Rage against the machine, Sup Forums

Rage against the machine, Sup Forums

>macbook looking laptop
>browsing Sup Forums without filters

2/10 made me reply


Bait. No (((you))) for you.

Give it back Tyreese.

you have no shame browsing Sup Forums in public?

>actually flushing money down the toilet instead of just drinking a redbull like a man

do girls really do this?

>winders 10

The frappes are actually kinda good. You're kidding yourself if you think its coffee tho. Closer to Ice Cream.

Mine is better.

You're kidding yourself if you think frappes are ice cream, it's 90% ice by weight and volume.
They're insanely profitable because they cost almost nothing to make, like popcorn and regular drip coffee.

Starbucks coffee is disgusting.

>tfw my local movie theater charges $5 per movie ticket but $15 per bucket of popcorn and $10 per large soda cups
fucking kikes man

Just smuggle a bottle of soda in your coat. Also theaters don't make any money from ticket sales.

>it's a nigger
Yeah, who else.

But I'm a pussy. Also how would it not look suspicious that I have a thicc fur coat in the summer?

I imagine it wouldeasier if your were a girl because you could just smuggle stuff in your purse but maybe you could carry some kind of bag.

>what is a backpack?

That's not coffee it's a milkshake.

They check purses these days, they're onto the "gf" game.

What are you nuts? It's bad enough a security guard will pull me aside because of the coat now you got swat teams raiding the movie theater because they think I'm muslim.

Wow kid, you're a little faggot.

summer is fucking here

Have you not seen the news? These fuckers are batfuck insane to the core.

They will literally chop your head off for a fucking tweet, and bomb schools and hospitals for a sky god.

Alright man, but when you see some fucking muslim with a backpack walk into a movie theatre and blow your entire family to smitheries don't say I didn't warn you.

So you're a sand nigger?

What, no. I'm afraid of them m8. One second they're wearing those ninja costumes scaring the shit out of little kids in malls and the next thing you know they detonate.

Then why is it a problem for you to have a backpack?

He's clearly a piece of shit britbong and lives in a country without even the pretense of a 4th amendment right where he will likely be searched by a government official for carrying a backpack into a movie theater.

I don't want to be mistaken for a muslim.

Anyone have a list of Sup Forums filters?

He was joking m8. Filters are for r3dditors. Why would you filter information just because you don't agree with others? What are you, muslim?


what the fuck is that garbage, that's not dark roast.

Do what? Drink a frappuccino in class? What's wrong with that? Pretty normal thing to do.
Also, that isn't even a coffee frappuccino. Look at the color.

its a vanilla bean frap.

What if it's a cream-based caramel frappuccino?

roastie GTFO with your hipster poser garbage





>Tips over
>Spills over macbook
$1000 wasted :^)

C A N ' T W A K E UP

Not defending Cinema kikes but I think they only make money on concessions. Pretty sure all ticket sales go to different Jews.

true that

You're gonna ruin your beverage user.


L shaped enter keys are for cucks.

Need a safe space, xer?

do u need a hug

Fuck off eurocuck

They don't care

I just carry it at my waist and we both pretend it's not there

Also use a backpack

I want a s'more frap

What shitty theater searches your shit

This is one of the worst posts on Sup Forums I've seen during my ten years here.

>ten years