Name a better player than PotPlayer

Name a better player than PotPlayer.

Protip: you can't.

Don't even think about it MPVirgins, go tip your fedora and scratch your neckbeard someplace else.



MPV, m'lady.*


I'll try this and report back

Be sure to check the settings.

I just want video playback with no gui, no playlist with easy keyboard shortcut.
Mpv fits my needs why should I switch to weed player?

>I just want video playback with no gui, no playlist with easy keyboard shortcut

>License: Freeware


I only watch full screen video, I don't need a bloated interface


>Using a botnet run by Worst Korean corporation named 'Kakao' which is notorious for giving its user data to Gov*rnment

Nice try, Shili.


Show me network analysis of PotPlayer sending data to unknown servers.

Protip: you wont.

So this is how you convince people.
Pretty amazing tbqhwy famalam, you almost got me to try your garbage player, almost...



damn son, how'd you know?
