>"linux has no games"
>"i use windows for gaming"
Alright lets nip this bullshit at the bud, what are great FREE games on linux?
>"linux has no games"
>"i use windows for gaming"
Alright lets nip this bullshit at the bud, what are great FREE games on linux?
Other urls found in this thread:
>on linux
pick two
sauerbaten or w/e is the only one worth mentioning
Go to steam. Go to the linux/steam os section. Filter by free to play.
Your welcome
Do you still want to throw die on "I have no autism mom" ?
Linuxfags will defend this!
Battle for Wesnoth
you can pick three if you like older titles
Install Doom source port of your choice, download WADs from /vr/ Doom thread and you're good to go.
Also OpenMW for Morrowind.
This or Xonotic. My friends and I love Xonotic at our LANs
>not brutal doom
is there good xonotic sinlgeplayer?
em.. yeah, doom sourceports work
and openspades
and openrct2
rvgl makes revolt playable on lonox
anything based on hl2 should on lanex, lik transmissions element 120 or black mesa
and DOOM 2016 vulkan works better through wine than on windows from what i've heard
stick to windows
0 AD
>log into most any
Gaming on Linux is still a joke. Sure, there are a few hundred games that will run in Linux, but they're mostly garbage, or run like garbage. It's like people that claim to have doom running on a fridge: it starts, and doesn't end unintentionally, but the experience is awful and far from enjoyable outside of the novelty of it.
The contrarian spergs will deny it, but even they know I'm right on this.
Check out /vr/ you can play tons old games on Linux with emulators.
Linux will never succeed on desktop until Johnny dipshit can go into the store with his mom, buy any software, install it, and have it justwerk(tm) . (yes, BUY software you greasy neet)
Same with downloading installers. It literally can't be any more than download>install>run
Yes, Linux has games. But using Linux as a gaming platform is simply retarded, 'cause the limited number of titles available for it.
If you want to game, you use Windows, and that's it.
>Same with downloading installers. It literally can't be any more than download>install>run
That's already easier than windows.
sudo apt-get install whateverthefuckyawant
>buying software in a store
Have you opened Steam on Linux lately? Sure a lot of the available stuff is indie games, but there really are a lot of them supported on Linux now. Even Rocket League works on Linux.
Nearly half of my Steam library is available on Linux. It's kind of insane desu. Way more games than just a couple of years ago.
And beyond that, most installable Linux software is going to be packaged for your distro's package manager or will have an install.sh or run.sh. Not exactly complex, in most cases you can double click the same way you run in windows.
It's harder to install software on a mac you dunces.
I have and I think the progress made is great, but there's so much more to do. Performance is severely lacking compared to windows versions of the same games
oolite - elite clone - community driven
simutrans - transporsim - community driven
openRa - c&c clone - community driven
Nigger try explaining a command line to any normie that isn't 50+ (who may have used DOS and the like)
Gl and hf
>click the [TERMINAL] icon
>type that in
>type in your password
>Your game is now installed!
What's your favorite pakset?
"But user, I downloaded game dot e x e and when I click it nothing happens!"
Dwarf Fortress is all you need.
Is it even fun? Which visual pack is best?
just apt, user
Any cracked game + VM (with GPU passtrough)
You're welcome
Soldat, how could you forget OP?
Don't you need two GPUs for that to work?
But Linux games are basically only free, which makes this post invalid
>what is steam
Dumb frogposter.
I installed endless sky months ago but haven't played it yet. Any good?
>great on linux
>great free
>free on linux
>on linux free
>on linux great
>games free
And that is just the free games and mostly Linux only (as in not in Winblows)
Those all make sense you autist
underrated post
I fucking love this game and no one knows about it
Dota 2 is pretty good and free on linux.
>tfw good memories of hiding these guys
>not psDooM
mah nigga
Y'all need to try OpenDungeons
>dwarf fortress
>quake 3 (it's free as in freedom)
Damn that looks good
Is it more neverwinter nights (multi) or baldur's gate?
>trash indie games like Tuxracer and freecell copies
Playonlinux and wine, decent compatibility, and will play Windows 9x games more reliably than Windows will.
Other than that, you have indie titles and emulators.
I'm sorry do you want a refund?
Do you remember Dungeon Keeper?
Sick tunes coming through youtube.com
Free Cities is licensed under GPL3+.
It's THAT? brb downloading
No, I want games that aren't trash
Oh I remember this... Do people still play it?
My list would be of free linux games:
Urban terror
Wolfenstein: enemy territory
Dota 2 (if you don't like competitive play, it has great mods)
>DotA 2
Does urban terror have niggers?
Umm, what? DOTA 2 is free to play.
Free to play, not free as in freedom.
Warzone 2100 is great. If you can get past the UI. And the graphics. And the kinda clunky gameplay.
Look, it's Linux. Mediocre is the new black.
are you kidding me with that screenshot
CSGO ran better on linux than on windows for me while playing with bots, while online the FPS counter also showed higher FPS but it felt like 40fps, can't explain. Lots of potential in linux but lack of enough games and adobe software hold it back significantly, that and the inconsistencies in making your own thing, certain things don't communicate well with others and having to spend hours making everything fit together nicely is annoying as hell.
if it hasn't already been mentioned, freeciv
Oh. This is why other languages differentiate between gratis and libre.
Dota 2
>the inconsistencies in making your own thing, certain things don't communicate well with others and having to spend hours making everything fit together nicely is annoying as hell.
What are you talking about? Linux typically plays well with anything due to the prevalence of the Unix philosophy.
>Nobody even mentions Xonotic
Free as in freedom, motherfucker
You do.
It does when you use one of the flavours with out of the box DE
Can we make "Summon Linus" thread to make him make Linux better for games before he dies?
Reply for bumping and OP takes this job.
supertux was okay. it's a super mario clone and it was super easy to replace images. had a blast replacing the main character with a wheelchair in high school
also tux racer is actually fun
We already got teams working on kernel patches for to gayming like Liquorix and with a few more devs it can easily get even more performance, this is going to happen
this game still looks like it looked in 2003
whom rember cube 3?
it's not very appealing to newfriends
yeah but i dont expect much from linux games, visually. the resources just arent there. your best shot as a freetard game designer is just to come up with interesting game mechanics, and i feel tux racer is fun what with all the slipping and jumping around
super tux brothers
>the terminal is for 1337 NEETs only!
says the sperg who cannot derive Maxwell's equations or solve a system of differential equations
you are just as stupid as them
I only play tf2 and second life and these 2 are cross platform.
>second life
i never understood what the appeal is. care to explain? is anyone still actually playing it?
does linux have bad graphic drivers or something?
Install Windows 7.
the drivers aren't really the problem. when i said resources, i meant devs and artists who know what they're doing and are able to initiate and complete a project the size of (even a smaller) blockbuster game. i mean that's a monster of a task
best tileset for openTTD?
its a serf city/settlers clone.
I think if more people knew about linux, that could change things. I watch a lot of game dev docs and they always seem to use windows/mac only. It's funny because unreal and unity can export to linux
apologies for bad english
Learn programming while playing an RTS curry man and white man
Tema fotrses 2
osu! runs perfectly through wine and will soon be foss