Thoughts on VeraCrypt? I'm looking into different encryption tools to use...

Thoughts on VeraCrypt? I'm looking into different encryption tools to use, but since BitLocker has a backdoor there's nothing else to use that I can find. I've heard that it runs really slowly. Also I'm running a dual-boot of Windows & Linux if that makes any difference.

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got you on this one senpai

Will this work on Existing files? So if I have my 2nd hard drive, and I encrypt it using dm-crypt in Linux, will I be entering the password for it when I want to access it on Windows? I read somewhere that it's not possible to encrypt existing files with this, that's why I ask.

its kernel crypto API it wont work on windows
if your files are "top secret" use them on gnu-linux system. i am not familar with any windows encryption that not been compromised

source on BitLocker being backdoored? you are a massive faggot

well you know anything that's not open source is compromised microsoft could have master key for it
random google :

on hand if you aren't doing something global scale iligal acticity its ok private corporation cant access it but the goverment can
only ture free-opensource programs are safe to use with encryption

Are full-drive encryptions only useful for when someone has physically taken your hard drive and wants to look at info? In that case since mine is a desktop I shouldn't care about that right? I think file-system encryption would be better for me if I didn't want someone to look at my files over the internet, no?

>doesn't have a backdoor


>encrypting windows
What's the point?

Luckily, I don't think the NSA is going to take any interest in my data, so BitLocker is fine for me.


Use TrueCrypt.

>Windows 7 still exisits

so niggers don't steal your shit

yeah, but you know, you would be out-of-date and vulnerable to shit like wannacry if you didn't install the updates bringing the botnet shit to 7

>Luckily, I don't think

If the NSA wants to know what porn I jack off to, they're welcome to it.

If you used torrents at least once in your lifetime, you're already in their crawler's DB, like everyone else.

I want to into encryption but everything I see and everything I knew of is now "no dont use that nsa microsoft russian botnet cia backdoored it use X instead" and "X" is some bullshit new kid on the block that every other person is screaming botnet cia backdoor and I dont know what to even trust anymore, and that makes this whole thing difficult because I dont trust anything to begin with

use 7zip password option

dont make me wana cry user I already torrented 5 animes at 1080p and click on links here

truecrypt 7.1a is the only correct answer.

even amazon uses it

TrueCrypt has arbitrary code execution and privilege escalation vulnerabilities that were discovered when it was audited. It was fixed in VeraCrypt (TrueCrypt fork) but it remains unpatched in TrueCrypt's unmaintained installers.

>using unmaintained software

if the badguy gets physical access to you're machine with encrypted partitions mounted already, your fugged either way, so
>TrueCrypt has arbitrary code execution and privilege escalation vulnerabilities
is nothing
nobody maintains dvd shrink either but here i am, still using it like an asshole

I'm fucking sick of you faggots living a delusion thinking everything is out to get you and acting like a MLG hax0r open source scrub (I don't see anything wrong with open source or GnooSlashLinucks, most people in Sup Forums are obnoxious about it though)
No, the NSA (NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY - Not ANTI PIRACY AGENCY) is not out for you because you downloaded muh animu's.

If your encrypting personal stuff, you don't need to find a whole new approach, Microsoft won't doxx you or take control of one of billions of computers that have Windows because you pirated Windows or your into weird fetishes.