What software do you want to see on Linux that isn't there right now...

What software do you want to see on Linux that isn't there right now? I'm looking for a good coding project and I'd like to fill some sort of gap on Linux if possible. Like maybe a good PDF editor with ocr, something that would be useful that there isn't currently a good solution for

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a better compatibility layer than WINE

Adobe suite.


muh geaymes

First, I'd like to see a distro that contains a DE and file system worth using. That will attract users, which will attract developers, which will propagate the amount of programs available for Linux.

If nobody can accomplish this, Linux on the desktop will continue to be hobbyist garbage.

Adobe suite and muh gaymes

ShareX for Linux please

The software I want to see in Linux right now is being developed by me :)

thanks for the tip (((Microsoft)))

still not using your jewOS though
btw, make a desktop that isn't an ugly inconsistent pile of garbage before criticizing ones that look better than yours.

MS Office and Photoshop.

I'd ask for Illustrator too but i can manage with Inkscape.

mypaint but with selection, there is no lightweight sai alternative

I'd like a weather radar, I think it would be good for rice. It'd be nice to pop this in it's own window.

KDE is beautiful and Dolphin is great, you can just take your shitty opinion and tie it into a noose to hang yourself

You can hate Microsoft all you want, but it's not going to make Linux better. You have to make an OS worth using in all aspects or it will fail. Linux on the desktop is terrible, straight up. Fix the core issues of the OS and the rest will fall into place - Unless of course you think the current way, developing shitty hobby apps and chanting "year of the Linux desktop" is effective. Protip: It isn't.

Wrong. They're terrible and unusable for the majority of the population.

If you hang all of the productive members of society, then all you'll be left with is hobbyist garbage and society will crumble.

How about a data integration tool? There are only a couple and they are all proprietary.

shoo shoo shlomo we don't want your jewish tricks

sorry man I just want on OS that doesn't shit the bed every five minutes with BSODs, wannacrypt, and failed Windows updates

We get it, you want Linux to continue to fail so you can pretend your life has worth because you spent hundreds of hours learning to use a worthless OS, impressing literally no one but yourself.

this. I don't have time to deal with incompetent pajeet code. Installed Debian on my computer years ago and have endless uptime

Untrue. Most of my family use various versions of Linux, and they don't know much about how it works. You don't need to know these days. There are instances of Linux that are far simpler to operate than Windows.

>Manages to fuck up the easiest OS to use

Sup Forums - tech incompetence

This - there is literally nothing unless you go to some place like Talend and download their spyware.

Nice shilling there, pajeet.

True, as long as someone knows how to double click "the internet", they can use any OS.

I suppose the issues then spring up any time you want to do more than run Firefox.

>Linux on the desktop is terrible, straight up.

Maybe it was 5 years ago, but it's good now.

Nice non-argument there, NEET.

>what is crossover

>easiest OS
yes, easiest to get malware with

The functionality is more or less the same across all distros as it was a decade ago. The only thing that seems to have evolved are all the useless special effects the NEETs like to show off to each other in Arch threads. The priorities are all set for failure on the desktop.



runs great on my desktop desu. 2 years now. no amount of angry winfat shilling is going to make me switch back.

You have just insulted 80% of windows users.

No doubt, people don't make malware for dead OS

I was thinking about this, some products are doable but something like Photoshop is too sophisticated for me- I'd have to become a full fledged graphic designer myself to do anything close. Maybe clones of the simpler products like acrobat pro could work

all sound interesting, ill look into them. thanks

what's missing from libreoffice? is it worth competing with or would I be re-inventing the wheel?


and 100% of Linux users

you seem terribly offended that people found what they believe to be a better alternative to your pet OS, and at the fact that they are happy.

Linux is too complicated for neets to understand, but keep being a down syndrome manhole trapped in your imagination, defending a botnet OS made by jews.

not really, what i think linux lacks is adobe and gaymes which are proprietary and if i'm running proprietary fostware i might as well boot up to windows

it's a paid shill, it's his job to press people until they switch

>Dead OS

>dead OS
>can't even use Windows without it dying every five minutes from BSOD or some other bullshit
I bet you've had to restart your computer 6 times during the duration of this thread.

