This is a new bill that was introduced on the floor of the US Senate entitled,
“Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017.”

It basically says everything is evil..

1. Cash is Evil
2. Bitcoin/Crypto is Evil
3. Prepaid Phones are Evil
4. Gift Cards/Vouchers/Coupons are Evil

These people are certifiably insane. Among the bill’s sweeping provisions, the government aims to greatly extend its authority to seize your assets through “Civil Asset Forfeiture”.

Civil Asset Forfeiture rules allow the government to take whatever they want from you, without a trial or any due process.

This new bill adds a laundry list of offenses for which they can legally seize your assets… all of which pertain to money laundering and other financial crimes.

Here’s the thing, though: they’ve also vastly expanded on the definition of such ‘financial crimes’, including failure to fill out a form if you happen to be transporting more than $10,000 worth of ‘monetary instruments’.

Have too much cash? You’d better tell the government.

If not, they’re authorizing themselves in this bill to seize not just the money you didn’t report, but ALL of your assets and bank accounts.

They even go so far as to specifically name “safety deposit boxes” among the various assets that they can seize if you don’t fill out the form.

This is unbelievable on so many levels.

It’s crazy to begin with that these people are so consumed by the fact that someone has $10,000 in cash.

But it’s even crazier that they’re threatening to take EVERYTHING that you own merely for not filling out a piece of paper, without any due process whatsoever.


Other urls found in this thread:

Oh, and on top of civil asset forfeiture penalties, there are also criminal penalties.

Right now according to current law they can imprison you for up to FIVE YEARS for not filling out the form. Five years.

But apparently that doesn’t go far enough so this bill aims to double the criminal penalty to TEN years in prison.

Further, their bill wants to pull any business which “issues” cryptocurrency under the anti-money laundering regulatory umbrella.

Here’s where these people demonstrate that they have no idea what they’re talking about.

No one “issues” Bitcoin. There’s no Bitcoin central bank. There’s no Chairman of Bitcoin who decides on a whim to increase the supply.

Bitcoin is created automatically amounts that are predetermined by its code. It’s software.

So the Senate is essentially trying to force the Bitcoin core software to comply with money laundering regulations.

The bill also attempts to drop a major bomb on Bitcoin by including it in the list of monetary instruments that must be reported when entering or leaving the US.

I would but they're being shot atm

>Sup Forums will defend this

>bill that makes money illegal
This has no chance of passing.

>blaming fiat and secure technology on your problems while still bowing down to muslims
holy lol americans are funny

Seriously though, you have no justifiable reason to hoard over $10,000 in cash assets without wanting the government to know about it.

Are you money laundering?

That's the UK

It's not illegal to have a lot of money. There's no crime committed just from having a lot of money on you. There's actually no reason I need to justify why this shouldn't be a crime but for example some (rich) people buy cars or houses in cash to avoid owing money to someone and having to pay interest. If the police stop you on the way to buy a car or house in cash you believe they should be able to take your money without due process?

>bill that makes money illegal
No, no, user. It makes CASH and non government issued currency illegal. This is about control. That why OP said 1984. They want you to keeping spending like the little economy battery you are, they just want to watch and control every expenditure.

>Defending statists

consider suicide

Do you think rich people drive around with hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash looking to buy property?

Not only is cash extremely cumbersome to deal with in large amounts, you're opening yourself up to theft, nobody pays for things in cash like this.

Kill yourself

>issue fiat currency
>forbid you from carrying said fiat currency

How could you ever enforce it?

luck of the draw

If their plan is to get rid of anonymous transactions, why don't they just ban money?


You've got that the wrong way around. The government has no justifiable reason to know how much cash I have.

I thought Sup Forums wanted a technocratic government so non whites and women would stop taking our jobs and have no authority.

>lived long enough to see a capitalist country start invading private property
I really didn't think this day would come

Not really but there's no reason they can't.

