Why is Sup Forums obsessed with huge core count processors?

Why is Sup Forums obsessed with huge core count processors?

What the fuck do you do that actually benefits from all those cores?

I'm convinced most of you are just retarded and use your 8+ core processors to shitpost.

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Corelets always crying.

Thanks for proving my point

I'm a photographer and do slight video editing. I upgraded to Ryzen from a 4 core Xeon and everything is faster. It saves me time.
I imagine a 16/32 would save tons of time to video editors.

>I'm a photographer

I have bad news for you

>What the fuck do you do that actually benefits from all those cores?
VMs, compiling, video transcoding

>make -j

Do most encoders even support 32 threads?


how is performance defined

Look at how the 6850k gets btfoed in photomerge, and gen. actions.

lol it's that benchmark spammer. He's back again.
He doesn't even know himself. He just reposts cherrypicked benchmarks from other sites.

This picture was true a decade ago. Not anymore.

>implying Adobe garbage was ever optimized

Try benchmarking photographic software like Capture One, Affinity Photo, AutoPano Giga, and Agisoft Photoscan Pro

It's because Photoshop is very poorly optimized for multiple cores. It hasn't been seriously updated by Adobe in years.

Each core is around 25% performance increase

hdr is a tacky meme only amateurs do, and even so, less than 0.00001% of the whole process.

photomerge is even less useful.

i dont, i use a venue pro 11 with an m processor as my main computer

>my dad is a photographer
>still uses a Toshiba laptop from 2006 for some of his photo editing
>crap screen, runs windows vista
>he doesn't seem to care
>tfw his birthday today and still too poor to buy him a laptop with a proper screen.

What's a good laptop for photo editing anyways?

Why not an external LCD?

makes virtualization more comfy

this is my purpose for this

> implying phoobyshoop
You know there's other image editing software, right?

>suddenly everyone on Sup Forums are video editors and hipster photographers

>gaming better

>more efficient and cooler

>literally half the price of a slower intel i9 octacore

>doesn't choke on dick at higher resolutions

Has that connected to his desktop, which for some reason he rarely uses. I don't think it would even support 4k causes it's a phenom system with a 4 series radeon as the graphics card.

I'm feeling like the best solution is to get some sort of used laptop with a top tier screen like a macbook pro retina, add a 500gb ssd and he should be fine.

Eight to ten thousand tabs of porn open simultaneously in Firefox.

>Why is Sup Forums obsessed with huge core count processors?
Because that's AMD's only "advantage" right now so they're desperately trying to make it seem relevant despite 90% of desktop apps being single threaded

damn i always get 666 gets

Arma3 and dorf fortress are not the only desktop apps left in earth.

Games are not desktop applications. I'm talking real programs

Real programs are mulththreads at least to a degree. Begone, Ghost of NetBurst.

>Real programs are mulththreads at least to a degree
Nope. not for 90% of workload.
Try it yourself. Opening a huge textfile in your favorite editor, or apply a filter to a large spreadsheet document, or run a loop in CMD.

Those are very specific examples of heavily single threaded tasks, and one is I/O bound. The other is mostly memory bound. The thing is that with more cores, you can do more of that shit at once rather than just do one of those things slightly faster.

>Those are very specific examples of heavily single threaded tasks
No, those are extremely common programs that happened to be the first 3 that I thought of.
>one is I/O bound
Not with SSD
>you can do more of that shit at once
How often are you actively doing more than 4 things in the same 5 seconds?

>How often are you actively doing more than 4 things in the same 5 seconds?
Like, all the damn time. Don't even have to pay attention to it. You can just leave whatever running in the background and know that you won't run out of CPU. Heavily single threaded tasks might run slightly slower. I don't care much. It's never been noticeable.

Why would you need 4k? Macbook Retina is not necessarily good for photo editing, ask his opinion about this.

asus veriton L460 here
glad to be able to watch 1080p on YouTube
life is good
enjoy your cores fellas

My octocore cellphone still makes you a corelet.

They'll never learn.

Seriously this shit is ridiculous

Cores mean so little for most programs

Most programs are interactive though, so only use meaningful amounts of CPU when they're actually actively being used. It's usually just one or two processes using most CPU, with the rest basically waiting and using a minimal amount.

webm is huge on Sup Forums. I make several of them every day. more cores means faster shitposting

CPU 5 and CPU 6 are reserved for porn

>advancements in computing have made more computationally expensive things practical to the average user
>suddenly more people are doing said things

>11 cores

>3600 to get the best experience

fuck that shit ram that high freq is too expensive

>thread about multiple cores
>muh games
>muh photography
>muh desktop apps

does no one hear actually program? I use all 8 threads for most of the programs I write.

wth does your chart depict?

>hdr is a tacky meme only amateurs do
t. someone who knows nothing about photography

My i3 king of corelet still has better single thread, and therefore general non multitasking performance than your Ryzen TrheadRipper XDBBQ SMT Infinity Fabricâ„¢ snake oil don't forget to buy fast ram that probably wont work edition 69 core. Intel users just haven't had time to come up with a catchy meme name for that yet is all, dumb drumpf frog poster btfo. cpubenchmark.net/singleThread.html

>software can't use more than 1 core

my 2c4t is amazing stop saying otherwise
>I wished I could afford better :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

>11 cores


i record gaymans and edit them as a hobby sometimes so moar cores means less time spent compiling/encoding, also the games i play are highly optimized for multiple cores

Corelets, when will they learn?

Someone post the pic


i'm a photographer.
not a fakery lying bullshit photochopper.

any laptop with ips screen at 1080p.
get 15 to 17" size laptop.

Hello img_xxxx. Here is your daily (you)

>tfw 2c2t

What is Photoshop Lightroom?

unrelated to cores, how radar plots can be manipulated