If you don't like it, don't use it. It's as simple as that.
If you are unable to chose from countless of distributions, countless of DE's then there's really something wrong with you.
>hurr durr, I want to see a distribution to attract more incomptent users to linux, hurr durr
Fuck off...
Already enough morrons complaining how copy-paste to terminal tier solution is complicated to them.
Let's leave gaymers to their OS.
Linux will be fine, only because of comunity around the world.

>nearly 11 files and 4600 lines of code added everyday
>new kernel every 9-10 weeks
>5062 developers from nearly 500 companies past 15 months

And Linux won't die, companies will contribute to it, because Linux is relevant to these companies.

But nice try, microsoft.

>trying to convince people to use an OS that spies on them
nigger you're dumb


To talk serious is all about games because software on Linux is already GOAT.

ironically, Microsoft is one of the biggest donators to Linux. Linux will never die. Not any time soon.

keep us updated on what you end up doing user

A web browser working on the framebuffer

>what's missing from libreoffice?
From my experience, compatibility issues with other office suites when exporting docx and shit.

Maybe they improved Libreoffice in that aspect but when i used it last year while these issues rarely happened, it was fucking infuriating when they did.

adobe creative suite
i know it's proprietary garbage that should be killed but tell me there is a viable alternative

>le gimp circle meme

yeah give me full compatibility to play my games and I'll be happy. Everything I use for work is already there.

I think we'll see it come to Linux in a few years. Linux has gained enough popularity that some normies know what you're talking about when you say "Linux." When you look at huge companies like Microsoft already porting their software to Linux (VS Code) I don't think it's out of the question to see Adobe on Linux.

Doesn't microsoft donate to linux for hypervisor support, to run linux under windows?
Doesn't that mean, that to regular Sup Forums autist here these donations are just... meh?

Nothing. I have everything I need.

I want Linux to succeed, which is why I was pointing out the issues of Linux and what needs to change. You got defensive and started arguments which makes you the offended one about quite literally, your pet OS. Nobody really cares if you're happy with it, the majority are not, not even a small fraction of users are not, which is failure.

It's easy enough for manchildren to pimp their Firefox OS and then post their 'whoa leet dude' desktop and spec screenshots while trash-talking Windows and going on about how superior an OS that they don't even use is.


I kek'd

Kind of a redundant post, but I don't. If you don't like your pet OS being criticized, then don't read it or respond to it. Linux for servers has always been the only legitimate use, I use pfsense boxes at my business locations. But again, this is about Linux on the desktop.

Easily preventable to the educated, but the usefulness of Windows far outweighs Microsoft collecting diagnostic data. I'd use Linux in a heartbeat if it suited all of my needs, but it doesn't, which is the whole point.

>to run linux under windows
yeah kid.
Window probably gonna switch to service provider (cloud etc.) so they **need** secure and stable OS. They need (GNU)Linux.
>that to regular Sup Forums autist here these donations are just... meh?
linux need |-|@c|

a better video editor. Openshot is alright but it always crashes

* Microsoft


>They're terrible and unusable for the majority of the population.
it looks like you really tried to 'install gentoo' .
try ubuntu and STFU

>people say they're happy with Linux
>autist goes on a rampage because they're not using Windows
>"N-nobody cares if you use Linux..."
you apparently do.

>It's easy enough for manchildren to pimp their Firefox OS and then post their 'whoa leet dude' desktop and spec screenshots while trash-talking Linux and going on about how superior an OS that they don't even use is.

Linux works just fine on desktop. Your critic is misleading.
Tell me, why would regular windows user even try linux?
-First computer experience
-Software I'm used to
-It just werks (for me)

>Hey, kid, try Linux, it's more secure, your gaymes probably won't work, you should have to use differnet software most likely, it's not OS you grew up with and are used to.
wow, surely sounds interesting to regular windows user.