I see this affecting poor people the most. They tend to need to carry cash with them because they may not be edible for a loan(have to sell off assets for quick cash) or be able to afford a deposit box at a bank.

Stop spamming. You're so hilariously wrong about the assumptions you're making.

Fuck off shill

Looks like the dream is dead boys. We will be the last to understand freedom.



So assuming what OP says about the bill is true then that's absolutely ridiculous. People should riot and lynch the people who write such crazy bills. Seriously what is it with the government constantly craving for more power? What exactly is the end goal of these governments?

>using non-official shekels

Power, cult of personality, respect, ect


It's already required to report all this. Last November when I was in the States, I was searched right before I borded the plane. I had about $8500 on me, but it wasn't a big deal. They wanted to know how I got it and I told them working a job. Pulled up my bank account balance on my phone, and they STFU pretty quickly.

itt people who don't know the difference between "cash money" and "fiat currency".

Shut the fuck up you authoritarian cuck.

... to make sure you are put on the watch list.

The american dollar is fiat currency.

Name a country that does not have monetary controls or regulations on a international border.

Yes, but cash money is just one form of it, and not very significant one at the time, limiting cash circulation doesn't mean limiting the currency's curculation.

Reality is becoming a Cyberpunk dystopia right in front of our eyes. It's kind of exciting

I am ok with this.
If you are not, you're clearly a terrorist or a criminal.

>not even bait

damn america, I thought your slogan was "We The People" and now your corporate overlords have full control over your lives and you let it happen. you can't even shitpost privately without the feds busting down your door

Thank god, now cryptofaggots will have to get a job and l can finally buy a video card, based congress.

Why should I have to pay taxes on my earnings, and cryptofags don't? Fuck 'em.

They need to track your income so it can be audited to ensure you're paying taxes properly; it's not complicated. Are you retarded?


This makes sense to me.

Why are you sitting in your tax hole and complaining that coinfags are better than you? Climb out, do some mining and trading.

Captcha: makike leland

Riiiiight, this'll totally stop those dirty billionaires with all their money in the cayman islands, swiss banks, and Irish Tax havens.

The implication wasn't they are better, but if we both have cash and securities sitting around earning interest, or increasing in value, why should I be penalized, and they have to pay nothing?

They're literally just amending the current laws to cover laundering of currency in the new forms that have come about in recent years, like digital currencies.

Which is completely reasonable because that is how people are laundering money now.



Fuck of statist. We libertarian anarchist nao

Try again, but like an adult this time.

>britbong government bans encryption because durkadurks stole a van and bought steak knives at tesco
>wew lad good thing brexit saved you though
>ameriburgers laughing at them for this, chortling calls of "MUH FREEDUMBZ" between mouhtfuls of corn syrup and hot dogs
>now this, and ameriburgers will allow it because "making dem librulz mad" is a higher priority than preserving their own freedom

sure does feel good to be in literally the last place in the world where citizens rights are defended and upheld

>but.. but... duh mooslumz...
>there's sharia law right???? i saw it on paul joseph watson's twitter
>muh burocracies...
>c... c... cucks...
>hope you enjoy ahmed raping your wife!!!! LOL MEMED! REDPILLED! BTFO'D!!! IF I SAY IT ENOUGH IT BECOMES TRUE!!!

this is what happens when people value symbols of freedom over freedom itself

Are you a bot?

Freedom is just liberal propaganda. The government knows what's best for me as long as they're republican.

And what pinnacle of society country do you live in?

So the EU does not require you to declare anything over €10k?

Government is becoming too powerful. They are demonstrably corrupt and abusive.They are rapidly erroding the right to posses or aquire new wealth.The old wealth has realized the worlds resources are limited and as a result,are doing their best to hoard them for themselves. The death tax is a prime example of this. Fight it now,or there will be no future or reason to live.

>sure does feel good to be in literally the last place in the world where citizens rights are defended and upheld
>EU Flag

I belIeve in classical liberalism, which is what conservatives are.

