Another one bites the JUST

>Mark Pincus, the billionaire Zynga founder and early Facebook and Twitter investor, is embroiled in what could be a wildly expensive Silicon Valley divorce.

His beautiful wife, Alison Gelb Pincus, the co-founder of One Kings Lane, which sold to Bed Bath & Beyond for $30 million last year, has filed for divorce in San Francisco, citing “irreconcilable differences,” and is asking the court to nullify their prenup.

The tech power couple has been married for nearly nine years and has three young children. Mark founded Zynga in 2007, a year before they married in 2008. Within four years, Zynga grew to a $1 billion company. He is now worth $1.28 billion.

>His estranged wife Ali is involved withhellomazel.comand on the board of San Francisco’s Contemporary Jewish Museum.

Hope it happens to Musk next, that guy is a fucking moron if I ever saw one

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want think i know is when you're successful you don't get married.

>not having a preenup

fucking idiots

>asking to nullify the prenup

Judge can toss the prenup out if she thinks it's unfair.

You actually have special kind of marriages these days with regulations which don't fuck you or your partner over when getting divorced.

Prenups a snake oil. I could help if you're a poor piece of shit but if you got a lot of a money and the judge thinks your wife deserves your money, they treat the prenup like toilet paper.

read it again dumbshit

>asking the court to nullify their prenup.

>You actually have special kind of marriages these days with regulations which don't fuck you or your partner over when getting divorced.
Can be overruled, especially in places like California.

What is the point of a prenup if courts can just toss it if they feel like it?

What's the point of marriage?

The point is don't get married in California

>beautiful wife
she's a literal 3 on a good day...

There is no point. Women figured out how to enslave men by inventing the love meme and weak minded men keep falling for it hook line and sinker.

For women? Everything.
For men? Nothing. Literally no benefits whatsoever these days.

>March 30
>not technology

Damn you're right, better go back to posting fifty threads with screenshots of our anime wallpapers and conky configs

Less taxes. If you're single and make 100k a year the government takes 30k. If you're married the government takes 20k

>getting married when your net worth is more than 4 figures

>His beautiful wife, Alison Gelb Pincus
What did they mean by this?

>current year
>getting married
It's actually easier to murder your wife than it is to get a divorce.

California is actually one of the states where it is least likely to be overruled because it is treated as a contract which the judge cannot simply brush to the side and must follow unless they can make it fit into one of the very few exceptions.

The other states are far more dangerous because the judge is given almost total discretion to decide how to split all the money and doesn't have to follow the prenup.

California is a shit hole for many other reasons but prenups is not one of them.

the jews trick even themselves, irony

Sounds like he fucked up and did something that she got really pissed about. At 9 years and 3 kids this isn't a marry'n'dump thing like all the other rich losers, like Depp.

>he fucked up
Yeah, he married while he was rich.

Doesn't commiefornia allow same-sex marriage? Just marry your best friend. You both save taxes.

He has enough money to pay someone to stage his wife's suicide, what the fuck is he thinking? Did he got attached to this golddigger?

>asking the court to nullify their prenup

I know prenups often get thrown out but it's real scummy that she agreed to sign one and now wants to go back on her word because he's rich.

and yet there are women still so self absorbed they're "marrying" themselves these days
even worse than mgtow

Get married in New Zealand

You cannot get legally divorced there unless you have a residence there and other countries cannot divorce you due to international law.

Personally, I prefer keeping my hand as a fuckbuddy

Yeah just don't think about it too much

>The divorce paperwork also reveals that Alison, 42, plans to challenge the prenup, given that his net worth skyrocketed during their marriage. Another source adds that Mark, 51, was already wealthy going into their union. Despite this, the papers filed with San Francisco County Superior Court reveal he isn’t willing to pay her attorney fees.

she sold her company for $30 million, she should have plenty for lawyers. He shouldn't have to pay so she can hire the worst of the worst scum to manipulate the courts against his favor. It's not called being difficult it's called not being a fucking cuck

does your other hand feel neglected?

This, isn't the whole fucking point of a prenup to avoid this kind of bullshit?

Kek. Reminds me of this:

>More than three years after Steve Jobs passed away, it seems that his widow Laurene Powell has found love again.

>The 51-year-old billionaire business exec was seen enjoying a Caribbean vacation with former Washington D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, 44, this weekend.

>The pair looked at ease as they laughed together aboard a luxury yacht from the Cayman Islands, cooled off in their swimsuits and got close on the sun loungers, before sharing a meal with friends.

