/wdg/ - Web Development General

backend is a pain in the ass edition

>This season's Advent of Code:

(they're the same)

>IRC Channel
#Sup Forumswdg @ irc.rizon.net
Web client: rizon.net/chat

>Learning material

>Useful Youtube channels

>Frontend development

>Backend development
[Gist] backendDevelopmentBookmarks.md

>Useful tools
libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment

>How to get started

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

Other urls found in this thread:


use reactjs

Use whatever the fuck you are comfortable with.

>use technologies you wont get hired for
goodluck with that mate

Anyone have any million dollar website ideas?

In my experience all companies here who are looking for web devs don't specify front-end techs, they are usually completely fine with HTML/CSS which you really should know if you want to call yourself a developer.

Should I try to get into web dev if I'm getting my CS BS?

Just try it, see if you like it, getting a basic website set up is a matter of minutes, learning basic HTML, CSS is also not hard. Give it like a week and then decide if this is something you enjoy.

How do you know when you're "ready" to start working on webdev? I have been studying front end web dev during my free time for over 6 months. These past two months I've done JavaScript and jQuery intensively. I feel like I get the basics and I know how to do most things, but I still don't quite get the most advanced stuff. I have started a couple of projects and I have been able to do most things with the help of StackOverflow.

I actually want to do back end stuff so I still have a long way to go, but I know Javascript is a must no matter what you do. I guess my question is, do you have to master JS before you apply for a job or is it something that you're always learning/asking Google?

>Talking about JS on Sup Forums
Oh boy, you are gonna get flamed

thanks so much to the anons in the last thread who helped me, the

The color scheme looks a little familiar, can't quite put my finger on it...

I fucking hate webdev

why hast thou lost faith?

>We estimate that the 800 hours of nonprofit projects and 80 hours of interview prep you’re going to complete, in addition to the 1,200 hours of challenges you’ve already completed by this point, will be more than enough to qualify you for your first coding job.
>800 hours of nonprofit
Are you supposed to work for free on full scale projects for half a year?

>inb4 nonprofits
Non-profits still pay for all their other shit.

i wonder if webdeb will ever not be an abomination of different technologies thrown together to do things they werent designed to do
css being the biggest offender

roast me on my old site i did in dreamweaver. look at homes page to see how I gave up trying to do uniform thumbnails


you're supposed to learn how to do shit in your spare time so when you get hired dont have to struggle on-the-job you jackass now get back to work so goldstein can giveyou pennies someday

are tables still the best way to get shit to properly align next to each other?

> Cant get rid of errors
> Trys turning of errors to supress errors
> Doesnt understand what "Undefined" means

that would require completely ditching todays browsers and I doubt that will happen

why use something like reactjs?
is the main reason to avoid manually updating the dom when data changes?

I need to make a carousel without the use of bootstrap or jquery. It needs to show two of the three 1/4 pieces at the same time.
Using vanila js is fine.

Anyone has any past favourite solutions?

yes (+ you can break everything up into reusable components)
change the data and the dom content updates automatically

google flexbox

flexboxfroggy.com for a crash-course

Because the average webdev is an undisciplined shit that can't make reusable components otherwise and would insert HTML nodes in the document tree directly, forcing the browser to invalidate the rendering.

So basically there is no reason other than "webdeveloper" being an insult.

I was hosting 2k old photos on word press, but its not very secure (keeps getting defaced)

I tried to restore the db from a backup but i dun goofed and now im looking for another way to host it.

I'm not the best at web dev, but I am looking for a better solution. Any ideas family?

wtf dude u just h4ck'd my pc

Are you "ready"?

I don't know why the fuck people don't know if they're ready. Open up a couple of job postings near you and see what they want for junior dev, you incompetent fuck.

Can you make a solid website with html5/cas3/bootstrap/JavaScript/jquery and a framework like angular?
Do you know about ajax calls?
Json? Rest?
Do you have a backend running in NET or java or php or even express?
Do you have a database for persistence?
Do you know unit tests? Mocking?
Can you make a semi useful project like a basic storefront clone? Blog clone? Yahoo clone? Yelp clone?
Does it work on different browsers?
Is it viewable on mobile and desktop?
Does it handle different users simultaneously?
Does it load fairly fast?

