/wdg/ Web Development General

You can do it user

>old thread
>Discord / IRC
#Sup Forumswdg @ irc.rizon.net
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>Getting started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Everything you learn will have these as their base.
The Mozilla Developer Network offers a good intro (no matter your browser choice)

>Online courses

>Further reading/viewing

>Code challenges

>Useful resources
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - General documentation for HTML, CSS & JavaScript
libraries.io/ - Discover and keep track of open source libraries, modules and frameworks
stackoverflow.com/ - Developers asking questions and helping each other
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs
caniuse.com/ - Check browser support for front-end web technologies

>Useful Youtube channels
youtube.com/learncodeacademy - codecademy
youtube.com/channel/UCO1cgjhGzsSYb1rsB4bFe4Q - funfunfunction
youtube.com/user/TechGuyWeb - Traversy Media
youtube.com/channel/UC8butISFwT-Wl7EV0hUK0BQ - freeCodeCamp
youtube.com/user/shiffman - coding train

>cheap VPS hosting in most western locations

an in-depth comparison of hosts

Other urls found in this thread:


What's gonna be next after node.js /wdg/?

redpill me on making web dev a career.

Go maybe.

long hair as web dev?

Youll get tired of it very soon. Lack of actual development since youre always gonna use somebody elses code.

>Lack of actual development since youre always gonna use somebody elses code.

well can't use just create your own code (on side projects)
do you have any side projects?
i got told learning to code is like getting superpowers

Webdev is easiest and most visible of development fields. That unfortunately means it's also most vulnerable to incompetent people who are looking for easy money or for bad jobs.

is software dev or game dev is "better" route?

is no better

depend about what is you want

Don't ever do game Dev.

T. Game Dev degree who skipped class to learn web dev

can you elaborate on that? i trying to make a game with unity at the moment. ( i know, i know)

is react native dev or webdev? In which general can i complain how shit macs and xcode are?


It sounds like you're talking about the iOS app, building and deployment part of React Native, since I think that's the only part that requires a Mac/Xcode. Since you never actually encounter that with regular web dev, I'd say probably stick to dpg for that rant.

If you want to complain about React, or Apple's webview or something, we'd be happy to hear you out.

Web Dev pays more.
Less hours. Freelance.
120k to do full stack development for Healthcare.

Is there still plenty of room within the field, provided your're halfway decent and have some initiative in learning/making projects? I keep hearing about people who go through entire curriculums for some sites that teach you how to program, but don't know how to take those lessons outside the site or even know how to use a command line.

Then, with all due respect user, they didn't learn shit. A "portfolio", even one filled with retarded floppy bird clones and another fucking to do app is a sign you learned something. If you can't actually do anything, you didn't learn, you gained the feeling of knowing.
And y'all niggas don't have a good enough metamemory to discern between the two.
Also, yes, there is plenty of room, depending on where in the world you are. The more western and the more memey, the better.

I completely agree, but I didn't know how high or low standards were in hiring, especially for sub-$50k/year jobs. I'm still very much getting a feel for the field and programming in general, so I've been doing a lot of research, which comes with picking up on a lot of anecdotes and horror stories.

Supposing you have 0 connections in "the industry", a place would be good if you can apply at least at one new job posting a day, online. Two is optimal. That would mean you should receive 1-2 calls per week and 1-2 interviews per month, given you're minimally competent, with a decent enough portfolio but no other experience.
At least that's how it was for me. You can put this anecdote with the others.

Anyone got a good Vue.js project I can browse to understand structure and internal logics?

blog post incoming

My life is fucking hell right now. I'm neet (with decent bennies
so no complaints there), living on my own, with a few friends calling
me all the time to go out and do shit and I just ignore them cause I
don't wanna do anything but stay at home and code. Thing is, I get
frustrated easily so maybe I'll spend 3 hours total (on a good day)
coding and the rest just pissing about and jerking off and I can't
seem to break this cycle of getting excited about coding and then
dropping it when it gets a bit tough. I feel like I'm making progress,
I'm definitely learning, but not at the rate that I'd like to, and I
keep getting more and more depressed. For the last three weeks I've
left my place just twice a week, to go buy some groceries. My only
social interaction is making up excuses on whatsapp not to go out
and shitposting on /wdg/. My only hope is to get a job soon so I'll
bef forced out of this shithole. Fuck my life. Tomorrow I'm going
to a hooker's (yes, I'm a degenerate), my first time ever, but I
need some human contact and I'm hoping that will shake me up a bit
and get me motivated about something. Plus I'll get to come with
another human bean next to me for the first time in more than a year.

