Its 2017 and Google still doesn't use a vectorized logo. It would be less than a few kb

Its 2017 and Google still doesn't use a vectorized logo. It would be less than a few kb.


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tfw nobody cares

>b-but i care!


It's 2017 and nobody uses webp format its sad

Google does.


OP and me care. Kys scott, you got fucking rekt just now. By me.

>It would be less than a few kb
but it already is...

The other day I downloaded a phone wallpaper of that format and I was suprised that Android supported it.

Well of course, it's made by Google.

Google claims to have an SVG version of the logo that is around 300 bytes in size.

I also care.

That's THREE people now. You're a stinkin' loser and getting told off by multiple people. Embarrassing. You really should delete your trip before this gets any worse pal. You're just a fat freakin geek, go dunk your head in a bowl of SOUR buttermilk..

Why aren't they using this? Do they own such a large part of the Internet infrastructure that they no longer have to care about optimization to save bandwidth?

SVG is still not supported everywhere (think IE 10 and below), unlike PNG.

phones can't into svg

file size: 2 KB

Your turn.

When you idiots are dick measuring 100mb, 300mb, 1gb internet speeds, but argue over a 4kb advantage.

True autismo

Opera can

Bish, few kilobytes? All you need is 738 bytes. You can barely see the difference in image quality.

That advantage will be big when the file will be downloaded a bunch of times.
Needs more jpg

>All these stupid niggers thinking that google should switch from 6kb image to 300 byte svg
The image is cached on in your browser.
Google hosts way more shit than their shitty web search page.
This optimization would be likely unnoticable by them.
