Those who do not ``pirate'' movies/shows, how much $ do you spend on it?

Those who do not ``pirate'' movies/shows, how much $ do you spend on it?

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$9/mo on Netflix. I guess I have Amazon prime as well.

I haven't had cable in 7 years.

instead of watch tv, I read books from the library

$70/y for mubi, $6/m for apple music

I used to spend around $50 a month for subscriptions and misc movies that weren't in there

Some stuff happened that changed my mind and I'm spending $0 or donate to indie movie makers

Because I live in germany I obviously have to pay €17,50/month for state TV

I'm torn between got redpilled, or became a faggot.

Always makes me cringe to think that people actually pay for things they could download for free.

About three fiddy

No, it was because Copyright Lawyers

Basically they run rampage and try to sue everyone thousands for downloading movies. Differently from the US, you HAVE to reply to them or you're open for a real lawsuit

A friend of mine didn't reply, they opened a lawsuit and he has to pay over €4000

He is still in debt because of this

And that's why I stopped giving a single penny to those "humans" that are responsible for this, every time I see the logo of the big movie companies at the beginning of one makes my fucking blood boil

Its fucking trash anyway, what as the last time you went to the movies and it was worth watching?

The last thing was Split, okay, but not worth the money.

I only go when some friends want to go to the cinema with me

this was dope

Get Out was worth seeing


0, I stopped watching movies/tv shows years ago. It's all just so boring.

your friend would have saved a buttload of money if he just used a vpn.

You'd literally have to PAY ME to watch 99% of Hollywood shit and TV.
I'm not trying to be edgy, that stuff is legitimately boring as fuck to me. The scripts/stories are pretty much all recycled unoriginal garbage with the same boring messages, never deviating from the safe narratives.
Books in general are way higher quality entertainment, desu.

I actually watched that one till the end, so I guess it was ok. Nothing special, though.

How old are you and what is your IQ? Are you of African descent?
I'm just trying to figure out how you people think and why you'd find that kind of garbage worth seeing.

I know, that's what we do now

They tried to sue me too but because I replied that I didn't do anything they didn't bother suing me. The legal situation here in germany is fucked up and complicated to explain

But it doesn't justify that they try to sue hundreds of thousands for thousands of Euros.

Don't get me wrong before that I said in all that Piracy threads that it's immoral and the media companies just want to pay their people, but now I fucking know better

>$9/mo on Netflix. I guess I have Amazon prime as well.
>I haven't had cable in 7 years.

Pretty much this, I also buy bluray's used at my local used book store and sell them back when I am done watching them, it's pretty cheap

>And that's why I stopped giving a single penny to those "humans" that are responsible for this, every time I see the logo of the big movie companies at the beginning of one makes my fucking blood boil

Break the law, know the penalty is getting sued, get caught stealing copyrighted material, get sued, have to pay back the people you stole from.....


I don't spend any money on TV or movies.

At all. I don't watch TV. I don't go to see movies. I don't even give youtube ad clicks.

It's literally all propaganda so why the fuck would I?

A few bucks every now and then at a redbox, depending on what is coming out.

I really don't watch cable shows. The vast majority of them are garbage. The only time I really watch TV is when there's a live event, such as a sporting event, and there's always a stream of it somewhere online. No real point in cable and Netflix never has new shows on or even the latest season of shit like the Walking Dead.

Can't wait for the day we're actually allowed to buy TV packages of just networks we actually watch.


Last film I went to see was Guardians of the Fagalaxy 2, while it was definatly a step up from the first one, it was semi-shite-semi-good.

I want to sniff Zoe Saldana's butt.

Some movies still provide some kind of entertainment, being all negative about it is meaningless, just cherry pick what you really want to watch and you're good.

>I actually watched that one till the end, so I guess it was ok. Nothing special, though.
It looks like you're trying to force yourself to hate them, there is no shame in liking unoriginal movies.

>Books in general are way higher quality entertainment, desu.
Books tend to do the same as movies, we get a truckload of copypastas and garbage but books don't age like a movie does, that may be the reason why 200yo books are still a thing.

>I don't spend any money on TV or movies.
>At all. I don't watch TV. I don't go to see movies. I don't even give youtube ad clicks.
This tbqh.

>tfw after a lifetime of pirating I bought an original 3DS game cartridge recently(3ds was updated so no CFW)
I-it kinda felt good. I bought the 3ds for specially this game and it was quite good, felt good
Now I understand why some people pay for certain things,but people who pay for easily piratable things are fucking retarded

I'm black yes

pirate all the movies and music and games i want
burn out on all the free content and get my life back on track

overall I spent $200 in my life on entertainment

Only time i actually paid for entertainment was when always online DRM was in the software and there was no crack.

DRM works. I don't know where the me me of "pirates pay more for music" comes from, it must be a forced me me to troll MBA types into giving away free content.

>muh refugees: the movie

yep, check's out.

