Why cant Republika Srpska merge with Serbia?

Why cant Republika Srpska merge with Serbia?

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Apparently (according to Geography Now) they will if Kosovo becomes independent.

Pic related is what Serbia would look like then.

that looks scary as fuck


That north part of Srpska looks like it's about to fall off any time

Shit borders, 0/5 would not play in autism simulator

find the missing part

Well they could have another war and take the whole of Bosnia... but I don't think that would go down very well.

1 on 1 we would get it without a problem

Can't wait for the next fucking war

what about 1 on 2 (including croats)?

Well croats would be involved + nato becuse of posavina + distrikt brčko

Because the USA would like an unstable mess of a state because the right to self determination only applies to non Serbs.

All of them if Serbia is involved. In Bosnia and Croatia, Serbia was not involved, but the local Serb populace, Serbia even at one point had sanctions against Bosnian Serb and Croatian Serb republics.
But that is just theory, because no one wants to go to war nowdays, no one sane that is.

I like those borders :3 would be cute

are you gonna attack us?

If every war would be 1 on 1 , you and I were living in a same country Blagoje

still easy.

As long as NATO/EU don't step in, it's easy pickings.

Or if they do, we get help from Russia.

Last time, we didn't.

divide it up like this


Thanks Greece for refusing to be a part of it at all, despite being a NATO member.

or like this

No one in a Bosnia/Serbia conflict is NATO aligned or allied.

Name 1 country with a soldier on the ground for attack in that league (Not UN for peacekeeping)

Exclaves look like fun

do it anyways i can't stand to look at these ugly ass fucking borders.

just go ahead and genocide everyone, why can't you slavshits do regular ole natural borders like a river or something.

there are no exclaves in my map


2010 vs 1981

that bottom right serbian piece would be an exclave

>In Bosnia and Croatia, Serbia was not involved
>teenager Serbs literally believe this

damn macedonia looks like ballsack

Not if we reunite with Montenegro (like you with FYROM)

talk shit get hit

Long live ethnically clean Croatia!

JNA retreated in 1992 facing sanctions and foreign pressure.
JNA was indirectly involved in Bosnia, more with smuggling, volunteers, engineering work (and by that i mean setting up and clearing minefields)
Oh, look, someone who glorifies genocide.

dotted line means autonomy and guys from the UN to make sure you don't genocide them

Hrvat sam nisam konto
you see Posavina is mainly pouplated with croats and they added it into the map there so you can guess from where would NATO come

Im fine with this.
Do it.

>JNA retreated in 1992
>JNA was indirectly involved
Did you escape from the asylum just recently?

What was the best possible action for Serbia to take after the YU start falling apart? Wouldn't it be wiser just to lay back and let everyone secede but with significant serb minority in every country. This way you can keep all people in place and than whine for right and self determination to the UN and so on...

What this map really tells you is how Slovenia ethnically cleansed itself. And no one ever heard or even knows about it.

>no German or Italian majority in any area
Less than 100 years ago the second largest city in present day Slovenia had a German minority, 30 thousand also lived in the Kočevje enclave (Gottsche) as well as thousands of them in other urban areas, none of the coastal towns of Koper (Capodistria), Piran(Pirano), Izola(Isola), Portorož(Portoroes) had a Slovenian majority or even had significant Slovenian population.

and this is the t. Nato option

I would really like that. Republika srpska is holding this country back. Economically they are africa tier. Serbs are subhumans and I don't want to live in a country with them.

>German minority*
German Majority*, roughly 80% of Maribor was German.

I'm not glorifying genocide, Im glorifying ethnically clean Croatia.
Serbs left by their own at the end of the war because they were too scared to face justice and because they were needed in northern and eastern Bosnia
Croatia is not ethnically clean because of genocide! Oluja was not a genocide

best and the only right solution. However with normal Serbian borders, without Kosovo

I don't honestly understand how you guys can hope to play any role in the world. Countries which can project any form of power have to have secure borders or defensive positions. These borders and low population just invites neighbor friction and leave you guys vulnerable to get pushed around by bigger guys.

Even countries like Poland or Romania will have some ability to project power, and will be less bullied or intimidated by bigger regional powers or even emerge as one.

The current divisions just means yugoslavia will slip into irrelevance much like ukraine or belarus because you'll be too preoccupied with nearby threats to deal with external ones.

NATO gives zero fucks about ethnic connections. They aren't Russian/Slac/Muslim.

The Croats in Bosnia are outside NATO.

And it's not like the Serbs would attack Bosnians. They would focus on "european" muslim Bosniaks.

