My laptop died and won't turn on and I have a 200 word essay due in 3 days. Wat do?

My laptop died and won't turn on and I have a 200 word essay due in 3 days. Wat do?

Go to the library.

>200 words
write it on paper you fucking pleb

>200 word essay
Are you in the 5th grade?
also, what this guy said

>200 word essay due in three days
>200 word
CRACKER SHIT DICK that is easy

>200 word.
Literally grade 6 exam.

Restore your garage essay from a backup.

I was going to buy this laptop but then I saw the awful arrow key layout. Glad I didn't.

>200 word essay
>3 days

OH NO!!! !11!!!
wtf dude 200 words is literally nothing

>200 word
Nigga that's a fucking Sup Forums shitpost

You can type a 200 word essay on your phone. I've typed 3000 words yelling at people in text-messing in the last hour. If I can do it, so can you.

>200 word
fucking write with your hand. this is like what, 1 page written? maybe 2 pages?

is this bait?

>Guys, I have basic arithmetic homework due in 3 days and my abacus broke

Look at this guy! 200 word essay? How old is he? LMAO xD


>My laptop died and won't turn on and I have a 200 word essay due in 3 days. Wat do?

well, you're already 10% done, so might as well keep on shitposting, and by the time the thread dies you'll have your essay ready.

some asshole stole my pc at 8pm and I had to rewrite my 2100 word essay before midnight.

Hello Sup Forums

I'm just reminding you that you're all autistic newfags and this is a containment board.

You can type that in 3 texts. Literally nothing pls be joking

>200 word essay
just tell us what grade your in so you can get an underage b&

If you post your address here ill send you an old netbook i have

Text # private01739916# at the begining of the post (no spaces, all together) so you send it just to me ;)

>Every retard in this thread who can't tell that if it's legitimate it's obviously a typo

user thinks its anons fault that OP mistyped his shit and never corrected it

Use the cloud. It just werks

It's an old joke holy fuck

Unlike half the people in this thread apparently

Remove the HDD from your laptop and put it into some other computer. Rocket science, everyone.

200 word essay lol, some of my posts are longer than that shit

that's nothing op, i have a 350 word essay due tomorrow and i haven't even started

We have an edit function for a reason.

>no fun allowed.
Also anyone who gets assignments where they care about the minimum length of the hand in is obviously still a child.