Give me ONE reason why Android isn't shit
Give me ONE reason why Android isn't shit
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Google's AI can beat up Apple's AI
adb pull /sdcard/
It triggers crapple cucks like these
>that text
It's scientifically confirmed that the more characters you put into insulting something you're arguing against, the more busted your bottom is.
>buy a phone on a android
>never update it
>it never gets any slower than when you bought it
Android is shit. iOS is shit as well.
Smartphones combine everything thats wrong with technology nowdays.
>Fragile as fuck
>Botnet/Spyware by default
>Planned obsolescence
>Form over function
>If a 1ct component fails you can throw the entire thing into the bin
It's not shit because it's not Apple.
Apple is literally eating shit out of your own hands.
>updating when you have no need to update
Literally why?
The only time I update my phone is if it's required by apps I use (and even then it's usually simpler to down-convert the API of the app's .apk), or if it's a critical security update.
If it's not broken, don't fucking fix it.
It is, but I'd take a file manager any day over being able to install Android Lollypop Fruitcake McMuffin Nougat 4.0. I could update my phone to 7.0 but I won't because it's a pile of shit. Lollipop was the last version they released that's even close to decent.
And why the FUCK does iOS still not have a file manager in the current year of our Lord?
>get a Minote Pro
>drop it
>it's cracked
>Buy a new superior Minote 2
>Still cheaper than one Iphone
>Chinks spy on you
>And don't share it with your domestic intelligence organization
It's a total win-win scenario
>tfw no more WM6.5
>>it never gets any slower than when you bought it
I remember that meme!
Your life is a meme
Android development has contributed a lot of features and hardware enablement to Linux kernel which benefits me on my desktop/laptop/server even if I don't use Android directly.
Such as?
dognal blumpf!?!?!?
Only time I experienced a bootloop was because I forgot to delete cache before flashing a ROM. I fixed it by deleting the cache and flashing again. My phone came with KitKat and it supports Nougat via Lineage OS. It has only gotten faster with each OS update.
And I refuse to use an OS without a fucking file manager.
Nigger, you can't even watch webMs on iOS properly without using some obscure player and even those fail to recognize webMs sometimes. Also call me when I can actually change more than just my wallpaper.
>drm explicit fencing
There's bunch of other stuff they've either mainlined from Android or had to develop in order to get stuff mainlined in a sane manner.
Anybody can't get the latest version of Android unless they're a tech illiterate retard or have an obscure phone that can't get lineage
>or have an obscure phone that can't get lineage
Also known as 95% of fucking Android devices.
It's not iOS
It supports 165 models. If you bought a phone that isn't Oneplus, nexus, samsung, axon 7, sony, xiomi, LG, Motorola or HTC you're retarded
Doesn't have the blue bubbles bullshit.
>no Note4/Note Edge support
>supports Note8 of all things
>165 models
Wanna take a guess at how much of a percentage of existing Android devices that makes up? I have a Sony, two Samsung phones and now a Xiaomi phone. None of them are officially supported.
>no zuk z2
Are there good non-Android non-Apple mobile OSes? Can I install Arch on my phone?
I'm real tired of this shit and want something fresh
Lineage is actually very selective about with devices they support. Of course devs will port versions onto phones but a lot of devices aren't lucky enough to get lineage. It's an important factor when I choose an android phone. Motos are pretty good about unlocking and having US bands.
root access
>Never gets slower
I love Android, but this is rich
Do you try to put the word "fucking" in every single one of your post?
"it is to quiet here lets fight" the thread.
*the board
it may be shit, but it's lightyears ahead of fucking iOS.
A one line iOS App can crash the whole OS
So fucking much this. Getting stuff off my pos iPad makes me want to chunk it out of the nearest window every time.
Thanks, user. Just came to post this
Sup Forums BTFO!!!
Because it's a good alternative to iOS, and offers features that iOS doesn't have.
Both Android and iOS have their advantages and disadvantages.
It stores notes in a real and usable formate instead of some some bullshit json file with proprietary encryption preventing it from being opened an any real device
not an argument
It has a file manager
>iphone shilling on facebook
checks out
Those ads are good, but the gmailman ones were better
Google does support the Android phones they sell very well.
The problem is buying Chinese and Korean garbage.
why do these shills always ignore the fact that you can use a custom ROM to get the latest Android on any popular phone? this is not even an option with iOS
Because "muh bootloop and muh shitty pajeet neckbeard ROM! But muh iPhone does not even need this, ever!"