>What was the best possible action for Serbia to take after the YU start falling apart?
Not going on a genocidal killing spree to fulfill ultranationalist wet dreams of a "Great Serbia", probably.

This is nice, except for Macedonia going to Bulgaria. Vojvodina can be independent or a Croatian vassal.

it would be the ultimate inception
croatia enveloping republika srpska enveloping the bosniak caliphate
i love it



Captured USA soldiers near Kosovo border.

France too, they had special squads which got killed as well

Either way, NATO was never going to do a full scale invasion of Yugoslavia.

It would take an army of 500 000, and nobody would support it

>However, France and Germany vigorously opposed a ground offensive, and had done so for some weeks, since April 1999. French estimates suggested that an invasion would need an army of 500,000 to achieve success. This left NATO, particularly the United States, with a clear view that a land operation had no support.

It should be noted that Yugoslavia agreed to peace talks, only 1 day after Milosevic had a talk with Russian ambassador, who said, "we can't help, we won't help"

>According to British Lieutenant-General Mike Jackson, Russia's decision on 3 June 1999 to back the West and to urge Milošević to surrender was the single event that had "the greatest significance in ending the war". The Yugoslav capitulation came the same day.

Also our morale was far higher than NATO, and if Russia just promised or agreed to supply sell us any kind of air defence, NATO would never got even that shitty deal they've got.

>However, when retreating from Kosovo after NATO intervention, Yugoslav units appeared combat effective with high morale and displaying large holdings of undamaged equipment.[110] Weeks before the end of hostilities, David Fromkin has noted that ˝it seemed possible that NATO unity might crack before Yugoslav morale did.˝

Not to mention the fact that NATO missed every single military target they aimed for.

>NATO claimed that the Yugoslav army lost 93 tanks (M-84's and T-55's), 132 APCs, and 52 artillery pieces.

> Newsweek, the second-largest news weekly magazine in the U.S, gained access to a suppressed US Air Force report that claimed the real numbers were "3 tanks, not 120; 18 armored personnel carriers, not 220; 20 artillery pieces, not 450"

Renounce communism, pledge to the US and that we will be capitalist, then kill everyone that is not Serb with US and EU looking the other way

Which explains why Bosniaks are the poorest fuckers in Europe?

Worse than Moldovans.

this would have worked, i'd support this

Did the Partisans handle that or what?

yeah,well they can try

Montenegro isn't real.
Hungary doesn't get anything, they are cunts who want a full restoration.
I don't think you realize the geographic importance Presevo valley has since the major highways and railways go trough it.
We helped you out with that.
>forces 300k people out of his country with tanks
>celebrates ethnic cleansing
>not genocide
>whine for right and self determination
We did.

based czech just minding their ow business

Butthurt Croats always butthurt that the never fought our army.

JNA left per Sarajevo Agreement in 1992 agreement with NATO and US, Croats were completely irrelevant.

3 years later, Croat exiled 300k civilians with 200k soldiers + bosnian forces against 30 000 armed civilians of RSK and claim


Top kek
They were so scared, they waited 3 years after Serbian army left, to do something.

Real life isn't a Paradox game and we don't give a shit about relevance.

>then kill everyone that is not Serb
You tried that and failed miserably. You literally lost to the Croatian police force.

>Economically they are africa tier
now you are just being retarded

yes,well we had to arm ourself and the thing that we stoppet "your" "army" without any heavy weapons is quite a feat tbhh

Looking at this map serbs fight almost exclusively in serb populated areas. How is that " ultranationalist wet dream"?

What is the dark red/brownish one?
Bunjevci? Areas with no clear majority?
Involved in eastern Bosnia, not Croatia.

forgot the map

they tried to do what albanians did to them with kosovo
just they got btfo

How and who forced them to leave their homes?
They leaved because they decided to leave! for whatever reasons
Were they too scared to stay? was it an order from Belgrade?
I dont give two shits as long as your barbarian tribe is east from river Drina

Not true. We are doing much better than Moldova.

Even during Yugoslavian era, economy of FBiH was 133% of yugoslavian average GDP, while economy of Republika Srpska was 95%. If we had no serbs in our country, we would be doing almost as well as Croatia.

>muh 700,000
>w-we didn't l-lose

well yeah they are that red majority i guess

Who is we?
I have nothing with poor Croatian Serb farmers that wanted to save their lives and property and were ethnically cleansed in a fight 4.000.000 vs 300.000

So basically there was no ground support from NATO (except little teams that goes in every war) and they missed almost every missile they launch.That means NATO didn't do shit in that war.