If you answered no to any of these then stop wasting your time being a desktop ricing Euler project doing useless shitter and make real web stuff.


>college degree in cs might have half of the degree purely for cs concepts
>it's way over 800 hours

I agree hard work is bullshit give me $10,000 and we will get you ready in just 200 hours with our magic boot camp "memecampjs" sign up now

There's nothing wrong with the HTML CSS JavaScript working together. CSS hasn't overstepped its bounds.

Full stack JavaScript in the other hand...

only a matter of time till another carrington event.
Then we can start from scratch

>There's nothing wrong with the HTML CSS JavaScript working together. CSS hasn't overstepped its bounds.

>why not manually update
Spotted the memecamper who never made a website of any complexity or depth, nor speed and performance

> css is not being used the way is was designed to be used
CSS is designed for exactly one thing and that's exactly how it's used. What are you talking about?

Depending on what user wants to do, you might not even need flexbox. Just float: left or display: inline-block on the elements is usually all you need.

Explain how CSS isn't doing what it was originally designed to do

>CSS is designed for exactly one thing
more like at least 3 things:
>shit tier layouting (should be a part of HTML) and work completely different

That is exactly the problem, unlike what said it was always designed to be a mixture of shit.
That said, people are treating HTML in a way it wasn't designed for, building GUI elements of many fat nodes.

It's the only answer of value in this entire thread

Animation is just a visual flourish, i.e. part of presentation so CSS is exactly where it belongs.

>shit tier layouting
pic related
HTML defines the structure of the document, CSS defines how it looks. What's the problem?

Set error_reporting to E_ERROR.

Nice job. You and I are probably the only two people with jobs in the entire thread.

how much money can a person that knows HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, PHP, SQL and meme Frameworks earn by sucking dick?

>Animation is just a visual flourish, i.e. part of presentation so CSS is exactly where it belongs.
Animation is a change of state. CSS expresses that in a poor way.
>>shit tier layouting
>pic related
>HTML defines the structure of the document, CSS defines how it looks. What's the problem?
Layout isn't about looks either. And the way CSS does this using garbage like positon and display attributes is totally abysmal.

>Nice job. You and I are probably the only two people with menial monkey jobs in the entire thread.

Any enterprise Devs here?

How do you not want to kill yourself each day

who says we don't?

which web dev blogs do you read?

I look at my bank account every time I get home, smoke a joint and play videogame.


>reading comprehension

>there's a right way to do child routes in Angular2 (RouterModule.forChild())
>it literally is broken as shit and doesn't work
>there's a shitty hacky way (just export a Routes {} from whatever file)
>works perfectly fine
Makes you think

Makes you think why would anybody use angular when there is react and vue.


So I want to implement simple session-based authentication just to learn about the concepts around it and stuff.

Do you guys have an article on anything like that about this topic? And if not, could you please explain it to me shortly?

So far I have:
>sign up form sends confirmation email
>email contains link
>link allows to set password
>password is bcrypted and stored in db
>redirects to sign in page
>user enters username and password
>during login bcrypt is checking the passwords

And now I'm not sure what to store in the session cookie and how to validate that info. Should I throw in there a randomly generated authentication token and check if it's still alive? Or directly the username and bcrypted password again encoded in some way and on every request authenticate again?

Anyway thanks in advance and sorry about the inconvenience of filling out a captcha

I keep seeing Scandinavian countries offering relocation even for junior jobs. Do they have a shortage of developers?

>Should I throw in there a randomly generated authentication token and check if it's still alive?

