

Aljoscha spreng dich weg!

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Sae ist eine Hure!

_____ hat nichts mit dem _____ zu tun

Sae ins gas uezs

Es hat mit dem TRUMP zu tun!
Der TRUMP is an allen Schuld!

dritter für Orlando

Wie sie es einfach schaffen zwei total voneinander unabhängige Dinge zu verknüpfen
Es sieht echt so aus, als wäre Trump homophob

Dabei ist der Alte sogar für die Homo-Ehe

Der ewige Trumpe ist immer schuld


Wer /hundert Jahre zu spät geboren/ hier


>I can't imagine any opinion of mine where I would say, oh no, this is a completely legitimate opinion, but I can't proclaim it here. I feel so censored. So I would ask anyone whose opinions DO clash with those very basic rules to ask themselves whether their opinions really are that legitimate.
Ask yourselves. If you feel like you need to hide behind Sup Forums's anonymity to express your opinions, are your options really legitimate?

Or do you have an irrational hatred that burns inside of you, due to your problematic cultural heritage?


Wärst du hundert Jahre eher geboren, hättest du die Kolonialzeit und die Gründerjahre nur als Kind erlebt und wärst exakt zum ersten Weltkrieg im wehrfähigen Alter gewesen. Eher 120 Jahre oder 130 Jahre.

Die Zeit ist ziemlich gut darin.

Aangifte is eruit, nederkanker.


>inb4 du wärst ein fabriksarbeiter geworden

Trump ist der neue Nubbel!

>Ich habe überhaupt keine Lust auf (erwachsene) Frauen

Wer /die juden mit Trip DGBPAmajGWG (HJP und JederTrittEinBrit) sofort ins Gas/ hier?

>Nicht Kriegstraumatisiert durchs Berlin-Babylon der 20er irren und danach noch Onkel Addys lustige Sozenphase mitmachen wollen.

da hab ich einen

Nö, ich mag den Hajottpeh uezs.

Otto dix ist ziemlich basiert schade das Adi was gegen seine Bilder hatte


Hier! Sofort vergasen diese dreckigen unter"menschen"!


It is not hatred and it is not irrational.
It is legitimate because it has to do with the long term survival of your nation and with the well being of your family's future generations.

The reason why it's called irrational hatred is because this makes it easy for the government to censor contrarian opinions.

However, even if it were hatred, so what? Hatred does not need to be irrational; it is a sign of good health to hate things that are bad and unhealthy for you. Hate is rejection in the same way that our body tries to reject disease.

Furthermore, even if it were irrational, which it is not as I have proven, it would still make sense because our natural drive for survival and safety is based on instinct as it is an older impulse than reason itself, and as such rationality is only "backwards engineering" an explanation towards something which is human nature: Desiring body integrity, steady resources and a Tomorrow for your children and tribe.

Literally it all just boils down to the Government pushing its agenda. People love to think of themselves as being good, so if those who disagree with the government as evil, it's killing two birds in one shot. They know that just letting people speak their mind about these things we've mentioned in a way is to admit that they are correct, so they're brutal.


Adi ist eine dreckige Hure

Goebbels mochte in seiner Jugend den Expressionismus eig. recht gerne.
War aber ein schwacher Charakter und drehte sich dann wieder um 180grad.

Hätte Adolf doch nur die Kunstschule bestanden..

>When they proclaim that I have to guarantee even the most vile kinds of speech as to not endanger my own right. Which I find to be tremendously naive, since it either presumes that the person who bans, say, Holocaust denial, will inevitably also ban my opinions - but why would they? I don't plan to deny the Holocaust or do anything like it. And if they ban me nonetheless for something entirely different, I have no reason to believe that whoever wants to ban Holocaust denial also wants to ban my opinions - as there is no connection between those.

Honestly I really envy this person. I wish I was also someone who didn't think a single bad thought, like he was.

But I have opinions like "rape is really hot actually" and yeah I could see someone who wants to ban holocaust denial also wanting to ban that sort of opinion.



Fetti raus uezs

Hab in der Schule auch auf ein Kakerlakenmädel gestanden.

Und warum seid ihr so hier?

I just realized that Angela Merkel has no children.

Everything makes so much sense now.

immer wenn ich besoffen bin komm ihc hier her und lach über euer almantum

und wie hast du dann wieder auf den rechten weg gefunden?

Could you translate? Google doesn't know how to translate this.

Why the hell do you think she makes us call her "mother"?

Fühl den Björn

Wer noch /Schließt beim Kacken die Badezimmertür ab, obwohl er allein wohnt/ hier?