I wasn't aware, you got autonomous Preševo but hungary and montenegro get their shit, you get sea access you'd probably wet your pants IRL if former yugoslavia was partitioned as it was in this map.

uvijek ista prica

>diskusija o bosni
>srbi vs. bosnjaci
>upadnu hrvati
>svako protiv svakog

> If we had no serbs in our country, we would be doing almost as well as Croatia.
and if you had no croats you would be serbia tier

This fairytale again

Croatia was arming itself from the moment Tudjman got to power.

it was buying weapons left and right, it got money from everyone.

Mostly bought it from Ukraine and Hungary at very low prices.

Not to mention the 1000s of Yugoslav troops of Croatian origin that defected to Croatia and took their equipment with them.

You were arming yourself long before that war began.

And then you attacked the barracks of JNA an army in it's own country and some joined you, some left.

>4.000.000 vs 300.000
pretty stupid of them to start that fight don't you think?

So can Bulgarian Turks just kill all the Bulgarians in Turk-majority areas and proclaim a state of their own to merge it with Turkey?

JNA was in Croatia, you spastic retard.

Pretty much. But during the inter-war era Germans were not liked (their schools were closed and such) and many of them left for Austria even before the war.

Only feel bad for the Gottsche germans, they were forcefully relocated by the Germans themselves as the area was part of the Italian occupational zone. This was also later used as an excuse to not allow them to return because technically they "agreed" to be resettled despite the fact this agreement was forced from them by the German authorities and resulted in a decent number of Gotsche germans joining the partisans instead of leaving. There's only a few hundred left out of the ~30 thousand.

yes we armed ourselfs true,but with small arms
read again what i posted damn it

Oh, no I wouldn't say that.

They managed to hit every factory, every bridge, basically anything of use to the economy.

3000 civilians died.

1000 army members died.

They fought the war against the people, not the army.

They knew that the genocide Croats did from WWII will repeat, so they had to protect themselves, I don't blame them for trying and being left out by Yugo government at that time

>military jets, navy, tanks and heavy artillery against a Croatia that didn't even have a standing army
>Croatian Serb farmers
Wow, Serbian agricultural machinery is really something, eh?

turks have no right over this land as they are invaders

vae victis then
ww2 was an overreaction but it wasn't unjustified

Montenegro is a meme.

No, you were buying everything.

Not to mention you started the war by taking control of almost all supplies of JNA in Croatia, which there were quite a bit.

Same as Slovenia did.

more fairytales

You do know that JNA Airforce commander for example, was a Croat, until nearly the end of 1992.

He really wanted to use them against his people.

Land forces commander was a Slovene.

War always damages the civilians.Like 8,373 people in Srebrenica .

Justification for what? For making you wear Serbian hats in the army ayyyyyyyyyyyy

Oh dear,when it comes to drawing on maps and making threats every one is an expert.But when it comes to war oh boy don't even get me started


top kek.

Yeah, civilians died there.

That's why VRS evacuted all woman and children younger than 16.

Because they really wanted to kill some civilians.

>nismo mi oni su

>fighting men
Srebrenica had a population of 5000, 3400 of which were muslims. And 8000 MEN died.

The only good thing about bosnia is its flag


no more, we don't need that trash around here

where were all of that equipment that we bought then?
like that's not enough
also killing radic brothers gave you hate of the whole our nation

And Croatian Serbs are here because they ran away from the Turks.

Croatia started seeking weapons when you started the log bullshit.

>more fairlytales
More denial.

And almost 20,000 Croatian Army soldiers were Serbs. What now?

yea one gun nut is to blame, black lives matter

In your fucking hands.

Are you really such an idiot to believe you can make people with tanks leave if you throw bottles at them and wish it really hard ?

>Ne,ne to nisu bili civili to su vojnici bez pušaka i oružija onu su bili pretnja.I jesam li spomenuo da su srbi nebeski narod?

nope, lad national security strategy is pretty important for most of the major countries.

ie russia is motivated to seize crimea because it will prevent potential invasion areas, and so-on.

smaller countries or ones with shitty borders means they are left to become vulnerable to bigger guys. your history for the next hundred years may just be infighting again like a bunch of tribes in africa rather than becoming a great nation.

Serbs were, are and will always be inhumane animals who are along with Turks responsible for making Balkan 10x times worse place to live

Thanks Serbs, thanks for all the destruction, hate, poverty and in the Balkans.
Thanks for making it a bigger shithole than it should be

>They knew that the genocide Croats did from WWII will repeat,
Belgrade propaganda to support rebellion.

>Not to mention you started the war
>Justification for what?
Fucking hell. Serbs have no contact with reality. It's like an extreme case of mass psychosis.