Canada bans cellphone unlocking fees, orders all new devices be unlocked for free

>The era of having to pay cellular providers to unlock your cellphone will end this year.

>As of Dec. 1, cellphone customers can ask their provider to unlock their phones free of charge, the CRTC announced Thursday. At the same time, it said, all newly purchased mobile devices must be provided to customers unlocked.

>"It's a big step forward," said Rose Behar, senior reporter for the tech site MobileSyrup in Toronto.

>Telecoms often order locked phones from manufacturers that are programmed to work only with their service. Then they charge a fee — typically $50 — to unlock the phone if a customer wants to switch providers.

>"Essentially a locked phone did keep consumers tethered to their service provider," because they faced paying a fee to flee, said Behar.

>"Now there's going to be so much more flexibility in being able to jump from plan to plan, from carrier to carrier. That will likely spark more competition."

Anyone know if this will affect us Amerifats? I'm sure the big carriers will probably at least try to force manufacturers to start making a different model specific to canada so phones sold in America aren't unlocked.

It should've never been allowed. It's like locking PC to Comcast or another internet provider.

Vote with your wallet and buy already unlocked phones. From Best Buy, I got a Motorola X Pure last Christmas that works on any carrier. I love it.

now if only the CRTC would step in and kick ISP in the ass.

yeah CRTC is generally shit but this a good (albeit obvious) decision

Fuck that man I only buy used phones anyways, I'd rather buy a year or two old flagship than a chinkshit budget phone. It'd just make it better for me if they were already unlocked, I'm on straight talk and it'd be nice to be able to throw my sim into any phone rather than having to get it unlocked or switching sims.

>mfw $80 for 25Mb down and data cap in a major city

The American government banned the unlocking of mobile phones sold after a certain date. Something like 3-4 years ago. This will have absolutely no bearing on Amerikkkan providers just like consumer protection laws in Europe have no bearing on Amerikkkan retailers.


It is free though. They're free to fuck you over (to an extent) but, guess what? You're free not to buy their shit.

>I'm free! I have the choice of sucking shit out of corporate anus or not using anything at all! Where is your God now, yurocucks??

You're fucking stupid. Buy used fool. Of all the tech I own, none of it is new save one thing, an Acer touch screen pile of shit that I regret.

>Don't want to be fucked in the ass? Settle for second class!
You're a very, very good goy.

Jealous europoor alert

>Thinking used is second class.
>Being this cucked

>tfw land of fat home of cucked

>>Don't want to be fucked in the ass? Settle for second class!
>You're a very, very good goy.
Re-read the person you replied to. They said the only thing they regret is the new purchase.

>tfw Brazil is 9 years ahead of Canada.

>tfw socialist shithole wants to implement a database of cellphones containing os, hardware/software version and owner info
>tfw new phones that aren't registered won't be able to connect to mobile networks
>tfw registering phones is free until an arbitrary yearly quota is reached, then everyone has to pay
Fucking hell

install gentoo

why do americans keep getting cucked by the establishment

Use Wi-Fi and a call app like a real man

>banning a private sector

there's no hope canada you're fucked

Buy the phone directly from the manufacturer, rather than from your carrier. It will be unlocked by default.

What? I can go buy an unlocked phone right now.

Great now I can take my unlocked phone from one company fucking me in the ass and go pay $80 a month to one of the other 2 to fuck me in the ass for 1gb.
But hey, at least my Syrian refugee neighbor gets his $3000 a month for his 12 noisy little sand niglets and 3 wives.

God bless this liberal hell hole.

wtf I love Canada now