This. Mainly for games - not for myself but for the platform overall.

Like it or not, tons of people use their computers as gaming machines, and losing a significant chunk of that by switching OS's is a dealbreaker. Going full autismo about games being a waste of time, or FOSS bullshit, will only ensure that people avoid Linux.

A paint program that's actually as good as MS Paint

will do m8, ill make another thread in maybe a month or 2 once I decide what to do and get started. will probably throw up a self-hosted git repo for it or something

right up my alley, i'll add it to the list. pretty ambitious for one guy but I'd love to do a browser with all those features

will look into this as well

>Easily preventable to the educated, but the usefulness of Windows far outweighs Microsoft collecting diagnostic data
nigger I don't want an OS that spies on me lol stop trying to pretend that fucking MS Word is so important to my life when I submit all my term papers in PDF format

Kolourpaint, pinta

>right up my alley, i'll add it to the list. pretty ambitious for one guy but I'd love to do a browser with all those features
If you have a github/bitbucket or anything by forking links2 and the current README is going to help a lot right now, there is people interested but the current github account is not from an actual dev.

My point is that windows became user friendly first. Unless windows will lose popluarity, nothing will change. (could, though, if more gaymes will come out on easy to port game engines, like unity or unreal)
Leave Linux to regular autists who will bend Linux to their liking.

>dude just make photoshop or premier pro lmao


No thanks, every distro is garbo.

OP asked what people wanted to see on Linux, I gave him a better idea since the current way isn't working.

True, but they would be correct, though for the wrong reasons.

For a long time it's usually been because Linux is free, because it has specialized tools, security or simply curiosity.

>>Hey, kid, try Linux, it's more secure, your gaymes probably won't work, you should have to use differnet software most likely, it's not OS you grew up with and are used to.

Exactly why Linux on the desktop needs to improve.

Where can I subscribe for more?

Give it a rest dude. It's pretty obvious from your activity in this thread that you're obsessed with the fact that there are people on this planet right now that aren't using Windows. Just let it go man. You're getting bitter over something that doesn't even affect you.

Kolourpaint is pretty shit, and has 1000000 dependencies last I checked. Pinta is better, but neither match the simplicity of Windows XP MS Paint

>the usefulness of Windows far outweighs Microsoft collecting diagnostic data.
christ. this is what shilling looks like.

Don't dismiss his behavior as shilling. He might also be retarded.

>come on goy let us sell your data. our (((features))) far outweigh that

nothing to fear, nothing to hide :^)


Give it a rest dude. It's pretty obvious from your activity in this thread that you're obsessed with the fact that there are people on this planet right now that aren't using Linux. Just let it go man. You're getting bitter over something that doesn't even affect you.

I dont use any public git accounts, but I can throw up a self-hosted git when I get home from work and fork that stuff, I have a domain and linode we could use. We use gitblit at work, anything better out there? gogs?

>nothing is worth doing or using if a company is telling another company that I searched for doritos on google
christ. this is what mental illness looks like.

Nah man. I just came to this thread to talk about software I'd like to see on Linux. You, on the other hand, keep shilling your hot garbage OS instead of being relevant to the thread. You're clearly upset that Linux even exists.

if we're talking about relatively simple things i'd like sumatra pdf and honeyview on linux

>waaah everything sucks
Ok tell what's bad about Fedora.

Gogs is good. I've setup Gitlab for my school and it works quite well

not him but my wlan card doesn't work

it works on arch tho


Let me guess, Broadcomm?

Anything is good and you will be received as a savior, please post in the development thread or here when you are back, we plan on doing a recurrent thread for this.

A file picker like the one in Windows - full compatibility to right click on files and do as you would in your file manager (e.g. open with your image viewer to get a better preview, delete the file, rename, etc.).


It has the same issues as every other Linux Desktop OS

Care to elaborate on your issues? Simple name-calling never helped anyone.


no problem, it won't be up until later tonight but i'll post here and that other thread when it is

came here to post this


any valid criticism?