Why would anyone use Firefox anyway?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this image
Because Firefox is the best Browser.
Underageb&s really doesn't remember the Browser Wars, huh?
because I want to do at least a little bit about this shitty botnet and I don't give a damn about speed
Version for Android (which is, btw, the most popular OS) have such a great built-in music- and video-player... It's just a brilliant.
Also, it's free as a freedom.
nigga is u serious?
But lag-scrolling made me sick. It's impossible to use it for anything but music or video. I have SD820 and 4Gb RAM for a minute. Shit.
>have 4gb ram
>still lag
I still use it.
I still believe in it.
strangely Germany is one of the few countries, where firefox has more marketshare than Chrome for whatever reason
36.7% compared to 14.5% global
this is how almost all feature compability looks like at the moment.
Chrome is the new IE6, lagging behing hard, resting on their market share.
Servo can't come fast enough.
what the fuck does this even mean?
the krauts enjoy anything that can be compared to smearing shit all over their chests
Germany is full of cucks. Have you been living under a rock?
By this chart....
Chrome still wins.
Then firefox?
Then Safari?
Then Opera
The only people left using firecuck at this point is GNUmales/SJW types. What a time to be alive.
How to read caniuse charts for chromelets:
red: feature unsupported
green with prefix icon: special snowflake
green: feature is supported
What the chart says: The only relevant browsers are Firefox and Chrome, everything else literally doesn't matter and as such, OPs picture is wrong.
Supports plugins on android
It's interesting that in OP's image the browsers are sorted by how much advertising they each got.
>Falling for bait
how are you a cuck for using firefox.
Anyway germans arent cucks just dumb enough to belive that merkel is actually conservative
Is there a good/recommended proxy addon for firefox? I already have a paid VPN but I want additional layer.
I don't care if proxies are spying on activity, I just care that addon itself is not botnet.
But you do understand that this meme is used ironically, so the worst solution is at the bottom..?
I only use TOR