burgercuck

I would live in Europe if it weren't so damn expensive.

No. I have only one objective with my vote and that is to piss liberals off. If it accomplishes that the world can burn and my family friends be raped and murdered as far as I'm concerned. I pretty much live for seeing angry liberals at this point.

It was worth it for the solid 8 years of crying liberals

The FCC net neutrality laws were never applied, so literally nothing has changed. You're all just fearmongering for polticial brownie points.


the God-Emperor could literally impregnate my girlfriend in the middle of 5th Avenue and I would still vote for him in 2020 just to see liberals assdevastated

We didn't get a communist on the supreme court so it's worth it.

I'm actually pretty okay with it. So far he's been a PR nightmare for the Republican party. They cannot do enough damage control every time he speaks and the media is just tearing him to shreds every time. Should be a landslide win for the Democrats in 2020. Enjoy your last four years. I know I will.

The reason the laws were never applied was because of the acknowledgement of their existence.

You claim that the businessmen of comcast and the likes haven't been scrounging the laws for technical loopholes to do whatever for a quick buck?
Good lord how optimistic are you?

>this self-defeating overconfidence again
sadly, it seems the royal humiliation you cucks suffered on election night was all for naught

I might be clinically addicted to picking fights with liberals. If you had me at a dinner party and I found out you voted for Hillary I cant guarantee I wouldnt climb the dinner table and defecate all over the steak, insult the hostess, rape your dog - you know literally *anything*

That's how much it means to me


I'd just shove my steak knife right up your ass, since you're already so butthurt and all.

that was uncalled for you asshole

I never voted for him

I don't vote because unlike the brainlets I know that democracy just gives an illusion of freedom.

>muh net neutrality

Just more proof that this board is filled with gaymers that won't know how to use the Internet if such thing was to apply

he wasn't the second coming of Pinochet I hoped for, but why would I care about net neutrality when I don't own Netflix?

you need to be 18+ to post here

Why is Net Neutrality so important?

Is that a young reviewbrah?

Net neutrality is more government overreach to fix a problem that doesn't even exist. Keep crying though, and 2020 will be a layup for Trump


thanks Obama

Yet how will net neutrality stop that? Won't that just encourage them to slow them all down equally until netflix pays more for faster equal speeds?

You are
something, but i will let it slip this time.

You have to go back, faggot

People would sue for significantly slower than advertised speeds.

Sup Forums in a nutshell

stay BTFO, shill


le Reddit fedora tip to you too good sir

So that image is already illegal, Net Netrality is offering solutions that already exist for a current problem.

Nice false flag, /leftypol/.

go prep your wife's bull, Shariablue

Funny thing is all those """liberal""" late night comedians love Trump cause of the ratings and easy material. The jokes write themselves and they rake in the cash.

>thinking this is Trumps fault

nice try, Jewkerburg

nobody watches that shit

>Trump appointee ramming this through
>"h-he a good boy, he dindu nuffin!"
I hope he isn't paying you for this laughable damage control

>I would love to see a bunch of insane shit Sup Forums would never actually want and lose freedom just to stick to to the liberals
Sure you would, /leftypol/ false flag.

Not gonna lie, former "shill for hill" here.
This is fucking hilarious watching libtards crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get two scoops.

It is, but at least you have about a 50x better chance to be allowed to stay and work than others do.

Could just take a break for a bit and live over here until you wanna go back.

It is. He appointed one of the two anti-NN commissioners to head the agency. Then that guy immediately started talking about removing NN. Plus there are two vacancies that could be filled to block this if he actually cared about stopping it.

Net neutrality is already dead. SOPA passed back when Obama was in office. Obama also put in a kill switch for the entire internet.

Keep your Political shit on Sup Forums.

>UHH DUUHHHRRR Net Neutrality is Tech

No you fucking loser

What has that to do with net neutrality?




We wouldn't need net neutrality if the laws that cities make only allowing one ISP and the regulation that makes it impossible to start a new ISP weren't a thing.

