Mozilla is killing itself

The Firefox market share is getting close to zero, and instead of focusing on the audience that may still give a shit about it (power users, developers etc.), the SJWs in charge keep dumbing it down even more in hopes of attracting perky Britney and Ashleys with bubbly personalities.

We've already seen the result of this strategy in the past years. Why don't they just stop?

Other urls found in this thread:

who cares it's dead, let's fork chromium and make a nazi developer browser

>Fork Chromium again!
Fuck off you retard chromium's main issue is integral to it, the lack of actual extensions that aren't glorified scripts

Give me a chromium fork that can run an extension like tree style tabs or classic theme restorer. You can't.

Firefox has been dead since 3.5

I thought 2chan is text-board.

Who cares of your butthurt. Go Firefox, go!

Who cares? It still shows remaining time which is all you need

I care. I use that information to quickly look through my downloads and find what I need every once in a while. There's no reason to remove this.

Just click on "Show all download" you dumb fuck

I'll have you know I literally used Firefox 4.2 the other day for lels and it was surprisingly pretty good

>tfw Moz:\\a's version bump train has just been to exploit infinite cakes from Microsoft

>dumb fuck
You are nigger here.

How so?

racist much?

welcome, newfag

who would have thought that hiring diversity enforcers, and equality propaganda designers was a bad decision for a software company


are you implying being a racist is a bad thing?

>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

read the rules or don't post on this forum. it's simple.

Dumb ass nigger

i didnt post anything racist, only asked if you thought it was a bad thing

enjoy your ban frankly I don't give a shit racist

are you snitching to the mods? see, thats why you were bullied in school

Dumb fuck nigger

stop responding to me, thanks.

What to use instead?
Firefox is SJW oriented
Chrome is bootlicker oriented
Safari is dogshit
Last time I heard about opera was 8 years ago
What else even is there

palemoon, they've forked off completely from firefox, it's no longer an 'alt build'

What's the market share of desktop Linux?
What's the market share of Firefox on desktop Linux? (Hint: most are using Chrome/Chromium)
There's your fucking answer. Mozilla would be looking at maybe 35% of 1%. You think securing that would be a victory? It's not a relevant demographic.

>doesn't run on OS X

the performance improved significantly so I'm happy

How do I download full directories from this list of old Firefox versions?

... and?

have you tried copy + paste?

Then it's of no use

Go virtue signal elsewhere, nigger.

this thread is about getting away from faggotry
using OSX is counter-intuitive to this end

OSX is the ultimate redpill

When will software get rid of that version inflation thing
5.2 sounds so much less retarded than 52

There is no point doing semver with browsers.
Their main purpose to browse the web has to stay backwards compatible for a long time.
So you'd have shit like 1.52.0.
How is that better?

The Firefox™ project, from Mozilla© Corporation Inc. wants to "engage the least engaged"® in technology; non-whites, and non-males.

It's the opinion of Mozilla© Corporation Inc. that by "engage the least engaged"® we will capture the market segment of those people (non-whites, and non-males) who are least interested in technology, and are being oppressed by the over represented, patriarchal, "white, pale, male, stale, frail, fail" segment of the population that volunteer their time freely.

If this strategy backfires it will clearly be the result of social media attacks by "white, pale, male, stale, frail, fail" segment of the population.

54 got a pretty nice performance boost by the multiprocess electrolysis

>muh sjw

as if google and chrome isnt 500% more SJW

nice try pajeet

that really shouldn't be their point, it should be to be standard compliant while integrating fast evolving web technologies.
anyone who is using an old unpatched browser is just asking to get fucked.
I have nothing against rolling releases but then just drop the version number for a date string

it also does not get updates

Why wouldn't you just go to your download folder?

who cares just download chromium u lynooks fajjet :^)

It's useful if you know the size beforehand and so can tell if the download finished complete. Sometimes a file can download and be registered as completed but will show a small file size.

