Using iPhone instead of Android™

>Using iPhone instead of Androidâ„¢


how is that file explorer working for you

>people use things that i don't like!!


Because some people dont care. They just want the latest trendy fashion phone that werks. Or something that their kids like
I myself am a power user like most of Sup Forums and I like technology so I love to have full control of my devices and bend them to how I a user like it. So in reality stop insulting each other pick one that werks for you and shut up

>Literally paying more to get less functionality

>stop insulting each other


some people dont give a fuck
they just want "mah fashion accesory"
just enjoy your Andriodâ„¢ device and stop think about casual normalfags.
Or is it you want attention? do you feel like a special snowflake because you have something most of society does not prefer?
am I wrong?

And do you think I am a iphone user?
I have a Galaxy S7

Most people are just locked into whatever ecosystem at this point. I've considered an iphone but I don't want to switch all my bullshit to apple accounts, and if I was on an iphone i wouldnt want to do the same for google.

Have you seen a normie-owned Android phone after several months of use? They look exactly like your aunt's PC with the 20 IE toolbars and malware apps. Ads popping up all over the place, it's garbage.

Don't give normies devices that allow them to do anything

Dunno I know a normie dude from my school who gets chicks and plays footy and he has a S5 for 3 years and when I used it it was smooth even when loaded with football apps
what gives?

After my iPhone 4s I tried a Sony xperia compact. Jesus... Android is a complete disaster. Lags, bugs, google aids, muh privacy. Glad I'm back on an iPhone now.

>not Samsung
>not moto
>not LG
>not oneplus
>not oppo
>not NEXUS

>mass storage
The iwhatever used for filetransfer is a bloated crap.

Icloud? itunes?
anything cloud based is shit either a HDD on a PC and internal storage+ MicroSD for phone
fucking applekeks

Poorfags wanna fell rich!

+4-5 year support on iOS, which means timely security updates whereas with Android it's Russian roulette if you will get updates past 1 year.
+encryption of phone works, on Android it's again a Russian roulette.
+higher quality of apps
+iPhones are expensive but second hand/refurbished iPhones are somewhat affordable

people are free to use whatever the fuck they want.
What I don't understand is seeing people who pay 700$ for a fucking phone.

imessage/sms forwarding
desktop calls

I hope Android has the same features one day with Fuchsia.

It's pretty much this.
iOS will suit just fine for people that just want the basic functionality of a phone.

they fell for the meme.

> tfw not intelligent enough 2 use android.

Privacy, security and it works great when you got MacOS. Like I do.

It has all the functionality I need and none of the Android headaches.

My android phone broke (battery died i guess, it just doesn't charge anymore)
Got an used iPhone 5s with shitty battery life (lasts like 1-2hr of usage) for free from my mother.

iOS is actually lightyears ahead of android in many ways for example in terms of app design consistency.

I used to prefer android before because 'muh root, customization and piracy'

After a month or two of using iPhone i've realized that my phone just actually works and I don't need to jailbreak it and install 10+ apps to make it usable.