Neurotypicals edition
Old thread: Get regional flags
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Get regional map templates
Neurotypicals edition
Old thread: Get regional flags
Find flags
Get regional map templates
Helo yes can an icelander gib proofs pls thx
I am not sure but i think its a part of Bremen
has anyone seen mayotte lately?
Good morning
Oh that's the port. Connect it with a line then
I doubt that any of you still collect Belgian municipalities since I'm the only one posting in /flag/, but here are Stekene and Sint-Niklaas anyway, for the hardcores.
Went here today but I couldn't get a pic of the town hall due to road construction. Here is a random bus stop in Stekene instead.
Started collecting flags from 8ch, some differences I've found so far:
>they have the new Myanmar flag
>Sint Maarten is glossed
>weird alternate flags for DRC and Angola
That's the old flag for the DRC, no clue about Angola's
Didn't mean to quote
clicked on you to open the quick reply menu and forgot to remove the post number
Here is the city hall of Sint-Niklaas this morning.
Expect to see thevWachtebeke flag in one of the coming weeks; it's the town right next to my town and I come there quite often.
Just realised
Just found the Angola flag here
weird how they used that instead of the official one.
Angola's flag looks like Swaziland's desu
thanks m8, I do collect Belgian municipalities :3
Looks like the 2003 proposed flag to me
I think FAMFAMFAM also has an icon of that flag on their website for some reason
Kongo might be zaire
Angola is a flag proposed in 2008 i think
If you look at the f a m f a m f a m website its actually still in the thumbnail
That's a shit flag tbhfam
Oh, you're welcome then :3
I'll try to remember to take pictures as proof if I go somewhere again.
P sure Nuevo Leon was in the last thread
Even after seeing it tens of times, that shit is still fucked up. Get a better organization of your maps mate.
now this is autism
lad you dont even know
On that map Kaliningrad has the Dutch flag instead of the Russian one.
No it has not, but it is similair
Nah, just an illusion.
Think I fucked up on git a bit, nothing major
Look really carefully, the red stripe is actually from the bottom stripe of the Lithuanian flag above it. There's a red stripe along the bottom of the Russian flag but its well hidden by neighbouring red
The Pacific is a bit fucked though from what I hear
Wish Virginia user was here- no clue what I'm doing
Would it be acurate to have as a title Administrative regions on federal states of Germany for ?
Look out the castle is ARMED
That'd be "Regierungsbezirke and equivalents of the Bundesländer of Germany"
PK posted under mayotte like 2 days ago
el chileno es un animal conflictivo
Come at me bro the pen is mightier than the sword
St. Just cuck my shit up
Fuck you guys, banana beats all
Yeah I just discovered it, going to put it with my other JUST pics for future threads
Here pham
Better hide that banana before the flies put shit on it
Good job user thanks
This frog here will eat the flies before they can shit on anything
They should be friends
>kev's legs
What the fuck am I doing with my life
>not using a really small foamy beer
this is amazing
It's not done yet
If you guys have any ideas tell me
Just Finished adding flags, let me know what you think
Delete this
>he saved the tainted proxy Montserrat
other than that, 8/10
Solomon Islands
No, you first
Fixed the minor fuckup, back to figuring this shit out
I should be pretty clear now
Add Ottawa
Look closely (the explosion)
Please add me friend
Not prominent enough then :^)
Do you maybe have a picture with just his arm?
Do not ignore me Alkmaarbro!!!!
Do I represent you with the Malaysian flag or your regional?
Nah, just lasso it out
Malaysian flag should be ok, also include designated shitting OP and the Durham guy.
>look at the birds
>no Flanders flag
I am of many disappoint
Looks like babby's first day at Git is fruitful
Good job babby
Now to get my username in the global settings to show up
Script working?
Try again
Oh fug rare extra flags
Works now, thanks m8. Please could you also post here so I can collect your bird: Forumsres/401291.html
Please post proof man.
Also, I used to live in Nairobi a long while ago.
>Also, I used to live in Nairobi a long while ago.
For what purpose mate
And yeah please post proofs
I was a kid and my dad got a job there, I also lived in South Africa before that.
Here's the raw .PDN file for anyone who wants to edit it in Paint.Net
Based, you have 2 Malaysian flags though.
Also, no Singapore.
Oh shit, and I used karalkapak's regional as there are 2 singaporean posters here
Can someone please post some templates?
>no england
>two malaysians
>no biel
what is this
I just asked for suggestions a couple of posts ago, why didnt you tell me there
Holy fuck these memes
I can't
I just fucking can't
>no straya
m8 i'll come to yurop and smack ya
dunno, i'm autistic :^)
You're missing the Puerto Rican
There only fit a couple more birds lad