They have been doing that since the 1940s. Are you retarded?

The Fed printed $16T and gave it to Europe - right about the time they were literally confiscating bank accounts and halting withdrawals to keep people from stopping it.

Income taxes don't pay for anything other than our (((interest))) to the Fed anyway, so they can go fuck themselves.

I seriously hope it becomes (((law))), so that we can all fucking ignore it. The more laws people brazenly ignore, the more the culture shifts away from giving a shit what our (((leaders))) think.

Let me phrase it better: Why are you letting yourself get penalized when there's a better option?
You forgot to mention that water is wet, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west

any EU country bordering only with other EU country

Does Sup Forums know about this?

This shit is why I'm moving to Texas. Fuck these pansy ass states.

>mouhtfuls of corn syrup and hot dogs
>now this, and ameriburgers will allow it because "making dem librulz mad" is a higher priority than preserving their own freedom
That is Sup Forums official plan, they would accept being forced to wear a tracking collar that comes with an ability to give a mild electric shock if they thought it would trigger libruals.


You seem like an intelligent, reasonable individual.

I'm as Sup Forums as they come, and fuck all that noise. Most of us are libertarians, no matter what the nazifaggots tell you.

>You forgot to mention
But those things aren't disgusting and wrong.I'm sure government will find a way to ruin them eventually, though.

>be old
>be pretty well-off
>not trusting Jews
>go buy a new car
>cops do a random search
>100k on you
>government confiscates all your assets
>get 10 years
>die from heart attack when reaching for the soap

Must be nice having your mommy pay your taxes (and everything else) for you.

I don't think anyone can defend this senpai, is just too fucking crazy

I can't stop laughing

That's funny, I was asked when I came home from the US. Seems you may be mis-informed.

>i can ignore federal law if i move to a different state


It worked in India, Philippines and a few other countries

What? All I was doing was complimenting you. There is no need to be upset.

>USA is in the EU now

>Confusing the US with the UK

i totally thought's favicon was the eye of providence on that pyramid for a second

I worked in the US for 2.5 months. I brought alot of cash back. Dibp asked, I answered.

I will defend this so I can buy ETH cheap when everyone panic sells ;)

this will pass

all they have to do is name it "the all-american cowboy patriot ultra-bigass freedom & liberty act" and tell americans that they need it to keep them safe from duh mooslums

Remember that time the fed went around seizing everyone's gold?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.

>flight from USA is a EU/EU border now

Mexico is beginning to sound pretty good these days,desu.

The government can seize gold and silver in times of national crisis. So for people investing in gold or silver in case of a dollar crash, having to tell the government exactly how much you have is pretty much just telling them where to come and collect if things go south.

This bill is outrageous on purpose

There is no pact between the EU and US like member states.

Go to bed, Narendra. You may have exchanged our counterfeit 500/1000 bills for 100 bills, but we're not cashless yet. I'll genuinely kill myself the day India goes full card based.

You don't even need to carry over $10,000.
If they suspect that you're constantly transporting less than $10,000 to skirt the legal minimum for avoiding reporting it to the government, they can take it under the same law and throw you in jail anyway.

Global trends.

>to keep them safe from duh mooslums
The very same Muslims they insist on letting in.I see a pattern developing here...


No, there is nothing at all like the common market we enjoy. They do have a collection of states that is similar.

Go up comment chain and tell me how is it relevant.

>land of the free
lmaoing @ your life ameriniggers

That government creates dangers, or overhypes small dangers, or invents completely imaginary dangers, just to scare people so that they can justify trying to seize more power?

You don't say. That's the essential nature of a government. It's why you should never trust them, and should oppose them at pretty much every turn.

Wow one case out of 77 million tourists a year. Was probably a drug dealer anyway. Who couldn't prove how they earned money, especially that much?

The EU has these same, or extremely similar restrictions on currency, fiat, and securities. NBD.