Why does Sup Forums treat smartphones as worthless...

why does Sup Forums treat smartphones as worthless? you constantly rip on them and say they should only be used as phones when they're computers with telephony capabilities

why is this?

Sure they can be used for a lot, but they suck at it.

I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with my life, dropped out of school 4 times and now going back as a compsci want to learn cyber security but wtf, I also want to become an actor, musician comedian, writer, fucking many things.

they are uncomfortable for anything serious
and i don't actually need to turn on/off my lamps by using/speaking to my phone...
it's just a toy, really


Please, delet.

become a fag and contract the AIDS virus

they are literally designed for finger picking and thumb typing how can any professional/power user take that seriously without bursting into laughter? it's designed for unwashed people to browse youtube and pay for stupid useless novelty apps, a literal gimmick phone ad-on that went out of control because people don't yet understand that gimping your ability to multitask actually costs you more time in the end

they are artificially castrated computers that make nearly anything that doesn't involve consuming very hard

do they? what about the moto Sup Forums for example?

smartphones (and some apps) can be really useful, though the vast majority are just gimmicks and there used to be a lot of stupid hype around smartphones/apps that the reality of playing fruit ninja on a screen the size of your palm doesn't really live up to. also the high end smartphones that the big brands try to shill seem pretty useless to me. the only use for that much processing power in a phone would be games but anyone serious about that has a dedicated device that's much better as a platform, anyways

also the constant superficial sharing, commenting, messaging smartphones encourage by design is cancer imo. people who are always stuck to their smartphones are really frustrating, likewise it's really tedious to wake up to a dozen unread group chat messages in three different messaging apps

You rip on things that are abundant and widely in use.

You cherish things that are rare and hardly in use.

This is human emotion at play, not actual decision making.

If actual rationalization is in play, people would cherish things that are most common.


You should contract a rope to your neck.

>music player
>NFC payments if your phone supports it
>subway tickets, plane tickets etc
there are some legit uses for smartphones imo. some people may dislike ereaders / reading on your phone but i don't really care if i'm holding a book or a phone, and that way i dont need a backpack or anything, shit i dont even have a purse on me most days. i like how it reduces the need to carry extra shit around

Youre missing the point where they are dead ass simple, so people can browse facebook without bursting a blood vesle.

they're only good for reading epubs and looking at a map on the go if you have a signal. they suck at pretty much everything else, and contribute to all the awful current web design practices. wechat in moonland is the only thing that has utilized the platform properly. why have a fucking device with a billion apps installed just because everyone else uses a different app for some stupid shit. do it right once.

>wechat in moonland
whats that?

you first faggot

Smartphones are fantastic little machines.
What OP misunderstands is that it's smartphone users that are worthless. Their vapid and idiotic desires are represented in the software developed for these wirelessly networked supermachines, and so smartphones are just reddit and facebook machines to 99% of people who are used by smartphones.

this was a very euphoric post.

Install terminus for a pocket shell with full functionality. It even has apk and many useful packages, everything from emacs to clang to ssh. Get "hacker's keyboard" or something similar and you're good to go.

Other than that phones are great for music (commuters agree), maps & navigation, ebook/le chinese comics reading, youtube, social apps (yes, some of us actually have a life), messaging (from texts to irc to stuff like telegram, you name it), watching shows or animu on the go, pocket calculator, nowadays even contact payment devices, not to mention being great cameras that you have on you at all times.

Honestly, these things are super useful, only reason you could hate on them is their privacy/security issues or if you're being a massive edgelord.

Has apt* derp.

And it's actually called "termux" lol. Shit I'm tired today.

Because modern smartphones are entirely limited by what the OEMs and carriers allow you to do with them. It's a computer you don't entirely own and don't have total control over because the jews won't let you

>>NFC payments if your phone supports it
>>subway tickets, plane tickets etc
Two botnets, and a way to go blind. Nice!

This is true, that's why we need to push harder for openness and custom ROM support. OnePlus is taking the right steps here, by allowing root without voiding warranty, as is HTC, partially.

>why is this?
Why is what, that you are literally retarded? Ask your parents.

>shit i dont even have a purse on me most days

Smartphones are great for my UG hentai apps. To make it even better experience, they are now waterproof so you can even cum on your phone while watching hentai of your choice.

Whatever floats your goat m8.


>Install terminus
Oh wow, a terminal for ants.

>great for music
so is a DAP.

>maps & navigation
Just look at a map or read a street sign.

>ebook/le chinese comics reading
Enjoy your eye cancer.

>social apps
>some of us actually have a life
Your social life consists of talking to people online?

I bet you have a PC already, so a smartphone isn't needed.

>watching shows or animu on the go
Try just thinking when you're travelling.

> pocket calculator
Costs like £1

>contact payment
What is a wallet?

>great cameras
Just use your eyes, cut out the middle man. Use words to describe the things you see to people. Words are amazing.

So, according to you I'd need to carry around:
> a larger screen for using a terminal, let's assume a laptop
> a DAP
> a map
> a PC to carry around (+1 on laptop)
> a brain (comes as standard issue for some, I forget mine sometimes)
> a pocket calculator
> a normal camera (you said use your eyes, but if I gotta copy a few pages of a college's notes i ain't spending half an hour doing it by hand)

Think I'll just use my phone, thanks.

Oh yeah, AND a book cause eye cancer. Or comics... Can I just substitute in a Kindle or something? Buying those in paper is bloody expensive.

