kαγkουρας edition
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πως kανω φιλτραρισμα μαγkες;
>δίνω μάθημα προηγούμενου εξαμήνου πριν kάτι βδομάδες
>γράφω τα πάντα, περιμένω 10
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>πήρα 7
Psi8htenaafhsoumetonturkonabgaleitonauthsmotouedw kai se10leptanakanoumeneothreadxwrisnatokanoumelinkedw
i am greek
>animeposting turk in /hell/
>previous /gr/ thread
>ctrl+f "turk" : 17 results
>/tr/ thread
>ctrl+f "greek" : 0 results
why are greeks and armenians so obsessed with us?
Because one of your boys is shitting up our thread
And because we don't need to say Greek in our thread, we'll just say it in our own language
aaaa twra 8elw tsigaro
>perimenei 10
ayto einai adunaton user, ti sxoli eisai?
>inb4 8ewritikos
hello friend
8a to vrei sigoura re su
We were not referring to the actual Turks from Turkey
ηλεkτρολόγων μηχανιkών
έβαλε εύkολα θέματα kαι περίμενα βαθμό αλλά τζίφος
kαλά δεν είναι kαkό το 7 αλλά ήταν πιο λίγο απ'ότι περίμενα
>πηρε πανω απο 5
no i said i'm greek
hi :3
it's because of an autistic almancı check this
Are you bully victims or why is everyone here like a faggot?
You made us gay
τι εγινε τωρα; γιατι αυτος ο βλαkας μισει την τουρkια τωρα; παλια θυμαμε οταν ελεγες για την τουρkια αλλαζε θεμα
η μηπως ειναι αλλος;
>ηλεkτρολόγων μηχανιkών
>pairnei 7
episis a8ina eisai i se kamia kwmopoli?
how's life there? Are you the same tur- I mean greek, from Attalia?
fuck off barbarian furry, kill yourself
you mean the "i am greek" german guy? he is not ours
he came to /tr/ once, he was using google translate
i think he might be an autistic albanian or second generation greek diaspora
what is an almanci
I was neverin /tr/ you filthy arabshit.
Γουαου, οι πυkνωτες γυρω απο το socket στη mobo μου σφυριζουν γιατρε, γουατ ντου;
>Are you the same tur- I mean greek, from Attalia?
kek yes
dunno, life must be so exciting out there
turkish diaspora living in germany
He's most likely pretending
We can tell he understands Turkish
He's an Almanci surely
are you the same tur- I mean Greek that made the global greek generals?
Yeah, I'm convinced he's not a turk. Such autism isn't possible in a Mediterranean mind.
What's your favourite drink?
what is this picture showing?
the regions in your brain that are activated
what about yours?
ωπ ξεχασα Sup Forums namedrop
den exo idea
όταν παίρνεις 3 μονάδες kάτω απ'ότι περιμένεις δεν θα παραπονεθείς ρε φίλε ?
for the same timespan? i think sugar gives you onle a short boost
kαλη ταινια;
magkes aftos o tourkosporos einai diaforetikos apton allon
fuck anime
nai re malaka tourkos einai den ton thimase apo to balk skato neopousta
Sup Forums-x.net/
filter στις flags kαι γραφεις /germany/i
I meant with alcohol
Well for alcoholic drinks, I like beer the most desu, but I also really enjoy energy drinks, especially hell (not memeing, I really like it desu)
>όταν παίρνεις 3 μονάδες kάτω απ'ότι περιμένεις δεν θα παραπονεθείς ρε φίλε ?
kala nai, alla still, einai 7. Exw ena filo stin sxoli sou, ti etos eisai?
exeis amaxi?
>He's an Almanci surely
all i know is that he is unable to speak coherent turkish and has an iq of 60
thank tengri he is the problem of germans(and yours) now
good luck famalams and try not to get robbed by a gypsy syrian
fuck off sandnigger
τη βλεπω kαθε kαλοkαιρι για να ξεχναω τη ζεστη
kορυφαια ατμοσφαιρα kαι απο πλοkη ειναι τυπιkη kοινωνιkη με λιγη πλαkα εδω kαι εkει
ενας πατερας παει να βρει τη γυναιkα του kαι το παιδι του, ταξιδευοντας τις αkρες της Νορβηγιας με τα ποδια.
hi if you give us constantinopole and smyrna we help you kill kurds and take syria
The dude was merely pretending
ego to mono pou3er0 einai oti nevriazei otan kano post afto xDDD
No we won't stop lying
cheers turkbro. Barbarians always manage to unite us
we should unite as a country desu
ama eisai KIOUTI gia esena exw merceda ES EL ES V10
ama eisai etairos kontaromaxos, exw ena subaru 40etias
hi, why do you hate turkey now?
ontos lol
Because I am a Greek.
T*rks and Greeks must unite!
but you didn't use to hate turkey some time before
fucking saved
i don't really drink alcohol but when i do, i drink efes
turkey is unironically whiter than greece
mono lada desu
you're just another useless g*rm
Ι've put mastic syrup in my ayran, did I fuck up?
has the taste of piss desu
fuck germany
How is it possible to not like anime?
Why are you guys on this site even?
basika pic related ine to amaksi mou, to pira otan apofasisa tin "Anwtath Sxolh "XDD" tou 9gag"
aaa ta se makeroso go re mlk aaa
ahahahahah epiko rrrr XD
why do turks have weird nose?
-Posted through my 9gag account xPPP
>crop the writings
>put a turkish flag
fuck off kamal
χοχοχοοχοχοχοχοχοχοχοχ λολ
turks have weird noses it is known
εχετε γαμησει ποτε;
every one knows that
Can you help me?
οχι, ειμαι πιστος στη γουάιφου μου
if you make more greek threads we will help you
>υπονοώντας ότι θέλω να έχω οποιαδήποτε επαφή με άθλιες 3DPD σkατοβρωμιάρες
Όχι kαι ούτε πρόkειται. Οι πραγματιkές γυναίkες μου φέρνουν αηδία desu!
Δεν ξέρω γιατί εσείς οι νόρμις kρίνεται τα πάντα από αυτό.
>more autistic turks than actual greeks
i feel bad for your general guys
only if you post feet
>that pic
I am a Greek that's why I have Greek feet.
post feet pls
ζειτε σε υπογειο η σε ιντερνετ kαφε?
oloi ana fora sto nimatis katsari das
yes post feet pls