Those laws were pretty much required otherwise companies wouldn't invest in cities in the first place. Why would a company roll out hundreds of miles of fiber and then willingly share it with competitors? Infrastructure is not a free market

which is an issue of local jurisdiction and not under the federal regulation. Nobody is stopping anyone from changing that

>move somewhere where the internet isn't filtered
>move to somewhere where porn is blocked and all ISP's have to retain your history for a year

Are there people who are really this stupid?

Why not ask the people that successfully made that happen?

Companies like comcast pay a lot to keep the laws on the books. Even if you got the entire city against it, money will overturn the people.

Trump supporters are literally the biggest and dumbest sub human inbred niggers ever. This thread is a waste of time.

They will just scream "cuck" and their self brainwashed talking points at you

Which ones? The only way to make it happen is for government to own all of the lines and sell access to companies or for the government to force companies to sell access. Title II actually allowed for the latter of these two options.

At this point, the ones who just scream KEK KEK KEK KEK are false flags trying to make trump voters look bad.

Trump voters don't need anyone else to make them look bad desu.

Then fucking do something about it and stop crying. Most rural areas that you NN nerds are fighting on behalf of don't even have Comcast or any cable ISPs. Everything is mobile networks

>mods are asleep

>do something about it

You need to go back to your Sup Forums safe space

Porn blocked? Or are you implying Europe == Great Brittain.

I don't want NN.

or blame Trump and watch the Democratic Party sink into the abyss, whichever


Never, I'm an accelerationist

>porn is blocked
I thought Europe was liberal. Blocking porn is a conservative move because >muh religious purity or some shit to that effect. Liberals are all about personal freedom, hence their name. Conservatives only care about big businesses being allowed to screw regular citizens over.

I did not participate in the 2016 election. Maybe in 2020 though, if it isn't a complete joke like it was last year.

Porn isn't blocked in Europe. In fact, the UK porn filters are against 2016 EU data neutrality regulations.


Was liberal, past tense. Welcome to the caliphate

>I did not participate in the 2016 election.
How well did that work out for you?

Just because it's not blocked, doesn't mean it's legal. Visit a honeypot for proof.

Europe isn't liberal. It's a collection of socialist nanny states. Though porn is blocked in the UK not elsewhere.

you are one dumb motherfucker

It wouldn't have mattered who i voted for because my county was already decided by a large margin.

Thank god, the FCC should never of been in control of the ISPs to begin with. This is the purview of the FTC. They are a public utility. This whole shit show is the EXACT reason why a 5 member board with the deciding vote chosen by the President should NOT be in control of the internet. FTC regulations are slow but effective. They've worked for >100 years and suddenly the special snowflakes want to give up that stability to the FCC and Ninth Circuit.

Sure, user. CP isn't legal anywhere. Just finding it online doesn't mean "this must be OK, otherwise it would be blocked". You have a point.
However there are EU provisions for that, and unlike the UK, there are no provisions for squirting of facesitting.

The choice was literally between a retard and a hellspawn

The local elections probably weren't.

People get too caught up in the presidential election not realizing there are state and local judges, state and local representatives, state senators, federal representatives and senators, and mayoral elections, plus there are amendments and other ballot issues that could easily be tipped by a handful of votes.

>The local elections probably weren't.
If if I voted for Hillary, Trump still won by a large margin in my county, so it doesn't really matter.

Good, the less power the gooberment tries to impose the better. Why are federal agencies basically inventing and imposing laws of their own creation anyway?

kill yourself and l2r

at least the ftc needs congressional approval of the acts it proposes

fcc is a fucking circus

Hillary won the popular vote by a landslide. Your county doesn't matter.

We were discussing the presidential election and then you switched to local elections.

Popular vote doesn't matter though, so what is your point?

it's the same fucking election you moron


It's like you forgot what you were talking about, lol. Need I remind you?

Nope, don't want my country invaded by Mudslimes. Would rather live with this than become an Islamic caliphate.

> Would rather live with this than become an Islamic caliphate.
You already gave up your freedoms and you ask for more restrictions. Land of the Free.

That guy is actually not the same guy you were talking to. That was me.

So did you actually vote during the election cycle and just not vote for either of the two presidential candidates then? At least that is better than not voting at all.

>Slavery or slavery are the only two options