How muslim is your country, Sup Forums?

How muslim is your country, Sup Forums?

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Well the Muslims here don't like Shiara law so...

>tfw no muslims

Not very, but when they nearly all live in my city it sometimes feels like I took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in Somalia.

>tfw regional related

lol @ that tiny speck of israel surrounded by Achmeds.

How long can she last?

only Allah knows


Better than Cucktholic.

About 2 thousands.


Only 3% kek. Suck it Europe!

Now the Asians on the other hand.......


zprobuj mówić to w Polske, kurwa

Mashaallah sometimes I forget about our brothers in Portugal

>Oman is not fully muslim
who else?



They're a minority but they're causing too much trouble. I demand an Inquisition

Too muslim.

Too much

What did happen in Portugal!?

In my prefecture has the largest class mosque in Japan.


I call bs.

memes happened

>this new

at the current rate of things there will only be less and less

you have to go back