

Because Google doesn't want nice things anymore

I don't know why, but both look like shit.

Well I'll admit, newer ones at least look like there's some effort put in them. Like, more than 120 seconds of effort.

Just change the emoji font if it bothers you that fucking much

It's sad that google has forced our hands though.

because they have to copy Apple. that's in Google's DNA.

is the flat meme finally starting to die?

Why is the new rabbit a vampire, and why didn't they even bother to gave the little indents on the turtle shell actually be on the shell

Nobody over the age of 18 would use any emojis.

You've clearly never sexted

What are these even?
Look like something an autist would use.

Thank God.

That turtle looks high as shit

Those gradients genuinely look extremely awful

Imo the old ones look like shit. "Flat design" just screams "no effort went into making this".

Jewgle finally did something git gud and got rid of materialshit kiddo emojis

How about we just abolish emojis in general, the world would be a better place.

Jesus fucking christ I can't believe you actually believe that. The gradients on the new ones look awful.

>just have to train this nn and it will produce addictive logos normies will eat up I swear

420 blaze it

Sexting without Emojis is much better than with

You should try it

They have to hire someone who are into design, but the the death of the flat meme is still great news.

But then how else will I imply I have an erection?

old ones look like a drawing by a 5 year old, at least gradients give it depth and make it interesting to look at

flat design is degenerate low effort shit

You send a pic of you erect dick obviously

And something lewd in text

>at least gradients give it depth and make it interesting to look at
They literally do not give it any depth and make it look like a fucking teenager in 2008 that just got paint.net made it

they look like forum emoticons from 2005

you don't know jack shit about design



t. butthurt flat designer


More like somebody who moved on from 2006