Why aren't you coding on a Mac?

Why aren't you coding on a Mac?

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I am but only because I need to develop for iOS. Even that has set us back a month because iOS is fucking retarded.

>Development time for android
2 weeks to get a working app
>Development time for iOS
kek 2 months, maybe. Welcome to a fucking rabbit hole of strange functions, nonsensical errors and just outright weird fucking behaviour.

Why exactly do you need 2 computers to program a phone app?

What a shitty picture.
The top one is contrived but it looks more like a well lived in desk by a real person.
The bottom one looks like a promotional photo.

>one laptop connected to a screen
>welcome to the world of millennials.

>not using cross platform frameworks

>uses a laptop for everything
welcome to the "MySpace Generation"

here's the fucking joke. I'm using xamarin and Applel still forces me to write code specific to iOS by being fucking retarded

why don't ios developers eat, use VR, or take notes on paper?

I am planning to buy a mac mini just because of the CLI minus the hassles of linux. No I am not even joking. Plus the chance to develop with iOS as a target.

because they don't do anything that requires a lot of time, they have fun with their boyfriend later and never write anything complex enough to write down.


What about actual programmers?
Are you computer illiterate by chance? Especially if you only need CLI - the shell has been robust since forever, there is no hassle to speak of. "Hassle" is what Sup Forums kids gamers use to describe their games not working, and any given DE not emulating Windows to the exact detail.


Just buy an older one off of Craigslist for $100 and you're set.

you know, you laugh, but just hanging in coffeehouses is often significantly cheaper than renting a desk as an individual

Sounds plausible, but where do you sleep?
or shower?

your home
which could absolutely serve as your office, but sometimes it's more convenient and/or professional to meet people outside of your house

oh wait nevermind i thought you were talking about literally living at the coffeeshop

I am not computer illiterate I feel pretty comfortable with using bash, however I fucking hate when you have to search online for hours to make a piece of hardware work with your distro, or figure out ways to fix something with certain software which does not work as expected in linux or anything of the sorts. I mean I do like linux, but Mac provides some more customer support than just some Linux forum user; that and being able to code for any platform you want, which is not that awesome nowadays, considering the shrinking market share of iOS but still cool regardless.

Firstly because that's not true.
Secondly because apple fanboys tend to be indoctrinated idiots with no measurable talents
Thirdly, pic related.


>What is portability

oh lol

here are some retarded examples. They'll be brief because I'm not going to divulge specifics of my project here.

>Want to display a custom notification
topkek, no, the server alone decides what notification is displayed, you can't have the app interact with the local notification.
DOESN' FUCKING RUN if you don't have a specific certificate and the app is in a suspended state.
>Want to make a quick API call after the notification comes in
TOPLEL, sounds like you need to hand that off to iOS's backgrounding process and the OS will fucking run it WHENEVER IT BLOODY WELL FEELS LIKE IT. MAYBE NEVER HAHAHAHA fuck applel.
>The apple push notification payload doesn't contain a certain field in a certain instance
kekmate bro because iOS just won't initialise the variable. Fuck making it null or empty, that shit is for losers. The variable just won't exist, crashing your app when you try to reference it.
>Want to read image metadata of an image the app fucking saved
LEL, try again faggot, ios will only provide a copy of the image to the app, stripping out metadata.

Those are just some of the fucking things that I've found make no sense. If you've grown up learning Applel development first, then perhaps it makes sense to you, but it does not make sense to me and seems like a lot of work to accomplish small things.

>renting a desk

>what is rsync to sync important files between deskstop and laptop

Because any heavy cpu things you can cloud
>Also that's the thundbolt monitor or whatever it's called

>What is the cloud

>the memebuzzword of 2015
I wish it was over.

I am with Google replacing everything possible. Just one laptop. Everyone else is just a fucking sour moron that needs THEIR FUCKING SKULL CAVED IN. PIECES OF SHIT USING "ALTERNATIVE" SOFTWARE. Yeah, real cool NIGGER!

did you fail your kode with klossy classes?

True but all the heavy computational work we do is on one of three different good sized racks
Making my MBP the best of my options available (work issue)
>Mfw we're in the process of getting a 200 node system

Because I don't have AIDS and I'd like it to stay that way

is this one of those czech fuck houses I keep seeing on pornhub?

She couldn't kloss on my level

Because i am not a mentally handicapped homosexual OP.

Relying on luck is a losing strategy.

Nigga. I programmed my final, an android app, in 4 hours. 2 weeks is a long time.

>renting a desk

What did the app do

Sucked my dick and made sandwhiches

>Android developer's desk
Geeky, techy, profound and cool

>iOS developer's desk
Hipster, gay, effeminate

C-Can I have the source code of this app?

I leave my home desk intentionally cluttered just because it feels better. It's nice having my passport sitting out to remind me why I bother with anything. I started listing the entire contents in this post, but then it was becoming a blog so I stopped.

AIDS ain't even a threat, NIBBABABABAB

I'm surprised none of you have posted this yet


Not a macfag by any means but if all the work is done neatly on the computer then the desk doesn't need to be so messy. I can keep my own desk clean like that for maybe 2-3 days tops then I'll start adding some stuff up over it. It'll probably take me a couple of weeks after to finally tidy up. We're not all slobs here.

