>Doesn´t use windows 10
Are you a terrorist, a pedophile or perhaps both?

>I-It spys on you
Yes, and? nothing to hide, nothing to worry about.

>Y-You can't run redis nativeley!!
wrong, you actually can thanks to the WSL

>I-Its expensive!!!
Only if your time has no value, you fucking poorfag.

Other urls found in this thread:




>nothing to hide

Well, it gives no shit about your freedom and yet users are like:
>Someone: *installs GNU/Linux*
>Most of windooz users on gee: *autistic screeching*
just install gentoo or smth

>making outlandish scenarios to prove a point
Never change Sup Forums

stale pasta 0/10 kys sage etc

>Are you a terrorist, a pedophile or perhaps both?
No but a guro fetish is relevant

>Yes, and? nothing to hide, nothing to worry about.
Affecting HDD performance in the middle of work because of indexing is not pleasant. Performance should not be impacted, there is this reason to be concerned with
>wrong, you actually can thanks to the WSL
>Only if your time has no value, you fucking poorfag.
>Crack windows
Gee that was hard

Are you against anime tiddies? Are you against distributing data to your neighbour?
Both of these things are illegal in some 3rd world countries like the UK, the Canada, Australia or the US.

haha jokes on you, I use windows 10 and I like lil girls too

only retards do not have another separate machine running encrypted linux in 2017 for all their sensitive work

Only NSA retards think it's "nothing to hide". No, the real question is "What is it that I have to show?". Everything about you is your own information, if others have it as well you should be informed all the way.
- How many people have your information?
- What are they going to do with your information?
- How long are they keeping it?
- Are they going to stop getting more of it at some point?
Nobody should be farmed for information without personal compensation. The "we keep you safe" meme is not enough or even true.

>a normal person having a daughter? LOL unthinkable!
>that normal person living in the same vicinity as a weirdo pedophile? ROFL unheard of!
>a girl that likes candy and cartoon characters? LMAO dream on!

Now do the same thought experience, but it is not your government.

if you have nothing to say why have freedom of speech?

>browsing Sup Forums
>underestimating the number of sick fucks out there

1. Sage
2. Sage
3. Sage
4. Sage


>>I-It spys on you
>Yes, and? nothing to hide, nothing to worry about.
so you dont close the bathroom door when you go number 2 on a public toilet? how about your home bathroom? does it have clear glass walls? or are you a pajeet and shit in the open on the street/beach/airport?



It's like the situation in They Live, only it's less subtle, people know about it but are just going on with their lives seemingly in blissful ignorance.

>Tfw the UK came very close to having mandatory I.D cards with at least 10 different bits of info about you on them.
Pretty scary when you think about it

>nothing to hide, nothing to worry about

Spoken like a true fascist. Tell me, how do you know what you should be hiding today? How sure are you as to what you should be hiding in the near future? How sure are you that what you failed to hide today isn't logged in a federal database and won't be condemnable information in the distant future?

Microspook can fuck right off. I will only elect politicians who are aggressively anti-trust and amenable to breaking up the big tech giants (Apple, Microspy, Intel, Google, Facebook) into two dozen tiny companies.

>number 2
You can say shit here, it's okay.

>how do you know what you should be hiding today?

It's in the law books, dummy.

How sure are you as to what you should be hiding in the near future?

Paranoid about your CP much?

How sure are you that what you failed to hide today isn't logged in a federal database and won't be condemnable information in the distant future?

Don't care. The Government only collects what they need to protect us.

>breaking up the big tech giants (Apple, Microspy, Intel, Google, Facebook) into two dozen tiny companies


>The Government only collects what they need to protect us.
>not for corporate spying
>not for blackmailing or extortion
Good citizen

Why do people care so much about what os someone uses?

>government spying is okay goy

Next thing you know they'll be stealing your cyptocurrency private keys because you installed a spying OS

Wait till they come to kill you at your home for saying that transgender are mentally retarded or being proud to be white

fucking shills i swear

Tribalism is hard coded into us.

>Don't care. The Government only collects what they need to protect us.
Is this bait? It looks like bait. Anyway this is not true. They take absolutely anything they can, then decide later if it was useful. Also for people who don't live in the US the spying continues with not even a hint of that security meme which stupid people fall for. It's not for your security that your information is collected btw.