Feels like I'm stuck in an eternal for-loop of shitty javascript hell...

Is there a script that automatically displays the schema of a MySQL database down to the level of table structure, and allows me to write comments for tables, databases, and even columns?

Management at work can't seem to keep track of documents and it's getting annoying having to answer the same shit over and over again. It's to the point where I spend more time answering stupid questions than working, and they're wondering why productivity is down the drain.

I mean I can make it myself in laravel, but I'd rather not waste time remaking something if it already exists.

Apply until you get one.

You have to know shit though.

After the first job, if you have enough languages on your resume, people will actively seek you out to hire you.

Currently making an svg icon picker so I could easily narrow-down my icon selections
to be used for each project. Still needs some more tweaking/colors and after I'll start filling it with more svgs.


Quick life recap:

>24 year old neet computer games technology university student dropout with 2 failed suicide attempts and hasnt ever worked a day in his life
>Given self one year left before i finally commit, this time not failing

Ive decided the only way to turn this sinking ship that is my life around, is to self learn and try to be somewhat succesful. As someone with 0 experience in web dev, but lots of experience in general coding (C++, C mostly), how long would it take to learn web dev to a point where i could realistically earn a reasonable income purely with self learning? I have absolutely 0 to lose and 0 to do elsewise so would devote all my time to it. My only fear though is that its too late to even bother.

I was in a similar boat.

I said if I wasn't a web dev by the time I was 30 I was selling everything, going to Thailand to impregnate as many as I could, and then dying of the AIDS I undoubtedly caught.

Was 100% serious.

Half a year ago I got my first job. Just got a raise a week ago. Interviewing at another place with a 42% pay bump tomorrow morning.

If you know C++ then go for Python or PHP. You will find a job in either of those. If you start learning the structure of the language, the syntax, and read about all of the special array functions like array_reverse and the different types of sorting then you will pass almost any whiteboard question (they all have to do with arrays for some reason). You will get a job after 3 months of learning. Apply literally everywhere related to web dev.

Since you don't have a degree, don't bother with recruiters. Actually ignore them. The job listings that are obviously by a tech lead or CEO are what you are looking for.

>and read about all of the special array functions like array_reverse and the different types of sorting then you will pass almost any whiteboard question

that sounds easy enough. But what about actual webdev knowledge? Do they ask anythying like that? You know, http protocols, tcp/ip, how a server works, caching, authorization, SQL stuff, any of that?

Depends on the position, the pay, and how desperate they are.

Always reply to CEOs and CTOs or actual web developers. If they are emailing you then they are desperate. Desperation is how I'm building my career right now.

Bros got my first interview on Monday, wish me luck. I think they're using a combo of Angular 1 and 2. How should I prepare for a whiteboard (if there is one, dont know yet)?

what kind of JS framework/ (or dare I say flash? ) can I use to make one of those 'web applications that lets users pick a color or like a tile and see it visualized on a picture/room kind of thing? Just any help or diction for me to read/learn about it would be awesome

Trust me on this. Study the normie interview questions.

What are your hobbies?
Why do you want to leave your previous job?
When was a difficult time at work and how did you handle it?

Stuff like that.

I fucking NAILED EVERYTHING at an interview once besides these questions.

"What do you do as a hobby?"
Well, web dev is my hobby so I make websites all the time.

Wrong answer.

How much are you expected to know for an entry level web development job?

I've done several freelance projects - a few brochure sites, an e-commerce store, and some design stuff - logos, pictures for sites, etc. I have a good handle on HTML and CSS and basic Javascript and PHP, and random stuff like git and Adobe CC. Should I look for a web design gig or focus on learning more PHP?

I should also mention that I was talking to all of the web developers when I said that. They all got silent thinking I was cracking a joke, then realized I wasn't and said "Alright, I think we have enough"

One of the most embarrassing moments of my life.

By the way, connor, are you here?

>entry level web dev job
doesnt exist

Yeah it does. I'm at one.

One dude didn't even know the language when he got hired. Just had a degree and new a differentlanguage.

Is vidya games a bad thing to say as a hobby?

Because that's probably my main free-time activity outside of programming. I could say something like reading, or running or something, which is certainly more normie friendly, but less true.

Thanks, for those tips, I'd be going over algos/data structures all weekend and not think about this. what kind of tech questions did they ask you as far as algo/ds?

