What happens here?

What happens here?

>get shot

niggers, deep dish pizza
lol idk, does East St. Louis count as central Illinois? One of the most dangerous cities in America according to crime statistics
literally Kentucky, dentistry is banned and bestiality encouraged, consanguineous marriage is rampant

You know the meme about american's getting shot any time they do anything?

That's reality in that state

Rednecks until you get to the top. Then Chiraq.

What happens here?


world famous mouth watering 'go 'za

Corruption greater than New York's, however I'm not aware if theirs has blatantly broken their own laws like ours.


Farms and the total population of a medium-sized city.

How did New York break their own law?


Not much.

Assaltos e homicídios, mesmo assim eu diria que Chicago é melhor que 99% das cidades americanas.

Ah, e mesmo assim, é mais seguro do que qualquer cidade brasileira média ou grande. Confie em mim, moro em Chicago.

some of the worst """""""""""""pizza"""""""""""" ever made

nignogs get shot and rob people


otherwise its all just farmers

I truly don't know why people talk so bad about Chicago. Seems like a nice city. It's not like Chicago is a Detroit.

Non stop wind gusts blew all of the happiness away and most of the people who weren't blown away with it committed suicide.

There is a reason there are like 30 cities in the US alone with a bigger population than a state as large as that

absolutely no basis behind this approximation but I assume that state is about twice the size of yurop


kek you do not have any idea how dedicated IL is to corrupt political depravity then

I live here

>lol idk, does East St. Louis count as central Illinois?

>does southern illinois count as central illinois

Holy shit, Caliniggers need to stop posting ASAP.

>seems like a nice city

Spoken like someone that has either never been there or only visited

So Chicago is a Detroit tier for you? Why?

It is a nice city. It's just butthurt Sup Forums basement dwellers who live in cornfields that talk shit.

Chicago is better than LA, NY, or anything in Texas.

Its probably the biggest, non shittiest city there is.

I live in Chicago (used to live in the south), it's a very nice city, plenty of places to go, good public transportation, ignoring factors such as rent, it's the american city I would choose to live in.

To americans used to cities completely focused on cars it might not seem that nice, I understand that.

as someone who lives in the county adjacent to Chicago, I still think NYC is better off.

but the rest of your post is correct

Why are there so many transvestites in Iowa City?

>What happens here?

I went to their natural history museum in Chicago. It was pretty cool.
Apparently Illinois has land crayfish that live underground. (most species of crayfish live in swamps or streams)

They grow lots of food.

>absolutely no basis behind this approximation but I assume that state is about twice the size of yurop
all states are at least four times the size of europe
didn't you learn this in school

Liberals, niggers, spics, and some poles. Pretty shite
Rich whites
Asians and rich whites
Millenials, Indians, and trophy wives
Used to live there, was a containment city in the burbs for spics and niggers. They're now spreading. A shithole
Mexicans everywhere, a shithole
>Tri-Cities/Fox Valley
Actually decent, more whites, less crime, less plastic
>The countryside
Actually quite nice
Huge college surrounded by wasteland, fucking nothing to do

I would always chose NYC over Chicago. The good looking people always move to NYC leaving the regular to ugly people in Chicago; same with food NYC has much better restaurants. San Diego has the same relationship with LA.

>be from Chicago
>build a giant bean
>call it a cloud
It's a fucking bean, lads

they're called crawfish you buttfucking yankee

which is worse

driving north to south through illinois, or east to west through nebraska?

they're called mudbugs, you carpetbagger