>und wie hast du dann wieder auf den rechten weg gefunden?
Sie hat mich schlecht behandelt, war halt meine Einsitis. Hatte später einen """Freund""" der nach drei Tagen mit ihr Schluss gemacht hat. Seine Worte dazu waren "Ich kann nicht verstehen wie manche Leute so sehr nach dem Koran leben können". Bin da wohl ner Kugel ausgewichen.

Wohne zwar nicht mehr alleine, aber hab ich immer gemacht, auch wenn wochenlang keiner da war.

"to be quite honest, fatty, get out"

wo sind denn all die schweizer ;_;

Fetti get out desu


Da, wo sie hingehören.

Schweizer = Bänker
Juden = Bänker

Dachtet ihr wir merken das nicht?

Ok thanks ;_;


dont worry, you look sexy

Seid ihr alle Geister oder was

>Dabei ist der Alte sogar für die Homo-Ehe

Und so sieht es nämlich mal aus! Die Homos werden scharenweise zum Trump-Lager wechseln. Schließlich will man vor seinen Schutzbefohlenen auch schön von den homophoben Heten beschützt werden.


Das interessiert doch keinen Schwanz, du Schwanz.

Wer /100-Moscheen-Plan/ hier?


>Meine Stadt
>0 Treffer
knapp Brudis


Großer Boss uezs

I'm a 26 year old virgin, so I know this isn't true. So instead of a sex life I just rp with girls and get them to send me nudes.



So you admit to being a serial rapist. Enjoy Guantanamo!


Clinton die beste, alda. Voll lieb und so

Ich bin dafür, dass wir Leipzig zerbomben und dann in Ostdeutschland und Westpolen wieder Preußen ausrufen.


just go to a hooker m8. they are great and she will be especially nice if you tell her that its your first time.

Leute, was meint ihr, wie viele von uns hier echte Autisten sind (Aljoscha ausgeschlossen)? Viele Chads und Partylöwen sind hier ja nicht unterwegs.

white cis males into the gas


Wer /KanakenundNegerraus/ hier?


In welcher Reihe hast Du in der Hauptschule immer gesessen?


>Du wirst niemals für ihn leben und sterben
Das beste was wir heutzutage haben ist Trump. Hoffentlich führt er die Trumpstaffel ein.

>(Aljoscha ausgeschlossen)?

Bedeutet mir sehr viel, dass du, wie bereits meine Mutti, anerkennst, dass ich etwas besonderes bin.




täusch dich da mal nicht, freitag abends und nachts ists wie ausgestorben hier, nur ein paar ronnys und ab 24 uhr die neets wenn sie vom vidya spielen müde sind.

bring dich um

maybe I should kill myself

Bin ein ganz normaler Typ uezs. Kein Überflieger an der Uni, lebe mit meinem besten Kumpel in einer WG, habe eine Freundin, und vergesse immer die Hälfte der Paste.

;_; my day will come one day.

I should but I haven't idk.

B-but I'm not even white. I'm only half white.

ich bin kein autist, habe aber legitim soziale anxietät. werde auch psychotherapeutisch betreut deswegen

Als ob ich noch Motivation für Vidya hätte ..

Nuremberg, one of Germany's most ancient cities, had been utterly flattened by no less than eleven mass Allied bombing raids. In the closing days of the war, further damage was done when two SS divisions made a last stand there which led to an artillery bombardment by the US Army. Home of the medieval Meistersingers and of Tannhauser, of Albrecht Durer and Veit Stoss, it had been chosen in the previous century as the home of the German Museum, a magnificent collection of German art and historical artifacts. In the 1930s, Nuremberg had hosted the annual Nazi Party rally. Now it was chosen to host the war crimes tribunals for symbolic reasons--unlike in 1919, the war was not blamed on Prussian militarism, but an inherent defect in the German national character itself. The setting of the trial seemed to teach a history lesson far deeper than the offenses of the individual defendents.

The Allied decision to stage a war crimes tribunal had not been reached lightly. Churchill and US Secretary of State Henry Morgenthau were both against it. Since there were no legal precedents for the thing, they argued that it was better to simply take Nazi leaders and shoot or hang them. Their opinion was overruled as the Allied governments had already committed themselves to holding trials by the Declaration of St. James and the Moscow Declaration and the established policy had too much support to discard. Of the Big Three, Roosevelt and Stalin favored it, thus the trials were bound to take place. They were necessary as both a "sincere but naive attempt to impose the rule of law" and demonstrate the total power of the victors. Stalin had used show trials to eliminate his domestic enemies and there is no reason to think he would have skipped the chance for a similar show of strength after his great triumph on the battlefield. Stalin was after all the main beneficiary since in a truly just world, he himself should have been in the docket.

