If Americans like letting the state decide so much, why not split up into individual countries?

If Americans like letting the state decide so much, why not split up into individual countries?

California has been trying to for a while

The whole is greater than the sum of the parts

Some states produce more money than others and keep the country running, the ones that don't do anything would turn into third world shitholes

Not logistically/economically feasible. What would be better would be a much looser confederation with federal government only handling commerce, military, mail, basic necessities like that.

>inb4 articles of confederation and CSA tried that

Not with the modern advances and interconnection we've achieved.

That was the original idea. Different countries united only for things that actually concern all of us together.

Guess who wanted more power.

Can you imagine how shit somewhere like Mississippi would be if it was its own country?

that's what the civil war was about

central government won

At least it wouldn't be a drag on the rest of us, then. As long as I don't have to pay my taxes towards their bullshit, let them fester. they can leave the state if they really want to.

only states that wouldn't die out from splitting up would be New England, Florida if it doesnt implode, Virginia, wisconsin, Georgia, Colorado, Kanas, Louisiana one day a year, Oklahoma, and California half the time

None of the south could last on their own now due to how integration was forced on them.

Wasn't the Civil War mostly about abolition of slavery?

Because we thoroughly enjoy whipping everyones asses every now and then

yes - most americans

no - rednecks

You'll get different answers depending if which side of the Mason-Dixon line the person responding is on.

The truth is, both are correct to a point.

It started with preservation of the Union after the south seceded due to perceived infringements of state sovereignty, then the federal government brought abolition into it in full to destabilize the south and help create a united front against them.

Because individually we are pretty fucking weak, the only countries that would be great powers would be Cali NY and Texas and even then maybe not because them all being seperate countries would fuck with things.

It was about the state's right to determine for themselves whether or not they could allow their citizens to own slaves as well as itger issues but primarily slaves. Also shit like being insubordinated politically (you could win the election without being on a single Southern ballot, by southern I mean Virginia and below Maryland and Delaware are firmly Northeastern), and the way of life of the elite being threatened

no, northerners didn't give a shit about that

the south seceded because they didn't want a central government (washington DC) to have any power over the way they governed themselves. They formed the Confederate States which was like an alliance of independent countries.

At the beginning of the war, slavery wasn't even a part of the discussion.

The war happened because Lincoln continued to operate US military bases within the confederate states, and the confederates wanted the union to abandon them and gtfo. They never did, so they were besieged.

not entirely true. Slavery was DEFINITELY a hot-button issue since the early-mid 1800s. The war wasn't initially about freeing the slaves, however; that focus came about more around 1863 or so.

The reason for secession will vary state by state, some did mention slavery as part of the reason.

The war was started by the North because DC did not recognize the right of the CSA to secede.

Yeah it was started when Fort Sumter and the Yankee soldiers victimized the non-belligerent cannonballs fire at Fort Sumter

The states have no right to secede and never will, they have to force their way out through might.

*fired at fort sumter
I suck at typing

Many northerners did very much give a shit, although the North's primary goal was unity

Once you open up the can of worms that is breaking up the union it'll be an endless stream of political divisions.

I live in Illinois, specifically Chicago. If given the chance we would take the collar counties and leave the rest of the cousin-fucking meth addicts behind. Then the collar counties would get sick of Chicago and its bullshit, and they would want to leave. Then Cook County and Chicago would split. Then Chicago itself would split.

The union is fragile and the only thing that keeps it together is itself. Americans fucking HATE each other, we dont have much of a shared national heritage aside from some songs and getting fat. Take away that flag and we are at each other's throats immediately.

America would lose its stage in the world.

>The states have no right to secede and never will

Ironically from the country who less than 80 years (one grandma) earlier had fought a war to succeed from Britain.

that doesn't mean we should let the same happen to us. It situations such as those might makes right.

Ehh in the 1780s maybe.

Now? Not so much.

I'd imagine north siders would try to chop off the south and west sides pretty quick

I wonder what the United States' HDI, GDP per capita, average IQ, and obesity rates would be if Mississippi just disappeared

Notice how the crown fought to keep what was rebelling? The founding fathers knew full well that if the revolution failed, they would be tried for treason and executed. In terms of justice, the south got off pretty easily for having lost.

That being said, as far as secession, what good is a union when any member can just decide to leave when something doesn't go their way? secession should be a last resort, whereas the south was threatening it as a political maneuver before the Civil War.

A good place if all the niggers suddenly disappeared. Go ahead and apply the same terms for Detroit, Harlem, Atlanta, Chicago, LA and New Orleans. Just Imagine...