Opera and Vivaldi? Though Opera arguably is dead for many years, depending whether new Opera is carrying the legacy of old or not

Why you fags cares about Firefox being controlled by SJWs? Hell, I would use a browser made by a pedophile if the the program were actually good.

then just stop whinning and learn about:config you fucking retard

>op is a literal faggot rn

It was a CSS/lower-level change, some of it can be fixed by changing userChrome.css

> linking to deddit

Put it in your userChrome.css and shut the fuck up.

Honestly, Sup Forums can be so retarded.

bad bait copypasta

>[citation needed]

The main dev checks Firefox vulnerabilities as they're discovered on the off-chance that they're relevant to Pale Moon (they're usually not)

Except for his rampaging autism (but eh, any project needs to be backed by either a corporation or an autist to get off the ground) it's not a bad browser

This. Literally the best browser

There is an official but not really port on the forums that works great

I run into zero problems using Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi, Explorer, Edge, Safari... you name it

you retards can't choose what browser to use? Download more than one, they are all selling your information and they all work just fine and are free you fucking niggers

>they are all selling your information
Pale Meme isn't

Use Opera you mongoloids


delete this?


I'd unironically support that.

>just waste time looking for information that it was showing conveniently in the previous version

Chromium isn't edgy enough. Fork the Presto leak.

a symptom of a greater issue
and there will inevitably come a point where you can not restore it

i call it now give it a couple versions and you won´t be able to do that anymore

securing a demographic that they can realistically hold fucking that demographic while failing to get after google's so yes it would be a victory

>0.3% market share while being absolutely useless to the other 99.7% is a victory
Are those 0.3% going to pay a $100,000 yearly subscription for a free as in "we can't sell this because we stupidly GPL'd it" browser?

Ashley is my GF shes not an idiot she has a degree. And i dont mean a highschool either like you OP


>he implies market-share can´t grow
the reason they are not successful with the 99.7% is not because they are not trying to.
their only choice is either death or a niche user-base they will never get the majority back from google

0.3% is death. They would not get any funds.


Only if you don't use any add ons since only a handful are multiprocess compatible.

>stupid goy, you want your functionality back? then just fucking hack it for yourself, it's easy

>not using Brave

This is why you should be using Midori.

Firefox 4 is when they switched to the new release schedule, and decided to imitate chrome. That's when it all went tits up.

They switched to the rapid releases with 5

tomato tomato

When I run privacy checks on Brave they all say that its an uncommon browser so its easier to track.

Should I be concerned about this?

Its the only good free as in freedom browser. Aside from iceweasel, Icecat. TBB and brave.

tfw still use 17.0

Sup Forums is making a new browser, any developer is welcome to contact the team

>Should I be concerned about this?
You should, but it doesn't really matter. They track you with IP address, cookies, fonts, screen size, OS, timezone, keyboard layout etc. Things independent of your browser of choice.


tor browser bundle

Tor Browser Bundle.

>hate firefox and how they're changing it
>chromium is google piece of shit that spies on you

How could they track by keyboard layout, aren't all US keyboards the same plus or minus the numpad?

Safari is the answer, stop being a drone and try it

Keyboard layout by the OS. There are different layouts for every language, for some languages even multiple layouts (e.g. French). Keyboard layout and OS language can be accessed via JS. And a lot of other stuff too.

>advanced user
>complaining about minor css modification

Guess there is no defeating them then.

Since I have so many machines and often just grab/sit at whatever is closest would it throw a wrench in their plans if I use MacOs 10.12, Win 7, Mint, Devuan, Win 10 all in the space of a day?

Safari doesn't support internal webm playback
And for me it fucks up loading YouTube pages, constantly reloading them

If anything else fails, they still have your IP address, which I'm guessing you don't renew every 2 minutes.

The only real solution is Tor.


I'm using SeaMonkey until I can't.

>complaining about minor css modification that you have to make every time the browser updates and that can break any second

Pale Moon doesn't have any of these issues. Any actual Sup Forums doesn't use C***** or F******.

OP's pic is of the toolbar button, not the downloads window

szyka bylat

This just use the pale meme. It'll save you a lot of time especially when Firefox goes full retard and kills XUL.

Because SJWs can't program and I get sick of being shilled diversity.