>fav distro + de/wm
>neckbeard length
Mines is Arch+xfce
Pic related
>fav distro + de/wm
>neckbeard length
Mines is Arch+xfce
Pic related
arch + ratpoison
cant grow a beard, arch-haters btfo
>WP user
ooboontoo i3
clean shaven
Excuse me for being poor, dipshit
gentoo + gnome 2.6 using clearlooks
sexy stub
Ubuntu. Openbox + tint2
unironically mint kde
Slackware + XFCE or FVWM
You got a nice soul patch, man.
OpenBSD + cwm
babyface because genes
macOS + quartz
Slight neckbeard.
arch + openbox
stub because my hair genes are fucking shit so I can't grow my beard too long and I can't keep it clean shaven since it enhances my babby face
Windows 7
N/A. Reason: femanon
Hi (:
arch + i3
clean shaven
they cost more than Xiaomi, faggot
Xuboon2 + XFCE but thinking about switching to Parabola with XFCE
Clean shaven*
I meant that I don't buy smartphones myself, nigger
I got it as a birthday present from my technology-retarded family
same, but i3-gaps
>ubuntu + gnome
>pic related
Windows 7
>chinese botnet
fuck off chang pong
not very proggresive user, what does your bf think about the bear chest of yours?
KDE Neon
Figure it out
Controlled stubble which stops before the chin slopes downward and becomes neck
Barely a stubble
Fedora GNOME
Windows 10 :^)
How about you post beard and people guess your os, more fun desu
Solus 2017.01.18 + Budgie 10.3
Debian & Ubuntu, XFCE
Kevin you're not old enough to grow a beard
ubuntu MATE
pic related
>more fun
>guess my OS
You are clearly a homosexual narcissist so I'm gonna go with the obvious.
Lol too easy
You should just go full skinhead and shave it off.
Debian + i3-gaps
I find y'all cute (*゚∀゚*)
ApricityOS (recently died and became a regular Arch installation)
Unironically Gnome3
ubuntu server: i3-gaps
beard length: stubble
I guess it makes sense.
Arch i3
Just shaved
Debian + XFCE, None
Debian/Ubuntu and NixOS/GuixSD
XFCE/XFWM and sometimes i3
4-5 inches
I keep it at 3-7mm
Ubuntu GNOME 16.04
Clean shave.
NT/Windows 10 + GNU
Clean shaved
french beard
full neckbear
Manjaro + cinnamon
Clean shaven every day
Gentoo, console only
Hot neck
Debian + i3
No neckbeard, tapers up to about 5-7mm on face.
Why'd you drop the sysadmin trip?
Is that vape juice or what
this desu senpai
>these apes are the people I share my board with
Are you me?
Windows 10
literally none
mint + cinnamon
6 inches
how did you know?
Check the filename, my dude.
pedo goatee
Ubuntu minimal installation + i3
or xfce
Elementary OS + pantheon
Arch and KDE
Neckbeard in pic, freshly shaven
> Debian + XFCE
> no beard
Always "2 days no shave"
Antergos + KDE/KWIN
Clean Shaven
Ubuntu GNOME
Clean shaven because I my beard grows all patchy
Arch cus I'm used to it.
bspwm + sxhkd
What do you mean?
Looks ultra comfy
>uses linux
>has a phone
Isn't this a severe contradiction?
One is an operating sys- Kernel
The other is a phone
How are they mutually exclusive?
>windows 7
>pic related
Antergos + KDE
1-2mm since I shave 3 times a week.
>being pedantic
I clearly meant using open source OS and what it entails on the largely-open x86 platform, compared to a locked-down, hardware backdoored, proprietary everything (you cannot have a functioning phone without proprietary firmware, modem, and drivers) system of a modern smartphone. Phones are to Linux as cancer is to apples.
There are more reasons to use linux than just
>muh free software
anyone know what clock that is and where i could get one?
>debian + i3
>no neckbeard
shit WM for a shit """beard"""
Ubuntu + XFCE + i3
0 - 5 mm like the rest of my facial hair
My beard grows slow, I shave once every 1-2 weeks when it gets scratchy.
Microsoft® Windows™ 7: Home Premium©
Hello there! You seem to have used the term "open source".
The term "open source" was created by a group of people that did not want to be associated with the free software movement. When I say "free" software (which is one of the alternatives preferable to "open source"). It's not about price; in that case I would say "gratis", or "free as in free beer". It's about "freedom"! This is what the free software movement is fighting for.
So what is "free" software? Free software is any software that guarantees the user the four essential software freedoms:
> 0. Run the program as you wish.
> 1. Study the source code and change it so it does what you wish.
> 2. Redistribute exact copies of the program.
> 3. Distribute your modified version of the program.
Some people decided that they wanted to restrict the user; but being able to study and modify the "open source" code is not enough! This is directly hurting the cause of the free software movement because it takes away the sociological "freedom" aspect of free software and turns it into a technological one.
So for those reasons I ask that in the future you use the terms "free", "free/libre" or, if necessary "FLOSS" (short for "free/libre and open source"), though the latter should still be avoided.
Gentoo + FVWM
>implying he has a gf
Slackware kde plasma 5.9
anyone here done laser hair removal before?
shaving sucks, stubble is worse
epilating causes ingrown hairs and bad breakouts on me
have had no luck with turmeric
i just want my 12 year old body back ;_;
What the fuck is epilation
guixsd and xfce (but i've found that gnome is actually pretty decent now too, god help me for even saying that) btw
waiting for someone to rekindle the guilewm project again though, maybe then i can join all you silly ricerfags
ripping out hair
waxing, sugaring, or with a device called an epilator which is like tweezers from hell