>do I fit in yet guise
just tie the noose already

>Listening to Sup Forums
Sup Forums is the hipster that uses sansa clips in 2017 for music, overpriced simple phones for texting and calling, gpd win for internet and iphone as a fashion accessory.
Just do whatever you want, Sup Forums is not one person but being salty on an no identity goat milking forums is easy

>NFC is a botnet.
I don't think you even understand what NFC is.

No, it's botnot. Use cash, not a gps beacon recording the time and exact position you are when spending a quid.

This. Doing anything on a smartphone is the most bullshit tedious thing I do that day.

> a larger screen for using a terminal
what are you using a terminal for that you wouldn't be using a PC for anyway?

>a DAP
You don't need to carry it around. You can plug it in to your speaker system, or leave it on a table next to your listening chair, along with your headphones.

> a map
Are sheets of paper too heavy for you? You could just look at the map before you go somewhere new. It takes about 30 seconds to get used to a layout.

> a PC to carry around (+1 on laptop)
You don't need to be at a computer 24/7. If you need to use a computer, walk up to the desk and sit down to do your work.

> a pocket calculator
If you need to do a lot of calculations then it's no problem to carry one around.

You have overdosed on technology, and reduced your ability to experience regular human interaction. Rethink your life.

I am only productive on my desktop i can't even effectively use a laptop let alone a cellphone. The computer is the ultimate tool and an extension of my knowledge base. Not having a full size keyboard mouse and two screens literally closes off a part of its utility. It closes off a part of myself and limits me. Its like at the movies when part of the screen is covered prior to the movie starting but the screen is my brain and not having a full computer boxes my mind in.

iPhone 6 did it before

No innovation and they hold their value less than cars. Mobile carriers are trying to rape you while updates render your phone obsolete. Their life span is less than 2 years despite being so expensive

It has alot to do with age, and transition from an older desktop pc Lan culture to today's excuse of a scene.

If you have a phone on you, you're being tracked anyways.

Same with a credit card. Or card. Or house. Or bank account

Only fat hipster autists say that.

Is this a metaphor?

I can't speak for the rest of the human sewage here, but I think they're a useful resource, they're just no substitute for a proper computer. If a cellphone is all you need for everyday use, you're probably doing nothing of worth.

Because everything they do, a real computer does better.

I hate smart phones with a passion.
It's mostly the shit battery that makes them unbearable. The shit needs to be plugged in constantly else it'll be dead in 1 day. Forget playing games or watching videos. That shit will be dead in 3 hours.

On the other hand, my dumb phone lasts 2 weeks without being charged.

In any case, I really dont understand the appeal behind them. The only time I ever even touch my phone is when I'm trying to look busy.

My car has its own GPS.
I got my own dash cam.
My $3k desktop handles anything computer related.

Literally only need my phone for calling people, and thats all they should be for

The illness known as AIDS is caused by a virus. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to refer to that virus as the AIDS virus, even if it has another name.

I think smart phones are really popular with nigs and shit because they do not own desktops or even a laptop/tablet, so their phone is the only way they can even connect to the internet.

Of course. Especially when they get the phone for free.

They're just overrated by normies who've only ever bought a macbook or a $300 laptop from best buy. Phone's ability to be a jack of all trades and completely shitty at most of them is twisting normie's perceptions of how to be productive. I've run into instances where people try and collaborate on projects (this was when I was in school) through shit like what's app and facebook messenger. Not just using it for chatting either, like sending files back and forth, and shit like that. It was fucking horrendous.

because software developers for phones treat users like cattle in just about every way, and now that shit is starting to leak onto PC

Sadly at least the way that I see things the more useful technology gets pushed aside in lieu of convenience. That convenience castrate any of the applications I could've actually use the cell phone for. For the most part I'd rather have dedicated devices towards most things, such as a dedicated GPS a dedicated music player a dedicated phone, that way I'm not running out a singular battery across 3 use cases for devices, I mean if my music player dies shit might suck for a few hours but I'm not without a map oh shit I was using my GPS and my battery died now I got in an accident and 911 is not able to be called, all fuck me there is no outlet that I can plug my phone into I can't go there anymore because I need to constantly be plugged into a wall so my shit doesn't die.

You want to call android a real operating system, give me real applications. I've had this idea for a while that I could possibly replace most mobile devices with the cell phone, but no one allows me to do that. I mean a cell phone has the power inside of it to power pretty much anything I want to use on the go, but the cell phone screen is so fucking small that it's not a viable option for out of hand use. Allow me to plug it into the back of 15-17 inch laptop shell and there we go. Allow for an actual operating system set of android words optimize completely for touch and I could see it being a viable option. But as of right now no one allows me to do that. But as of right now no one allows me to do that

the screen is too small and the touch interface is too shitty to do anything productive on it

You are an absolute faggot

Because the only good part about them is a few years after model's release you can get a more powerful rpi for the same price and it comes with a screen. If you need a mobile computer just get some 13" device with the largest battery. The only time a smartphone is useful is when you're going on a trip and don't need to work during it.


No good interface, simply as that. Without a keyboard and a screen that can display any amount of information without needing a microscope to view it, all a phone is good for is watching Youtube vidyas, and even there a laptop is better.

You should make a tweet about how much of a faggot user is and send a snapchat to that one friend who looks at your story but never replies directly.