
VMs. Lots of VMs. Also Threadripper is better.

Other urls found in this thread:


RollerCoaster Tycoon 2.


I thought everyone hated AMD.



H.265 conversion with HandBrake


>hating on nu(and by nu I mean more like OLD AMD)-AMD


I'm not hating them, my own computer uses AMD. But that's because I didn't know much at the time I got the parts and just went for what was cheap.

I still don't know much. But everyone seems to shit talk AMD everywhere I go. Maybe it's just their video cards, I don't know.


>What the fuck would you even need 18 cores for? What in the name of Satan could you possibly do with that?

Crunch video to HEVC 10-bit h.265 a lot faster, for one, render 3D CGI works a lot faster, for 2, do a lot more processing in less time, for 3, and I could just go on and on and on but you should be able to get the gist of it by now, right?





Compile programs. Not everything revolves around gaymen

I know Sup Forums has good tastes but in order to set the record straight for some of you who don't know better: This is the worst girl (left) and best girl (right) together.

Encode anime like a boss



pretty sure the worst one is that literally who with short hair

Kernel/Browser compilation. I seriously wish I had enough money to buy one of these.

Sup Forums showing it's shit tastes in waifus again

18 instances of deus ex at the same time.

I expected better from Sup Forums. Sad

but why

Is that how her name is supposed to be spelled? That sounds a lot more Russian than Eli.


Saturating the market with +6 cores cpus allows pajeets and applel developers to seriously start implementing proper threading and isolation in applications and games can finally allow more than 20 actors on screen.
It's for the future, dumb anime poster.

>dumb anime poster.
This is an anime website, you cunt.

It was a joke, lad.


Simulating small office networks. Although I do that on my 32 core rig. 10 windows VMs, a pfSense VM and an Ubuntu Server VM typically covers a small office network for testing selective malware propogation for automated pivoting inside a network

Oh, okay then. Sorry.

Did not understand half of the words you said.


That's why you don't need more than 4 cores

Good, that is in fact my number of cores.

Can you stop memeing and tell me why AMD is suddenly seen as good?

Why are you even on Sup Forums?


>Why are you asking technology related questions on the technology board.
Sorry, didn't know I was supposed to post about k-pop and enchilada recipes.


one core for each agency and corporation spying on you, dedicated bitcoin mining javascript core, deep packet inspection and exfiltration core, youtube advertisements core.
shit adds up user.

>buy 16 core AYYYMD
>install linux
>put 8 cores/16 threads to Linux
>put windows in a vm
>put 8 cores/16 threads to windows vm
>play vidya

Eliniggers get the FUCK off my Sup Forums

I am actually surprised, perhaps even proud, that there are people on Sup Forums with patrician enough taste to appreciate Eli.

compile complex things faster

compile complex chings caster

Multiple VMs
Machine learning/data analysis
Rendering and editing music and video
Encoding video
In short, it's meant for workstations.

However, I'm sure you would agree that a lot of ML processing is GPU based these days. Or at least a lot of the common libraries have good GPU support if the user's choose to use them

No, you idiot, it's spelled Newegg. Your number one source for computer parts, laptops, electronics and more. "Once you know, you Newegg."

Yes, but that doesn't mean the CPU doesn't get used, for instance for feeding data to the GPU.

True, I hadn't thought of that. For my work it's largely irrelevant anyway because it all runs in an AWS instance anyway

Daily reminder that Maki is a SLUT who trades sexual favors for MONEY with OLD MEN

>Core i3

>Core i5

>Core i7

>Core i9

Is that you in the pic?

>It's another "degenerate fucks a beauty" doujin
Fucking hate this meme

>when intel does the moar cores meme its bad

He's sexually excited to encode video using a malware framework.

Containers on a server.

A series of tubes.


What else? You could run 36 concurrent SETI@home threads at once per CPU.

See my pic. That is the task manager on our backup server at work. By backup server, I don't mean a redundant server. I mean the server that runs backup jobs on all the other servers. More cores/threads mean more concurrent backup jobs can run at once and that reduces the overall time it takes to backup all of our servers.

That's rather ebullient of you.

raid this server


Hmmmhh... Nootka....

>7% of an server's processing power is used to run Winblows


have lower clock cycles and wonder why ur compile times are less

>36 cores
>wasting half the core power on windows


Makiiii is cutee!!!!!!!!!

Maki is shit

>one core for each agency and corporation spying on you
Hold on user it's only 18 cores.

nice b8 m8


Thank you.

>hey boss I saved 3 minutes using moar coars!
>great, you can do more work now

>What the fuck would you even need 18 cores for?
>16 cores? Why do you want 12 cores? >Help! A madman is trying to kill me for 10 cores!

What the fuck is this post even about?

I feel the same way user.

It's about making fun of all the faggots who suddenly stopped caring about HEDT and single socket server applications as soon as Threadripper fucking dumpstered the entirety of Skylake-X and 90% of Intel's single socket Xeons, while two days ago there were 27 threads about Skylake-X being the hot new shit.

>while two days ago there were 27 threads about Skylake-X being the hot new shit.
Shit=Also yes.

Every thread I saw was laughing at the TDP, clockspeeds and jizz TIM.

Did not understand half of the words you said.