This is the answer literally every time.
>being so autistic as to go around greentexting and being a nigger, to your presumably equally nigger friends, about how android, a phone os that you don't use, is bad
Thank god I'll never be this mentally screw loose.
>muh torrents
>muh launchers
>muh easy pirating of apps
>muh app drawer
It has Love Live & Deresute.
The past two generations of Sony phones aren't supported.
>2013 phone (Nexus 5)
>have Android 7.1.2 with security updates from just a couple days ago
>it's just as fast as the day I got it and everything works fine
>can easily transfer files without extra programs like iTunes
>can root it whenever and still update
>wireless charging
>cheap as fuck
>two days of battery life if you put an LG G2 battery in it
>doesn't have Carrier IQ spyware built in
Fuck off, iToddler.
LineageOS exist
Snapdragon 800 is a truly futureproof SOC. I've been running the Note 3 as my daily driver since early 2014 and under Marshmallow it's just as fast if not faster.
The only cons are mediocre camera and lack of fingerprint sensor. Other than that any Snapdragon 800 phone will run for at least two years more
Software is shit, stop wasting time on technology and start fucking girls
Can vouch. Droid Turbo running Lineage OS 7.1.2, Snapdragon 805. Not a single issue. Motorola stopped upgrading it late last year on Marshmallow.
>buy a phone on a android
>never update it
>it never gets any slower than when you bought it
Of course it would get slower, over time, the amount of rewrites the memory can do will decrease. It uses a small form factor solid state memory, which has an extremely smaller amount of r/w's than an average SSD, resulting in the performance of the device decreasing after a while. This happens with both Apple devices and Android devices, so this should not be used as an arguement.
now go fuck yourself user, heres your (You)
Have an LG G2 with LOS 7.1.2, you're wrong - it works better today than when I bought it.
>Greentexting on Facebook
f*cking epic XD liked to respect
Sdcard speed is never an issue - every possible app is completely loaded in RAM in under a second(maybe except games that have separate cache) and then they stay in RAM, even when not running. Even file operations are RAM-cached.
Did I even mention SD Cards? no. It is extremely clear I'm talking about internal memory (Usable/ROM), this should have been obvious when I mentioned that it happens to both Apple devices and Android devices. Gee user, I didn't know Apple devices allowed SD cards in their devices. Regarding your statement about RAM, you must be new to technology, If a file is loaded into RAM and stays in the RAM even when not in use, the amount of memory available will become lower and will cause the device to start slowing down.
The former statement about the Apps all being loaded immediately is also bullshit. RAM on a phone functions the same way as all other RAM, a program or file will only be in the RAM for a few seconds before its use the duration of the use (load -> use -> unload)
Internal partition of Android is called sdcard. Don't confuse it with an actual SD card, which is extcard. I thought it was obvious. And my point still stands.
That's not iphone/ipad
And now I'll clarify why it stands.
>If a file is loaded into RAM and stays in the RAM even when not in use, the amount of memory available will become lower and will cause the device to start slowing down.
No it fucking won't. Do you even know how dirty pages and OOM works?
>The former statement about the Apps all being loaded immediately is also bullshit
Go read how Android's cached apps work, also read about LMK categories.
>a program or file will only be in the RAM for a few seconds before its use the duration of the use (load -> use -> unload)
A file can stay in RAM for several minutes before the changes are actually written. This is configured by dirty_writeback_centisecs. An app stays in RAM completely when it's running, Android phones generally don't have swap.
Also, the overall amount of memory reserved for caching file system is configured by vfs pressure.
the entire thread will be just
>you're talking bullshit because i say so and/or because my experience was different
Pretty much any serious discussion on Sup Forums desu
>video of a video
Trippy man.
Also I always thought those ads were rich coming from fucking Microsoft. Who the fuck uses Gmail for business anyways? Gsuite's a sick deal.
I can take a new Android phone, hook it up to my computer and drag and drop a folder full of mixed media to the storage and use it (provided there is an app that supports the format; if there isn't there are many freely available). Can't do that with an iPhone and it's a dealbreaker for me.
>obscure player
Chrome is also an obscure browser
Why are Applets so salty and insecure, Sup Forums? Just imagine OP typing out each one in that overly complicated complaint. I'll even bet money that his mom is the recipient.