Do Sup Forums uses winamp? or fooshit?

do Sup Forums uses winamp? or fooshit?

mpv on work PC

Google play music day to day

Winamp + milkdrop when I'm taking drugs

mpd on linux
AIMP on windows

aimp is literally a spiritual successor to winamp in every way possible
foobar is trash, people only choose it due to how cool "FOOBAR" sounds

Winamp, because I've been using the same installation of it since ~2002. Drag and drop, werks every time.

has plugins
just works

I used to but when it was dropped a while ago I switched to foobar and haven't looked back.


You know foobar was created by someone that worked on Winamp right

Foobar on windows
AIMP on android

I use youtube

I mostly listen to live shows from etree, so xmplayer is good enough


iTunes with Apple Music


i tried to use it once, but i discovered it was a russian scamsite, that wanted you to pay for free music :^)


footbar, you dont even need to have autism to set it up nicely

oh, i remember back in the 90's when companies tried to push streaming services and people laughed, because
>digital copies are better than streaming
>why stream when it's faster to download
>diskspace was dirt-cheap
>why pay for something you can't own?

ncmpcpp is my favorite but because of windows file system naming scheme memes it became a real pain in the ass so I use iTunes because fuck it.

I think iTunes will always have a special place on my desktop. I'm an Apple user myself, but I think its incredibly charitable that Apple would release their software for Windows, its just spreading the love. With iTunes, all my music is automatically synced with my Apple iCloud account, so there's no hassle with differing libraries between devices. In addition, the iTunes Store has an incredibly vast library. If there's an album, you can buy it.

So many streaming cucks ITT, it's like you hate owning things.

kys hippie scum


I use foobar.

>people only choose it due to how cool "FOOBAR" sounds
I use it because I downloaded it after winamp and see no reason to change, because it does exactly what I want it to do, which is show a folder file structure and play music.

>not listening to music on youtube

Deezer, Youtube, musicbee



but seriously tho, I use groove. Sometimes Google play music.


It stopped being able to attach to my android device though and the forum doesn't have shit. Clean reinstall doesn't help (even /userdata) and disabling network adapters. Welp.

i only wish mpd would have better support for VGM files

yes i know that's niche

ncmpcpp is what Sup Forums uses

I just discovered AIMP. I love you so much.

aimp3 and 2 before that, Winamp 10+ years ago.

>it sucks
>I still use it

What is wrong with AIMP 4? is that bad?

no it isn't

You are but a little baby.

Not gonna lie, that looks absolutely [spoiler]revolting[/spoiler].

Tidal. Only because I have it for free as a part of my phone contract


What are you, from the 80s?

>development stops = stops working
Every fucking time.

AIMP is the shit, winamp incarnate

Been using Winamp since 2003 and won't stop unless something with similar functionality exists.

winamp+halion skin

This guy probably knows what is skyward.

Literally every single audio player has similar functionality.

Both ...

>not using AIMP

I just use VLC, no need to download another program.

>using a video player
>for music
It takes a special kind of retard to do this.

Banshee tbqh

AIMP with the Pandemic All in one simple skin

It just werks.

I use XMPlay, don't tell anyone

Both but foobs is better at literally everything including whipping llama ass.