>read the popular shakespeare stuff
>basically everything i read since then is just a remix of his works

fuck me.

Same here. It just doesn't feel like there's anything worth the 2 hours it takes to watch a movie. Even fucking around on the internet is more rewarding, IMO.

My family shares a netflix account, occasionally I subscribe a month or two to for example crunchyroll or HBO if I want to watch a series, and sometimes I rent a movie on steam or microsoft store. So I'd estimate maybe $10-15 a month on average.

But a few movies and series I do pirate, when they are not available on any of the platforms I just mentioned. I'm not going to buy a physical disk or whatever, I don't even have an optical drive to play them with. It's unfortunate but the publishers are not giving me much of a choice.

I'm not an idiot. I have a job, hobby, real life.

I don't get it. Are you saying you never watch any entertainment because you don't need to because you had a job, hobby and real life? Or are you saying you don't spend any money on it and just pirate everything? If the latter, that sounds more like something someone who does _not_ have a job would do, and if the former, you're a real dumbass for thinking people who simply like to have fun are idiots with no life.

I'm white and get out was still pretty decent. Racist nigger.

What country?

See He's from Germany.

I get buying games and shit, but movies and music, literally why
It's so easily available you don't even have to try
This anti piracy meme must come to an end
Piracy does not equal theft
You're making a replica of a set of data and then taking that replica, not the original data

>You're making a replica of a set of data and then taking that replica, not the original data
And that's immoral all the say, what you choose to call it doesn't matter.

all the same*

>Piracy does not equal theft
Yes, it's copyright infringement.

$0 most of the time,only spend if I'm giving it as a gift to someone or I really love the series or movie

Streaming via kodi is the best option, but torrenting (especially on older/niche stuff) is much more reliable.

I spend $20 a month on music via Bandcamp, tho. I like the platform and want to support independent artists.

You're idiots. Exactly.
Is it simple enough?


I go to amoeba and buy used DVDs and music

I pirate some things here and there, but I have not done that in a while.

Neck yourself

That's not simpler, that's actually harder to understand. Who are you talking about and why are they idiots?


How many shops of this image exist?

You know what's really funny.

The better the movie is. the less likely you are to get caught pirating it.

The shitty high budget marvel superhero movies that hollywood pumps out like a factory, those are the movies that people get slammed with copyright fines.

just grab them on youtube or a streaming site.


The record companies got a bunch of bad press for suing people for downloading music, so they pretty much stopped in the USA

you can basically do whatever you want


Now they have bots that automatically log all movies they own the rights for

Not in Europe

They still send out hundreds of thousands of letters each year and most of them pay their ransom

And if they get press it's just "hurrdurr they're in their right and if you download a movie it's worse than killing a kitten"
Polite reminder not to use piracy to denote unauthorised copying.

I record anything I want to watch/listen. You should see the home made movie I made when I wanted to see the age of ultron.

>the tape at the end of the first one
>it was just a(nother) shitty mix
I'll be dammed if I ever pay to see another one of this franchise

i go to concerts and watch some (~7) movies in threaters

depends. If it's a show/franchise/film that I really like I'll buy the dvd of it and then rip it. That's what I did for Law & Order (1990-2010), Murder she wrote, Magnum PI,Star Trek (TOS), James Bond (Ultimate Edition + Never say never again, and all Daniel Craig films),Fast & Furious series, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future and Harry potter. Prob somewhere in the range of 200 dvds from 2002 to 2016 not counting box sets. Then one day I realized I was running out of shelving space so I turned to pirating (plus it was cheaper) for a few other shows/films.

0-5% of my monthly income.


Because I started buying shows on DVD etc. for an hour's pay rather than getting a shitty rip from a friend, or spending a month downloading it over 56k (back when data was capped).

Nowadays it's just more habit than anything. I'll always finish watching a TV series I already bought over downloading a new one.

$10/mo Netflix
$15/mo Google Play Music
$99/yr Amazon Prime

I split all this with my girlfriend
I also have a relative's HBO password at no cost
Also have MLB.TV free through my cell carrier
Also go to movies most Tuesday evenings because the "five star lounge" full service theater down the street is $5 on Tuesdays and it's a pretty nice experience
Also pay $4/mo for PIA and do pirate what I can't get through legal channels

>viewing some shlomos camrip can get you years in jail yet jamal and muhammed walk off from raping kids with just a slap on the wrist
something ain't right and its not just the government's position

>makes it bizarrely political painting a picture of a scenario he will never find himself in

>When you yourself don't face a scenario it's automatically invalid

i spend $10/mo on spotify and $50/yr on prime, but i rarely use it.

about $20 every few months to see a movie with friends.

that's about it. everything at home is pirated, and propaganda is advertising, so i use adblock.

I mean it, as a Pole:

and in what way is it immoral? i would like to know the logic behind your reasoning.

And they even want to raise it now lol