>It's in the law books

How cute. Let me teach you something, son, about law. There is the written law (the "law books" you inartfully referenced), there is the interpretation of law, and then there is the application of law. As if that weren't enough to impress upon you the plasticity of law, do know that laws are erased, amended, re-written, or rendered irrelevant nearly every day in the US.

Again I ask you, how sure are you that what you believe to be lawful today will not be unlawful at some point in the future? Keep in mind that the internet is forever. What you are exposing to the internet today is being stored in at least one database somewhere, and that database is backed up somewhere. You seem to trust "government" to act in your best interest. Please always keep in mind that "government" is barely just the 545 men and women in the House, Senate, Supreme Court and White House. The "government" overwhelmingly is the tens of thousands of faceless unelected bureaucrats who work in agencies like the NSA, DHS, FBI, and elsewhere. As everyone knows, there is always the rogue 10% in just about every group. I do not trust any "government" with so much power as the US federal bureaucracies have at their disposal.

I'm a professional with confidentiality obligations.

I can't use new laptops for any work product or emails because of Windows 10. I have neither the time nor inclination to bother with third party software to maybe disable thr things that would violate confidentiality.

Even if I did follow fascist "nothing to hide/fear" logic, I need absolute full control over the firewall. Windows 10 obstructs this.

It is the biggest fuck you browser ever made. MacOS is more respectable and open by comparison.

>>Doesn´t use windows 10
>>Are you a terrorist, a pedophile or perhaps both?
stop that meme.
The only reason why goims use windows is preinstallation on PCs.

It's like if you're living in a glass House. You aren't doing anything bad, but It can watch what you do.

It's actually less about spying and more about the cult around Stallman.


Win8.1 is lighter on resources, has way less bloat and runs everything I want. I also use Office 2013 because it's the fastest. There's no 10-exclusive software that I need.

kys nsa nigger

*CIA nigger

Did it fucking pierce it's brain?

>>I-It spys on you
>Yes, and? nothing to hide, nothing to worry about.

Just because you have nothing to hide doesn't give anyone the right to look. I lead a boring life. 9-5 job, small home run business, all above board. wife, 2 kids, some exotic pets. Nothing remotely interesting in my life I wouldn't share anyway. This doesn't mean people in any position anywhere have the right to delve into my life.

3/10 for the bait, mad enough to reply.

comfy, meme, botnet, CIA-nigger, Ryzen, Vega

My father is one of the "nothing to hide nothing fear" guys. A few week ago I told him what a keylogger is and he went pale-white.
The problem is not that normies don't care about data protection, but that they know nothing about the technical possibilities of today.

>>I-It spys on you
>Yes, and? nothing to hide, nothing to worry about.


>Windows update


>No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence

>some exotic pets
>Nothing remotely interesting
I'm curious about your pets desu

I use Danaws 10

Simply perfect, magnificent, with my face in every folder

Announcing sage isn't allowed. Enjoy your ban fag

it wastes my cpu cycles, also do you really trust microsoft to write something that isn't exploitable.

also bait

It's not very good, though.

Stop being a faggot


this is unironically a feature, and you cannot prove me otherwise

proofs to you just how much of a cancer windows is
wine is a thing because windows is a thing and it´s intrinsically just as shit because the whole point of wine is to make windows shit runnable on linux

>on Sup Forums
>"I have nothing to hide"
neck yourself

> having a nuclear family and a stable job is considered 'outlandish' on Sup Forums
I'm not even fucking surprised anymore.

>Saging with an image

How new ARE you?


LMAO! get real user! Where do you live, in the made-up world of normieville?

>nuclear family

> How many people have your information
that wozld be an immense task, because Information wil spread, and it the number of people who have it grows exponentionally

It's a japanese thing.

What is this? Android 1.5?

Is there even the slightest chance of making Windows 10 not watch me?

>implying any pedophile on Sup Forums actually has the effort to catch user's hello kitty daughter
get fucking real

Is there an infograph on how to get rid of all the spying shit in Windows 10?

Say what you want but as soon as i gave in to that constantly nagging bullshit to install windows 10 my computer slowed down massively, a hard drive instantly corrupted (a 2 tb wd black), a bunch of programs quit working. Government spying is never a good thing, whether you have anything to hid or not, but I tried win 10 and it was a disaster, not to mention its ugly and anti intuitive unless your someones grandma who does not know shit about computers.

I just don't want to to use it. What say you?

No because it isn't possible.