>I can keep my own desk clean like that for maybe 2-3 days tops then I'll start adding some stuff up over it. It'll probably take me a couple of weeks after to finally tidy up
and the cycle continues...

Gonna be honest, the one time I did Android development, my environment consisted of a laptop, my phone, and a USB cord on my bed. Nothing else.

Only this isnt an empty desk, but a tidy desk.

Apps can schedule local notifications without server interaction.

Do you like taking your boyfriends BBC, user? I mean there is no feasible reason to choose iOS over Android.

>IOS developer
I dont wanna pay no $1000 license to make stuff for shit.

so the picture just shows that the android developer actually has money leftover to buy something other than iCuck products?

>Development rig
>Facebook attention whoring rig

What the fuck do you even need a desktop for when coding shitty phone apps?


Reasonable compile times.

>having an empty desk that's barely got anything useful on it and looking tidy is worth sacrificing productivity

Seriously I had to live with my sister for a while, she's a bit of a neat-freak in super weird ways. She'll leave rotting vegetable scraps for weeks in the sink, but the countertops have to be perfectly clean and empty of anything. To make some toast you have to find the bread that's been neatly tucked away inside the cupboard, then find the toaster that's been hidden on a shelf under a counter, then wrestle with half the bowls and plates because every single last thing has been crammed on them (so they're not on the counter). After a few days of this I bought my own toaster, microwave, mini-fridge, and put everything in my room so I never had to use the kitchen.

To my knowledge, the counters are still devoid of anything useful, completely barren of any possible object that requires daily use, and the sink is still full of rotting biological refuse.

tl;dr I'll take a bit of clutter. Fuck being a macfag with a perfectly clean desk where any activity beyond "attentionwhore about my clean desk" is met by time and effort wasted from fishing through shelves and drawers for basic tools or required objects.

>smartphone app

It was a rhetorical question. Retard. Just buy a device.

that's what you get for using xamaring faggot


>t. mactoddler subhuman

I do both.
FUCK iOS even harder.
To the people who never worked with it, I'll just say "StringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString"
That should tell you what a fucked up mess that utter vomit is.
If the development iPhone updates, you also have to update your ide to support the new iOS. Fragmentation is much higher in ios than android.
Fuck Apple I hope they die

If I had to meet someone professionally, in a coffee shop, and they have their desktop there with them, I'd leave no matter how good the deal is.

Are you trying to imply that the iOS Developer is less productive in that image OP?

Apps don't run consistently across all devices and iOS/Android versions.
You need to test against multiple device types if you want a professional looking app.

Simply buying a device isn't the answer.

>not carrying their weight.
>++ is only one very easy instruction for the processor while x = x + 1; requires the making of a new variable that holds the value one then add x and one together.
>in a large codebase with a lot of ++ its gonna slow down the program and increase memory usage significantly especially loops

i fucking hate it when they let people propose changes to programming languages yet they dont even know shit about how they work.

Einstein's desk is now one's virtual desktop.

So you should have posted a (virtual) desktop not a physical desk.

>++/-- operators are confusing
Fuck these programming newfags. It's not like programming is inherently intuitive.


dev gets the job done, goes to fuck his gf's brains out
dev gets the job done, put on VR, faps to animu.

I can't code and I don't enjoy penis in my mouth

Because I like using a proper OS with a system-wide package manager.

dev gets the job done, goes to get fucked by his bf


Fucking what

I am, but my desk still looks like the top image. The bottom is a dev that doesn't do anything.

"dev" gets a Facebook post done, goes to get fucked by his bf

But I am

>Android developer's desk actually has an IDE/Editor open
>iOS developer's desk has Spotify and a webpage open
Really makes you think.

Well, he's still carrying a single device


This is dumb on so many levels. I just cant ...

How else do you develop cross-platform apps, apple just wants to use their shit over anything else.

It's ridiculously expensive.

Or works on remote shit pleb

Average iOS programmer.

You just don't do this for pro stuff.

should I be? the only mac I've used was back in the 90s. Was amazed that shit ran games like quest for glory V while my shitter windows 3.1 only had chips challenge.

He seems a bit too certain about his sexuality though

Yeah, Apple's old architecture was head and shoulders above everything back in the 90s. Today Windows and OSX use the same hardware so the only real advantage Apple had is gone.

That feel when we can never go back to the glory of pure hardware untouched by botnets and faggotry. I kind of wish the internet had been built in layers, so we could go back and browse on old hardware in historic way. Just have the old stuff untouched by normies because they can't be bothered to fuck with anything but web 5.0

Apple still has the advantage of a unix certified OS, good drivers, and a kernel that isn't dogshit.

I am.

>it's more convenient and/or professional to meet people outside of your house

How is bringing your desktop to a cofee shop any convenient?
And how professionnal would that be?

Homebrew is fucking stupid.

I do work remote... And I actually get shit done

So use pkgin.

it's not actually removed, but replaced by something like +=

those are two different operators though

Video games
Watching movies
Multiple monitors at non shit resolutions and refresh rates