post em sexy coding girls
I'll start
Software babes appreciation thread
Other urls found in this thread:
my coffee barista looks exactly like her
cute code girls are the best
cd code
>"coding"" what ever the fuck she is going she hot
kodeing with karly?
she looks like that marinda sings retard
You have your own barista?
So alfa
I wish I was too…
Are girls even trying anymore, or do they just know that all numales are beta cucks that they can manipulate without looking good?
Is there even a single one of those where the girl doesn't wear Tumblr glasses and uses a Macbook?
>pinecones in a flower pot
clearly the best choice
I unironically think problem glasses are cute
>i learned about swing in java (which was replaced by javaFX)
It's kind of nice that she's excited about it, but being in it for female empowerment isn't the right reason. A "coding superpower" isn't making jframe/jbuttons, I hope she legitimately enjoys the subject matter.
I would cd code into her if you know what I mean
I bet you'd never say that to my face.
>white grils
Bro, pelase stop.