Company I'm working at has a bunch of educational webapps, and basically my boss wants a bunch of flexibility with exercise style (prompts with inline equations, arbitrary number of diagrams, tables, lists of block equations, etc), and different input methods (drop-down lists, multiple choice, and equation/numerical input). Currently, we have pretty rigid models that outline a very specific composition and structure of how each problem type is represented, so there isn't very much flexibility. I've pretty much identified that each exercise has a few basic parts (ID, prompt, display block of equations/images/tables/etc, user input, and a "help" section), and the content of each of those parts changes from exercise to exercise, so I'm wondering if I can change up the exercise model to be more "generic" by just explicitly defining each of those basic parts, then populating the specifics of each exercise in the db.

How retarded is this?

so you applied to a random job ad with zero experience and got the role? i dont believe you. what location is this.

I hate node

nah man fuck the hooker and chin up.

just take a break, like, for a week or maybe 3 days. go out with friends, catch up, play some vidya. If you just force yourself to have fun I promise you'll start having fun. as far as coding goes after you get into a groove socially then you can start to make time to code for a few hours.

you can't code if you're unhappy my dude

He knew java.

I got the job with no degree and no work experience, but I know the at a high level.

Somebody suggested SnappySnippet to me but I'm a bit confused on how to use it.

I was wanting to look at the CSS for a profile on a website, as I'm curious as to what some of the code is for what is displayed.

Tips on how to use it?

Building my search engine (wibr.me). It will only index lightweight pages that do not use much css or ads. I want to build a web of pages that are created by hobbyists about topics of interest to them. Kind of like how the early Internet was.

If there are any lightweight pages that you know about, you can help me out by submitting some.

Uber was made illegal in my country and I need a fucking job right now. I know some python and Java, and the web languages, at college dropout level at least, but I need to fake some work experience, I'm going to ask an uncle that works in a large company for some fake references. Have anyone here pulled this off?

There is plenty of room if you can prove yourself. Getting your first job is hardest part. Too many useless people interested in that good money competiting for intern /junior positions but they can't often even do a proper fizzbuzz.

Why in the fucking hell that cunt called Angular 1 cant understand that a fucking ajax resource has a goddamn iso-8859-1 charset, when it clearly fucking written there in the damn response headers?! Even jquery gets it right, what the fuck.

redpill me on ajax

>I've done several freelance projects - a few brochure sites, an e-commerce store,

you're ready, man. Put that shit in a nice portfolio and spam your CV to death. Seriously.

God I feel so weird being 26 and still in college.

>wants us to do his work for him
what do you think we are? plebs?

Any ideas for RESTful APIs that you guys need/want?

that question would only make sense if you are from Google or something.
You need some data or service first, before you put up an API for it

data is everywhere. You can either get it from government databases or just scrape it

Do you all have job experience?

Will that fuck me over?

I make and run scrapers all the time.

I was thinking something along the lines of: you request a domain, and you get a JSON of all emails associated with that domain that I scraped, along with the source and date when I it was collected.

I haven't seen something like that and I'm wondering whether that's because people won't give away that data for free or because they legally shouldn't.

Also, it would look for patterns in emails using basic machine learning, so if you request a domain along with a full name of a person, it can guess a likely email of that person at that company's domain.

anything that you would recommend so i could git gud with html and css?

checked out the OP?

i need booooooks resources idk

I was that age my senior year. What's so weird?

>find the perfect job listing
>requires a degree
fuck me, this happens constantly. how do i get around HR?

Do FreeCodeCamp. They kinda teach you to teach yourself, especially when it comes to doing the projects.

Also, it's been years since I last posted on Sup Forums. Why in the world do you put up with these fucking pictogram Captchas?

Are you the book-learner guy from the recent threads?
Finding proper books to learn web technologies is difficult, when you compare it to the easy access to all the other online resources.

OP has this list of books
no idea how the quality of these are

Any frontend devs in here wanna collab with a backend laravel (php) dev to make something awesome?

because you're retarded, it's the best backend env by far

It just feels like I'm 40 years old compared to all my classmates. And if anyone asks for my age and I tell them they definitely go, "Oh..". I don't know. Also I feel like it's creepy to try to date any girl.

That answer isn't ok?
Hard to believe, that other devs would be weirded out by that.

Don't want to lie and tell them "yeah I do lots of sport, hiking, meeting new people"
I am a lanky awkward fuck who is interested in IT and (web)dev. Of course I am not into normie hobbies.

