Eat more cheese user

Eat more cheese user.

I poop once every 4 or 5 days and cheese doesn't help with that la
I'd love too though

Add it to everything you have

I eat cheese every day

Cheese are expensive here. Our gov protects domestic dairy farmers so they sets a high duty to import dairy products.

Cheese is shitty in my country :(

>I poop once every 4 or 5 days

Your digestive transit is clogged mane
try to drink more water to get this stuff to slide down quicker

I already eat plenty of cheese.

mae some sacrifices then
but get more cheese

not even at least one good kind?

Aren't you guys like 90% lactose intolerant?

Not true. Majority can drink milk without problems. Some can't drink due to the lactose intolerant though.

You can be lactose intelorant and still drink milk without noticing it if you keep it down to a glass in some cases I've heard

I already eat quite a lot

Fuck sake, you just don't mix bacon with cheese...

I didn't know that. So 90% of us keep drinking milk without absorbing milk nutrition?

Yeah it's quite probable

Thanks. Sup Forums sometimes surprises me because you guys have more knowledge about Japan, than I have.

I don't really about that though
That's what I've read somewhere.
I just love dairy products man
Have a good one

Lol no, half of my co-workers are from China or Korea, they can't even have milk with their coffee without having diarrhea...

Fucking disgusting. Keep cheese away from meat, you barbarian.

is that cordon bleu? Looks delicious

I don't know about China and Korea, but in Japan, milk is quite popular, so almost everyone can drink it without having diarrhea. Look at the pic showing how milk is sold in Japan. You see, dairy products are popular in Japan. I think Korean and Chinese can drink it without having problems, like we do. There isn't such a race difference between us.


it is





I really want to try raclette but I can't seem to find any here ;_;
