Post terminal and its colorscheme.
Terminal Thread
inb4 "is this the new desktop thread?"
Is this "the new desktop thread"?
what is that buldge?
All you losers just copy each other.
my terminal has two colourschemes who can beat me
girl's privates down there are not that buldgy
>implying bulges != puffy lips
virgin detected
dont talk about my gf like that baka
>puffy lips
lips that puffy people usually call swollen and they indicate a serious problem that requires immediate medical attention
delet this right now
yes ty
that's not open sans light
it is but with my customized font rendering
>customized font rendering
it's gross desu
its avant-garde ur just to dumb to understand it
a brainlet detected
autism speaks
signatures are against the rules
absolutely btfo
>brainlet detected
I remember when I thought I was super smart because I liked things other people didn't. You're a hipster. Deal with it.
just proving his point even more
but i am super smart
is ironic contrarianism still contrariansim?
is a hot dog a sandwich?
what's the most new sincercity desktop
asking the important questions
Anyone have a good application for this?
haha i win
>taking the bait
don't ever reply to my posts again
don't tell me what to not do
can i have some yous too
me too please
free (You)'s for everyone!
thank (You)!
/lgbt/ was a fucking mistake.
I like colours
damn I wish I had a cute ass like that