I want a react component to render a list fetched from a server. Let's say, movies with dates.


I want the user to be able to pick between sorting by date or sorting alphabetically. Is it more React like to query the server for the list again, but this time sorted by the selected method or to reconstruct the list by looping through it and ordering in the selected manner. I'm leaning towards the second way.

you don't have to feel bad man. we all have different paths, it's okay. if they don't like it fuck em. gently.

How do i do this, how is this called
When i click on button to show some hidden form, not like modal but just to show it, like it was always there

Toggle display:none visibility:hidden or opacity:0?

this is what i wanted

this is what i wanted

>best anything
I will never understand why people want to use a language that was made in 10 days when they aren't absolutely forced to. This whole "native JS" thing is fucking retarded.


I know there is a small chance, but I'll ask anyway. Is anyone here a front-end developer looking for a side project? I plan to start working on a new opensource imageboard software written in Java using Spring during summer, but I don't know shit about web design, except for some basic html and css. So ideally I'm looking for bored Angular/React/something similiar developer, who would design a front-end and I will provide the REST API. The only reward you will get is that you can add this to your portfolio, obviously I won't get any money from that either, it's just a fun project to learn new things and experiment a little bit.

Can anyone recommend me a good book on PHP?

I'm reading "the Joy of PHP" right now and it's kind of sloppily written.

Hi Sup Forumsays

Want to make a crazy fast forum that doesn't lag like all the other crap.

What kind of VPS do i need to do it? (traffic about 500 peak)
What platform should I use?

Is nodeBB any good?

Why the fuck are you using anything else than unicode?

It's a fucking concept - there is nothing to redpill.

>Want to make a crazy fast forum that doesn't lag like all the other crap.
Believe it when I see it.
>pick smallest one
>when you need more, migrate to next larger VPS available

Why is using redux-thunk considered anti-pattern

any idea why if i run a php file that sends emails through command line it doesnt work but when i run it through a web browser it works?

the server has permission and you don't?

it pays ok but ruins your body and temperament. if could go back i'd study horticulture

maybe get a manual labour job for a bit, will do ya good.

it's not retarded as it seems, JS is maybe the fastest interpreted language on server side (2x to 5x of python and ruby), you can use server side rendering seamlessly, you will find any library you can think of

PHP is the best back-end language ever made.

Is it possible to use some kind of client-side service to broadcast one user's changes to the DOM to all other users?


I want to build a website that allows you to upload pictures. It's very likely that the picture chosen to upload will be the same as one that already exists on the server. What's the best way to avoid unnecessary uploads/downloads?

How does it work? The server receives a message from a client that has made changes to the DOM, that message contains the updated HTML and the client serves that?

I have something like this, it doesn't scale very well though I assume.

I have a nodejs server running with a list of current connected clients using websockets and listen for client changes
When a change occured I update the server state and send all clients a message with the updated data, this is debounced by 1 second so the clients don't get spammed by others.
It's just looping through the client list and sending the data one by one.

I'm not sending markup though, data only.

Depends on what you do. WordPress is kys tier; all sorts of crap (Not just PHP, but ancient, pre-namespace & composer autoloading PHP) and you will have a hard time deciding whether to kill your customers who don't know what the fuck they want, demand that you re-do things for free when they changed their minds and continuously threaten not to pay you while simultaneously threatening to sue you if you don't provide the code regardless... or kill yourself instead.

Anything to do with PHP is horrible.

Node.js too.

And the fucking frontend... You will learn to loathe the fucking fucktards who insist on using IE. Even IE 11 is pretty much ancient right now and definitely holding the web back.
Expect to test your code in Chrome and Firefox and have it work perfectly, only to have IE and Safari (especially the IOS version) vomit all over it.

And have fun re-learning all your frontend tools and libraries every few months, every time a new, "obviously superior" module bundler, less standards compliant and with an even less comprehensible configuration gets released to bundle your newest meme.js frontend framework which takes longer to build than a 10 million LOC C++ application with tons of template metaprogramming.

I lied. It doesn't depend on what you do. It always sucks.

send a hash of the file and check against a list of hashes of existing images on the server

That's what i had in mind but I wasn't sure if I should worry about collisions and how I would handle that.

? who says that
I'm using redux thunk inside a API middleware in a large scale SPA and it works flawlessly.

Fortunately I'm only using this for a LAN site and I want to keep it very simple. I thought it would be easier to send the full document to the server which could then serve the updated document rather than messing about with formatting the document server side.