That's partially because the (((upgrade))) isn't a clean install, but that only explains the slowing.

you swallow the bluepill faggot, you swallow it like a good goy

>tfw going to have to use Win10 to get the best out of Ryzen
Send help.

Not an argument.
>Doesn´t use windows 10
>Are you a terrorist, a pedophile or perhaps both?
>I-It spys on you
>Yes, and? nothing to hide, nothing to worry about.
So because you want to give up your rights like a cuckold, that means everyone else should have to do the same? You sound like a filthy commie.
>Y-You can't run redis nativeley!!
>wrong, you actually can thanks to the WSL
I don't give a fuck.
>I-Its expensive!!!
You're paying over a hundred dollars to be spied on and to be fed ads every minute that your machine is running. Can you be any more of a cuck?
>Only if your time has no value, you fucking poorfag.
Only poorfags brag about how much money they have. Only poorfags will call other people poorfags because they have something to prove.

And I use Debian because my time is valuable. I don't have time to waste on bluescreens, applications not responding, forced updates, lost data, and a billion annoying little shit "features" that you have to turn off to get a working operating system.

Get the fuck out of here, you basic bitch.

Normally people get PAID for participating in market surveys. This spying is literally ripping you of and you don't even know it.


Can we all just use what we want and get along?

As long as it isn't Winshit or Fag OS X. Micropenis and Applel shills are not welcome.

Here are some good alternatives that won't watch you fap
>a million different GNU/Linux distros
>Haiku OS
>Temple OS and forks
>React OS
>Plan9 and forks
>IBM OS/2 (now called Arca Noae Blue Lion)
>Kolibri OS
And even more.

yeah and none of them have the sleek font rendering of "winshit" or "fag os x" and the best driver support out there plus updates that don't break shit. i also am not willing to spend an entire day to make it look like i want it to, but that's subjective.

>driver support
Good joke. Is that why you have to have specific hardware to hackintosh or why Windows 7 can't be installed with iGPU support on the latest Intel CPUs despite being supported still with updates until 2020? Is that why both are restricted to two or maybe 3 architectures but Linux runs on literally anything? Wew lad.

>Winshit or Fag OS X.
grow the fuck up kiddo.

Privacy is a very important right. Who in their right mind would sacrifice that?

>oh shit the goverment can see my twink trap pornos

for free, quality services that don't require the own programmer who created the tool to make it work as intended i do. it's sad but google services are just too convenient and widespread these days to simply forget about them.

Stop sucking cocks and I'll consider it, faggot.

Download the windows 10 iso
Burn it to a USB
Install windows 10 pro
Activate with Microsoft toolkit
Remove all the spying parts

Either be constructive or be a waste
And you're sitting in the latter

I have everything to hide because I disagree with what the government thinks should and shouldn't be legal information to possess. You can suck my sweaty, unwashed, cum stained, hair ballsack.

Oh wow another person who thinks Linux is the be all end all
Stop sucking your own cock just because you CHOSE to use Linux, you weren't forced into it

Oh wow another person who thinks Windows is the be all end all
Stop sucking your own cock just because you CHOSE to use Windows, you weren't forced into it

>not using your own custom made OS
It's like you want to lose all the freedom you possibly can.

Who cares
>>Doesn´t use windows 10
>Are you a terrorist, a pedophile or perhaps both?
>>I-It spys on you
>Yes, and? nothing to hide, nothing to worry about.
I'll hide whatever I want
>>Y-You can't run redis nativeley!!
>wrong, you actually can thanks to the WSL
I don't care
>>I-Its expensive!!!
>Only if your time has no value, you fucking poorfag.

You can use all three stop being a child
And I heard there is a new OS out called "Going outside" try it, and if you pay an extra 10 for the pro version it comes with a soccer ball

>playing a game with a horrible physics engine and no good content
No way fag.

You can use Linux stop being a cuck
And I heard there is a new OS out called "putting the gayems down and getting a job" try it, and if you pay an extra 10 to the hooker you can lose your virginity

>Creating a strawman so you can claim victory every time

The going outside OS comes with a job if you do something that takes more effort than pacman -S gay or sudo apt install cum

Learn to shit in a toilet, Rajeesh.

The going outside OS comes with a job if you do something that takes more effort than double clicking an exe, then crying because you got WannaCry

Why would you willingly give up your time and energy just to be socially accepted?

>nothing to hide, nothing to worry about.
slave mentality
also, sage for 0/10 bait