>he doesn't own a mouse bungee
lol what are you? POOR?
>he doesn't own a mouse bungee
lol what are you? POOR?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would I pay money for something I have already done for free?
>confirmed for poorfag
post results, i bet it looks like shit
>bet it looks like shit
Just like your acne filled face.
Pic related, average """mouse bungee""" user
>he doesn't own a wireless mouse
Why even live you cheap poor sad fuck?
>posting razer endorsed loser
brah, just buy it off ebay. it's 5 dollars
>those cargo pants
I can sell you bag of shit for 5 dollars.
no thanks, pajeet
>wireless mouse
enjoy your input lag
lol what are you? POOR?
You fags hate it because it's associated with games and you've internalized an irrational hatred of video games as part of your anonymous internet persona, and find it important to virtue signal your committment to that identity to other anonymous internet personas
In objective reality, a mous bungee prevents the weight of the cord hanging off your desk cord from tugging on your mouse or making it harder to move one direction than the other, and prevents wear on the cord where it drops down. It's a small quality of life improvement that doesn't wear out or break
the fuck are these?
Looks like a land anchor for a winch
Is it to keep your mouse cord from snagging on the table or something?
Kind of a neat idea but doesn't seem super necessary unless you have an expensive mouse you want to keep in pristine condition.
>mouse bungee
another solution in search of a problem
I don't need one since my mouse doesn't have a braided cable. Its funny how they intentionally design product to have a flaw and then offer a direct solution to it, making you pay more.
>Buy IOGEAR chink cable riser
>Plastidip black
>its worth $19 now.
fuck off gamer faggot
it looks like a deformed dildo/buttplug
either way a hole in my display's stand works just like this shit
It's like this industry is totally not run by jews whose only concern is how to milk money out of retarded children (or rather their parents) while selling literal chink garbage.
Entire concept of mouse bungee is mindblowing, like what the fuck, do you expect it to magically increase your gayme aiming skills because now mouse cable is not creating friction? Who the fuck cares. Only people who fall for this shit are literal autists and deluded gaymer kids.
My desk is big enough that the entire length of my mouse cord is resting on my desk.
There's nothing wrong with selling junk to people that want to buy it. You have the true poorfag attitude here.
I have a wireless mouse. Stick your bungee up your ass, kike.
I bet those electronics cost a lot and yet he uses a desk that looks super uncomfortable.
>people still use wired mice
He doesn't even have a mouse bungee lol
Well, there are things wrong with it, that doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't do it though.
>You have the true poorfag attitude here
You lost me there. Not being dumb enough to fall for jewish money making tactics is related to poorfaggotry now? I have enough disposable income to afford whatever bungies or other stupid gaymer shirt I want, that doesn't mean I don't find it retarded, neither does it mean that I'm going to.
I don't really give 2 shits about people making money on retards, but I would prefer people who are dumb enough to fall for shit like this stay away from this board.
I don't do wireless anything except wifi. When it works its great, when it doesn't you wish you had a cord.
No, I'm not. And that means I know better than to waste my money on useless shit.
I just use one of these, stick it to the bottom or back of your desk (out of site), cinch the tie strap down enough to be snug, but not so tight that you can't adjust it.
You don't know what virtue signaling is stop copying Joe Rogan you fucking retard.
cable risers inhibit movement more than without one
the best solution is as skinny and flexable of a cable as possible. some people strip the cover off their mouse cable
does it support wireless mouses?
That shit is so pointless. I have had the same piece of tape on the edge of my desk for a year and it functions exactly the same for basically free. And doesn't take up desk space.
Holy kek. I understand being a fan of a particular brand but this is sheer insanity. That money would be better spent on proactive
What's wrong with cargo shorts? They're super handy.
Y'all realize he's pro and sponsored by Razer right
I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!
Pro what? Shill?
get on my level
Pro Overwatch player.
I use a trackball.
Guess I shouldn't be surprised they still make these; got a couple of the late '90s ones sitting around. If I went back to a wired mouse I'd use it again. Wouldn't pay 20 for one but for 5 or 10 bucks they do help keep the cord from dragging.
I can't believe e sports is a thing. It's something I never imagined in 2002 when I built my first computer. It makes sense though. I am a bit jealous that I suck at anything multiplayer and can't earn sweet shekels from it.
>not just taping the side of your monitor
That's hideous
Wtf? I have this on my desk right now and ever knew that was what it is for - bought it used and it obviously doesn't have the zip tie through it anymore, haha
how exactly is it hideous? it does the job way better than buying a damn bungee
They're adhesive tie wrap mounts, I have a bunch of them for hiding cables on the bottom of my desk, and under my desk to keep the mouse cable from falling down and dragging.
>3 mice
>2 machines
What in gods name
Not making your own
lol what are you ? DUMB ?
>yank mouse
>monitor flies into the abyss taking everything on my desk with it.
Input lag:
A: hasn't been an appreciable difference in any reputable branded mouse in like, 2 years.
B: only matters in faggy eSports games like CS:Go.
confirmed poorfag for not having a proper wireless mouse.
>not using a wireless trackball
>2005 + anything
Pick one.
You're using your mouse wrong.
>he doesn't tape his mouse cable
>not wrapping the cable once (1 time) around the neck of the monitor
I stuck it under the side of the cardboard box holding my monitor, works really well
I don't need a mouse bungee. What the fuck is this thing even supposed to prevent? It's a device that is solid proof people are stupid and will buy anything.
Mouse bungees are useless.
They stop the cord from dragging on the table when moving the mouse. You folks are awful quick to assume something is useless or stupid just because you don't see a need for it. Also you type like angry children.
>has to plug his mouse in every time he's done using it
These are the batteries that came with the mouse when I bought it 14 months ago.
Christ. How shit is your polling rate?
Terry plays Overwatch?
128Hz according to
literally suicide for you mouse
How? It's a braided cable, I got the mouse for 40 euro two years ago, it's still holding up fine
>having extra weight in his mouse
>not having a perfectly balanced mouse that has been folded over 9000 times
>Having you deskTOP UNDER the desk
>needing all these gimmicks
You fucking retards have been doing it wrong all along. If you used your deskTOP the right way then this would of never been even necessary.
show pics
I use a trackball.....
what the fuck is the point of this contraption
just put a mug or something on your mouse cable to keep it from falling behind the desk, problem solved