Thanks my man.

how does javascript malware work?
does it track everything you do in browser once executed?
or does it track the urls where the malware code is included only

how do I prevent it?

they're into race mixing obviously

>"how does javascript malware work"
>how do scripts written in javascript that do bad things(tm) work

you need to be more specific

can javascript malware infect your modern browser to spy on everything you do in the internet

just use ublock origin and an up-to-date version of chrome and don't go on shady porn sites

browser exploits that allow webpage javascript to infect your browser are rare and for the attacker, infecting random people instead of selling the exploit or turning it in for a bug bounty would be like wasting some very expensive fireworks

How to avoid an infinite loop during Json serialization?
I'm trying to send from Java an object A that contains 3 other object(C, D, E ). And one of these object has a Collection of A and the Object B contains the Object C.

Well anyway, this creates an infinite loop in my Json serialization. How can I fix this?


how did you expect it to behave? json doesn't support circular objects

you should probably restructure your objects somehow

what sites are you looking on? Definitely interested. Pls share

Got offered short-term contract at double my current pay.

Worth? I dont know about taxes and stuff like that.

There should be way to ignore these properties.

whats the best general purpose database?

Is anybody particularly familiar with jquery?
I'm trying to scrape some data from a webpage where the text I want is either listed by itself under a single tag, which is easy to grab using a CSS selector
OR it's under that same div tag, and then nested under a bunch of tags, depending on how much text is present on a given page.

How would I go about parsing and checking for that, and grabbing that stuff respectively?
Everything else I've written so far with it I've just used simple CSS selectors because everything is consistently in the same spot and style but this isn't and I'm not sure how to approach it


if its a small/med project i like sqlite

Give me some project ideas lads. I really want to learn web dev and I heard the best way to learn is to do projects.

Since the text is always inside the same div, you could grab it, search by tag name for the ul and if not present, grab the text normally. If it finds the ul element, just grab all the li's inside it, subsequently grab the a's and just append the text on a string.

Trying to learn reactjs with codeacademty atm, is this a good place to start with it?

chat via websockets
site with sign-up / login
site with headless CMS

got time and want to brush up on your CSS selectors? go here:

i like learning by doing
do this: find a site you like and copy the idea
something like youtube or Sup Forums sound doable to me but you are probably not me

>best way to learn is by actually doing it

wow you really went out on a limb there user

Make a 2017 Sup Forums web app to replace this 90s crappy site that hasn't changed in ages.

CSS and CSS-like languages are the best styling technology for user interfaces. GTK, Qt, EAWebKit, Panorama UI, Coherent UI all use them.

muh web 2.0

Moot point. Apart from Qt all those are fucking trash.
And while the theming files of Qt are fucking hell, EVERY target platform already comes with a sane default theme. Also, you rarely need to create own widgets, since Qt comes with almost everything you need for most cases, unlike all css frameworks. Mostly, it's just viewports for visual data, so theming doesn't matter there anyway. What's more important: In Qt you don't do the layout as part of the theme.

Sqlite is bad idea for any real app.

Anything new on that /wdg/ project we discussed when we first started the thread? I can do the logo

What project?

is flight software of a jet airliner a real app?

So I have finished my first year in a CS course. Is it possible to learn frontend for a junior position within 3 months so that I can get a job next ready for next summer?

>Moot point. Apart from Qt all those are fucking trash.
have you ever used panorama or coherentui?


Quick reply someone: Babel or Traceur for transpiling js code?

nah, android uses it for a lot of things

git gud

babel is the industry standard

thanks mate

just got done reading You Don't Know JS: Up & Going

i'm going to continue the rest tomorrow, am i on a good track?

when i'm done with the series i wanna start building stuff and learning nodejs

wha is the point in using a transpiler? why not just write the code the right way the first time? i dont fucking get it someone explain this shit to me like a 12 year old


>no object rest and spread
Traceur is worthless.

Start building stuff now.

Because ES5 is a shit language to work in but is supported everywhere, whereas ES2017 is actually pretty expressive and delightful but hasn't been implemented by all browsers yet.

Additionally, babel facilitates things like JSX and you get polyfilling for free.

I'm trying to follow a tutorial to set up Webpack and Babel, but after running

>npm install babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy --save-dev

it asks me to edit “config/babel.dev.js” and “config/babel.prod.js”.

These files don't exist in my project. Has something changed since the tutorial was written or am I being a dummy?


>he uses jsx