>The couple was first rumored to be dating in the summer of 2013 but these are among the first photos of their budding romance.

Do not insult elon musk!

Wait, why is 2013 important?

It's not.

Prenuptial agreement, also referred to in the OP
>and is asking the court to nullify their prenup.

Or she caught communications from the escort tranny dominatrix that fucks him in the ass.

>CAPTCHA: peagna calle
>peg call


To provide a stable two-parent environment for the rearing of children, so people can have sex without it being fornication, and to model the relationship between Christ and the church (doesn't really work if codify no-fault divorce and remarriage into law though).

Would you have married her Sup Forums?

You shouldn't even pay attention to women, the only winning move is to not play.

Yeah that's hard to do if you're not gay or had your sex drive rekt by too much estrogen.

>t. mgtow redditor

>have marriage ceremony
>don't legally register as married

Wow, that was hard.

The only real legit reason is children. Plenty of people find it irresistible to want to have kids by their 40s. It's obviously a non issue in your 20s.

What's so hard about it? Just don't have any female friends and only talk to women if it's work related. Not that hard at all.

Have you ever had sex with a woman?

I'm taking my own advice, so no. And I don't plan to do it ever.

I figured. It's a lot harder to have that attitude when you've had it. Not even trying to be condescending; I was in the same place until I lost my virginity.

or she wants half of his money plain and simple
>b-but they were in love for so long XD
back to faggit

did you even read the OP you fucking retard

Have these guys never heard of tragic boating accidents?

>Asking the court to nullify their previous prenup


I know that having sex can change things, but I'm lucky and no woman ever wanted me, so I think I'm safe. But I still don't think you can't just remove women from your life even after you've had sex, as long as you don't relapse and, you should be fine. Go without something for a long time and eventually the need for it will die out.

He missed the timing on that one. You do that before she goes to the court. Now it's a good way to get yourself 25 years jail time even with zero evidence just because the jury will say it was totally you.

>Plenty of people find it irresistible to want to have kids by their 40s. It's obviously a non issue in your 20s.

Having kids is a non-issue in your 20s, but if you are a woman at age 40 and did not have a kid before, then you'll have complications.

>"asking the court to nullify their prenup."

Whelp, never getting married.

Literally the plot to a shitty Adam Sandler movie

Here in Italy they recently made it so alimony only has to ensure survival of the spouse (so about 1000 Euros a month), and not standard of living, so if she's in health and able to work she gets basically nothing.

You just keep appealing until you get to the point where evidence really matters. It'll still be way cheaper than paying her.

Yeah, like maebe bye tha bitch a fawkin rock coat or sumtin.

>ITT butthurt over equality

>What's the point of marriage?

It was the cornerstone of civilization, until cultural marxism turned into the abomination it's today.

It's this: as well as enforcing sexual equality in society so most men have a shot at reproduction and don't turn into neets or become violent thugs.

Amusingly, feminists are all for equality everywhere else. The moment you even mention anything about "well what about sexual equality" they fly into a rage.

>make contract that ensures that in a divorce, no party will be fucked over (financially)
>wife can nullify it because she'd get a shitload of money

implying a CA judge won't find anyway possible to screw over the billionaire for the wife. CA is home to the most activist based judges in the US. unless he trys to make backroom deals to hand over large quantities of cash to these judges and democrat politicians in the state, it will be a very high chance that the judge will do whatever possible to fuck him over.

>as well as enforcing sexual equality in society so most men have a shot at reproduction and don't turn into neets or become violent thugs.
I'm sorry what? How is it equality when women have always chosen their partners? It was never the other way around. The one with the biggest cock/car/wallet always wins, this is called natural selection. Not everyone has a shot at reproduction, some people have inferior genes because of various mutations and their genes aren't supposed to be passed down.


You gotta mix things up once in a while. Try using the mouse left handed and all.

>I don't know what common law marriage is

I don't want to get married because 99% of women are fucking hideous to me. I don't know how you beta males can settle


JUST has a new king.

>on Sup Forums

kek stop roleplaying user

We have equality at my current job.
Like a real meriticracy. I've seen girl getting a disciplinary action for a harassment (she laughed and mocked a fat bloke during the heated argument about new server grid structure).
It's amusing though, how few females are holding the top positions. Those who do, however are 100% competent and insanely professional.

What did she say at the bloke?

That's what happens when you watch porn every day.

This, try not watching porn for a week

Rather lose the 10k if it means I stay unjusted