Since when are advertising threads allowed?
Since when are advertising threads allowed?
aren't thinkpad, mpv, and linux threads advertising threads?
i am not advertising. i am just surprised this shit works. seems too good to be true
Dumb chinkposter.
OP must be retarded. Let's say we lived an an extramemely simple world. Phone calls and text messages cost carriers nearly nothing to carry compared to data costs. If you are paying for a cellular plan without unlimited minutes/texts and you are not international, please kill yourself.
>woah dude check out this voip I don't gotta waist minoots
> I'm surprised this thing that's been going on for ages and even google has their own free version of works
i don't really get your post, because it implies things i never said
>explain to me why you are still paying for phone service when this is free?
Because sometimes, I don't have data when I go in the middle of bumfuck nowhere like on a roadtrip, but I get not shitty normal reception. Also, I get unlimited talk and text with my T-mobileā¢ data plan, which costs less than most other providers dumbphone plans.
You still need a data plan you dipshit
i am not really a phone fag. I learned of talkatone and google voice months ago and decided to see if i could voip calls on my mother's phone because boost mobile wasn't working for her.
Yes, and?
i mean as a home phone.
>leaving the house
fucking normie
Like I said earlier, and now agree the wording is fucked (I'm tired as shit), if a carrier is connecting you to the internet, it doesn't cost them much more to just give you unlimited talk/text.
Because nothing is really free.
> using a home phone
>'ve been qualified for a drawing for a cruise!........................................etc...
Not thanks.
>nothing is free
>on Sup Forums where people use linux
>nothing is free
>probably pirates
>nothing is free
>probably on medicaid
lel I'm 19 still on chips but I'm legit poor and can't work more than six hours without getting crippling migraines
>people on Sup Forums use Linux
Does anybody here really use Linux unironically?
I'm using normie mode ubuntu on my 2008 macbook because apple ditched me and win10 won't boot from USB.
google voice is not secure. some guy is probably listening in on your calls
in case anyone is interested:
The migraines are caused by a focal pupillary defect, which I still do not have a diagnoses for, and cannot be corrected with glasses as the larger pupil will switch now and then. I'm extremely sensitive to sunlight and harsh sounds, wake up with a headache and the more I work the worse it gets until it makes me pass out or drop to my knees and writhe in pain.
Internet will soon unify all means of communication. Beginning to use a plan with only data and using internet only apps is the smarter move in the long run.
If you are autistic, use open source "libre" apps but with the same mentality. Use data plans, stop the monopoly and chaotic network of cellphone calls and sms.
>Thinking everyone from Sup Forums is from Sup Forums
Ofc we use Linux unironically.
It's the best OS to date.
We are aware that Apples grow on trees, so every normie has one.
why do japanese cosplayers always airbrush the fuck out of their pictures?
they don't even try to be subtle about it
So it's a VoIP service? I'm still going to need data to use it, and I already get unlimited calls with the data plan I have on my phone. Explain to me why I would use it?
you use your home wifi or macdonalds wifi, nigger
The whole fucking reason I have cellular service is to have Internet where there isn't Wi-Fi, twat.
kys gooker
Just US/Canada