What is a rational, real reason to use anything other than pic related?

what is a rational, real reason to use anything other than pic related?

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Deluge better integrates with GNOME.


There are a couple, like if you don't require UI, or need something with a smaller footprint like transmission, or need a daemon. Bitorrent clients have very good open-source alternatives to choose from.

That's your problem. I'd rather use Windblows than downgrade to Gnome desktop

qbitorrent 3.3.10 works perfectly, and i get higher speeds than in Deluge

You can use Gtk without GNOME shell.

you want to use official software that has better speeds

Transmission has had proper headless mode for longer, so I stuck with it. Also the default Web UI is cleaner.

because it is utter shit

it used to have a nice labelling system, but they retconned it in ver3

So it pulled all your files from the labelled folders and dropped it into the home directory.

if you had files spread across different drives, then good fucking luck because all of them are gonna get migrated to the current dl directory.

What a clusterfuck of a piece of shit.

Then there is the qstalled problem.

Fuck this shit, get deluge.

If you don't want the search function, is there a rational, real reason to use it?
Search function is wonderful though.

>stalled meme
I must be blessed to have had 0 issues on 3 operating systems.

just use deluge desu

No blocklist autoupdate

but that doesn't happen

torrent search? basically the only reason

>1kb/s connection in 2017

ITT people parroting le stalled maymay

uTorrent (Because I know how to turn off ads and it's a very small program and it looks better than Transmission.)

Transmission because I got it to work with dark theme.

i had trouble seeding consistently on my seedbox with it. deluge works better on a pi


the whole "stalled" shit is a meme. Even when it happens, it is barely noticeable, and won't persist for more than 1-2 sec.
Deluge could be considered, but I like qBt more.

We're not talking about Spitfires

The search function is fantastic, if there was another client with such features I would give it a try.

A headless seedbox would do better with rtorrent.

>what is a rational, real reason to use anything other than pic related?
libtorrent-rasterbar is garbage.

>S T A L L E D

I still use it but having to defrag torrents mid download is getting real old, fast. (Yes on a drive nearly out of space...)

Transmission exists.

>default client on debian

>using Windows

Transmission-Qt is simple and integrates well to the one true Desktop Environment (KDE Plasma).

None because everything I need is supplied by Google.

>tfw you realize you're smarter than everyone suggesting Deluge instead of based qbittorrent
>tfw you realize you're smarter than everyone posting the word "stalled"

Deluge is simply nicer.
Do you need other reasons?

thanks moot

Um let me guess... because utorrent is a 100 times better and doesn't have any relevant competition since 10 years ? Same for VLC compared to MPC, but the best programs are always "too mainstream" for you niggers from Sup Forums

another day another torrent client thread

just install transmission and be done

Forgets where my downloads folder is every time I update, and sometimes reserves a lot of disk space for files I've told it not to download.

See this One too many times

Client that delivers exploits straight to your desktop is better? Good joke. Bitcoin miner wasn't enough, having malicious ads wasn't enough. What will be enough to make utorrent zealots give up on their garbage client?

A better option. Alas, there isn't one that even comes close.

I'm sure there isn't a better option available than having malicious software installed on your computer while you're away. It takes delusion to arrive at that position.

Been running uTorrent 2.2.1 for 2 years straight on this installation with no issues. How many versions of your client have you gone through?


This guy gets it.

Basically if you guys are so smart just make a good client. There IS money to make. Qbt, transmission, deluge unfortunately just SUCK ASS

Oh sorry I thought you were serious for a second. 2.2.1 is garbage. 3.5 would be okay if it wasn't an insecure ad infested piece of shit.

>2.2.1 is garbage

6 years and not a single exploit found. It'll max your connection all day long. All while taking almost no RAM, CPU, and disk space.
It's pretty much perfect.

>He thinks I'm Moot

16MB/s upload speed? Sorry, I can't display that.
Want to have a decent UI and any features? Nope, not happening. WebUI on it is trash too.
Who cares about exploits? Remote exploits that are actually utilized without user intervention are uncommon as fuck. A decent torrent client would be nice. One which has more features than a client from 2005.

Every other torrent client tries to copy uTorrent's UI for a reason.

rtorrent if you actually care about long term seeding with thousands of torrents, if not use deluge

>just make a good client
Why would I reinvent the wheel when I can use Transmission or rTorrent?

>doesn't work properly out of the box
>requires IT degree to make it somewhat useful
2.2.1 master rice.

>muh magnet exploit
Magents are for retards.



When will they fix qbitorrent memory leaks on windows?

i don't understand this "stalled" meme. never had anything like that

no server-client version, deluge is better

Deluge is at least 50% lighter in memory size.

Who the fuck started this shit meme

>ram usage
Top lel poorfag


Using uTorrent 3.5
It still has superior peer management and great performance despite being "bloated". Only takes a few minutes to turn off most ads. Don't give a shit about "upgrade" and "game store" buttons.
Also qBit devs are shitty. Oh, we can have this feature in our client but libtorrent doesn't have it out of the box so we won't bother developing it, deal with it.
New version of Deluge looks somewhat promising but it will probably come in like 10 years with the current development speed.