>lebe mit meinem besten Kumpel in einer WG, habe eine Freundin
wie oft sind die beiden alleine?

please try to take no one with you

Ich kann nur gewinnen

(auch wenn ich es nicht gut finde, dass Alfred eine Beziehung mit einer nigerianischen Ente hat)

Dummer Neubienenfroschposter

Ich und die Jungs

Once the indictments were served, the Nuremberg Trials were scheduled to open on November 20, 1945. From there on, the trials proceeded through 403 open sessions in the main courtroom of the Palace of Justice until the final sentences of the judgement were read over ten months later, on October 1, 1946. The four Allied judges, under Chairman Sir Geoffrey Lawrence QC sat on one side with their deputies. The 21 defendants present, who all pleaded innocence, filled the benches of the docket opposite under strict military guard. The four prosecutors, one from each of the four major Allied powers, shared the middle ground with their deputies and assistants, with the crowd of defending German counsel, and a horde of clerks, translators, and interpreters. A raised public gallery had been built in one lateral wing of the courtroom. The proceedings were conducted in English, French, German, and Russian. At any one time, the majority of participants would be listening to simultaneous translations on headphones.

In addition to those present, Martin Bormann, Hitler's deputy, was tried in absentia, along with eight defendant organizations charged with collective crimes--the SS, SD, SA, and Gestapo, the Nazi Party leadership, the Reich Cabinet, the General Staff and High Command of the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, and Kriegsmarine. Proceedings against industrialist Gustav Krupp were dropped as the wheelchair-bound defendant was ruled physically and mentally unfit to stand trial. All in all, the prosecution produced over 4000 documents, 1809 affadavits, and 33 live witnesses. They also showed films and displayed any number of gruesome exhibits including lampshades made from human skin and severed heads mounted on wooden stakes. The defense produced 143 witnesses and several hundred thousand affadavits. The corpus of the trials, published shortly after they closed in late 1946, ran to 43 volumes.

>I should but I haven't idk.
they normally get ugly fat 50year olds who treat them like crap, so even if you are not so good looking she will be glad to have you as a customer.

just do it.


he strongest testimony was presented on war crimes and atrocities, of which there was an extremely large body of evidence almost impossible to dispute, especially coming from the Nazis' own records. The death camps of the Final Solution, the unspeakable horrors of pseudo-medical experiments, mass atrocities on an unprecedented scale were all thoroughly documented. Harder to prove were the charges of common conspiracy and points where the defense could easily argue the normal practices of a nation in wartime. It was also difficult to prove that secret meetings of Hitler and his colleagues constituted malicious intent or that rearmament was inspired by aggressive motives. On the other hand, comparisons with Allied wartime conduct was not allowed at all. The defense could not protest the injustice of the Versailles settlement in 1919, or Allied bombing raids, or Soviet atrocities. "We are here to judge war criminals," said Lord Justice Lawrence, "not try the prosecuting powers". Attempts to discuss conditions in Allied internment camps were overruled along with the forcible expulsion of ethnic Germans from Poland and elsewhere, then in progress. "The Defence is attempting to introduce breaches of international law by the Allies." reported The Times on the first anniversary of V-E Day. "The prosecutor made the point that if this were accepted and rebuttals were allowed, the trials would be needlessly prolonged."

The Soviet prosecutors initially brought up the Katyn Forest Massacres, but after the defense poked holes in Moscow's version, they quickly dropped their claims and it was not discussed again.

Ich ganz links


Two, three, four
Eins, zwei drei
Na, es is nix dabei
Na, wenn ich Euch erzähl' die G'schicht'
Nichts desto trotz,
Ich bin es schon gewohnt
I'm TV-Funk da läuft es nicht. -
Jah, sie war jung,
Das Herz so rein und weiß
Und jede Nacht hat ihren Preis,
Sie sagt: "Sugar Sweet,
Jah' got me rapp'in to the heat!"
Ich verstehe, sie ist heiß,
Sie sagt:"Baby, look,
I miss my funky friends,"
Sie meint Jack und Joe und Jill.
Mein Funkverständnis,
Ja, das reicht zur Not,
Ich überreiss', was sie jetzt will. -
Ich überleg' bei mir,
Ihr' Nas'n spricht dafür,
Währenddessen ich noch rauch',
Die Special Places sind ihr wohlbekannt,
Ich mein', sie fährt ja U-Bahn auch.
Dort singen's:

Yeah the strippers I've sat with were also glad.

Alter, seit ihr Nazis?