Why are Turks so mean?

I don't understand their hostility toward friendly people, especially those who are Westerners.

Doesn't make sense to me. Can somebody enlighten me on why Turks are so mean?

You'd be mean too if everyone called you a cockroach subhuman shitskin every day


Well that's what happens when you're an asshole to everyone

pretty ironic

Maybe they shouldn't be so mean then.

Turks hate themselves and are jealous of the west. They want to be westerners so bad they even took over byzanitum, but then nobody acknowledged them and they sunk even deeper into depression. They try their hardest to model themselves after the west while simultaneously hating the west, because the west does not consider them western.

Stop being an asshole to Turks so you won't be mean any longer.

t*rks are retarded apes, do you expect a logical action from an ape? neither t*rks

Amina kodugum orospu cocugu PKK shillleri hepinizi öldürecegiz... hic biriniz hayatta kalmiyacak...

>t*rko götüm yanıyoooooooooooooo

hiçbiri birleşik qnq
sie ulan amerifat. whites are the worst people on earth and anglos are their flagbearers, of course we'll be mean to you. when the day comes this time we'll stright up wipe you out. no time for conversion this time ;)

Hakkikaten tüm PKK orospu cocuklari öldürecegiz.
Götüm yanmiyor, sirf söyliyorum, sen böyle devam et daha az yardimci olabilirz ve daha cok vicdansiz olmamiza gerek kalacak.

Annesini siktiminin Avrupalıları Türklere karşı açıklama yapmayı siyaset düsturu edinir, bir de utanmadan Türkler hostility. Avrupa'nın bu tavırlarına göz yuman herkes haindir. TR'nin o coğrafya'da edilebileceği tek dost Rusya idi, onu da 0 siyasi derinlik ile sikip attılar.

Turks are bro tier.


sen niye bu kadar rusofilsin? dediğin de haklısın da Rusya'yla da dost olacak değildik, sadece ortak düşman/rakip yüzünden işbirliği içinde olabilirdik

yav gerilla t*rk piçlerini gebertmekten bıktı siz t*rkolar gebermekten bıkmadınız vallahi ::DDDD:DDD



>muh russia is good west is bad
>muh russia is the only trustworthy nation
in political stage nobody is trustworthy in the world. europeans-americans just get butt-blasted because turkey is no longer acts like american vassal state.

no they are roach tier

because karilar vermiyorlar my teacher

They're bros. Go march in a pride parade.

Stop shitposting in every thread then alamançi

Why do you even care? t*rks should treated like animals they are.

animals are more superior to the t*rk creatures


Bölgede Türkiye ile işbirliği olan tek ülke Rusya idi, şimdi İran ile yanaşmaya çalışıyorlar ama ne kadar başarılı olacak bilemem. Ben gerçekçi davranıyorum, duygularla siyaset yapılmaz. 1 tane müttefiği yok Tr'nin, öyle mutlu yalnızlık laflariyla olmaz bu işler.

Yes and they will never be happy if Turkey don't accept being their bitches, hell even in that case they wouldn't accept Turkey as a country in their union. And I have never said Russia is a trustworthy nation, but it was the best shot Turkey had. Fucking it all up for muh borders is simply retarded.

we are just shitposting here
almost everyone hates usa government IRL though

Because they've turned the Balkan peninsula into the most underdeveloped part of Europe and because most their history has been defined by their seemingly relentless attempts of subjugating all of Europe.

nothing wrong with enslave europeans

ooOO mağaradan internet keyfi. Hemi hewal.

>implying Turks are bad
They may bother yurope, but they let us keep our nukes inside their country until our overrated idiot botched the Cuban missile crisis and gave the Russians the mile for the inch we received

Turks are good


ooOO inanılmaz espri kabiliyeti. Mükemmel mizah. Eşek sikmeye devam hemi hewal ?