user do you ever feel like going full hacker and just living in a van with your equipment?
User do you ever feel like going full hacker and just living in a van with your equipment?
>Full hacker
>living in a van
how does she bathe?
in the shark infested ocean she swims in?
planet fitness
t. former vandweller
As a former vandweller, would you recommend it to another user? Was it worth it?
not said user, but I wouldn't if you cant make friends easily.
>planet fitness
The what?
The gym
what does her moon speak say
Anyone have that gif of the van exploding?
If I was very rich i'd buy a sailboat and the most expensive satellite internet money can buy.
Van is a half measure.
Depends how comfy my van will be.
This is acceptable.
too big
this one is perfect
How does she sleep in there. Her feet are at the wall and she's sitting up.
Seems like most prison cells are bigger than a van. Doesn't sound like a great lifestyle
Is this what you want to happen OP?
Only dero's live in vans you fucking dreg
Al Bundy taught me that having your own toilet is very important for a man. You don't have that personal space with a van.
I have one of these things in my backyard. My friends love it and keep asking to borrow it. It's got a comfy bed, a stove, a foldable diner table and a wall mounted TV.
Got it at a yard sale for a few hundred bucks.
I pull it with my car, it's fun. it also has a solar panel on the roof, I don't know how much it pulls but it fully charged my phone (3550mAh) from 0 to 100% and DS Lite in a few hours of sunlight, could work well with some kind of battery pack.
how will you find good internet connection? ever thought about that, retard?
I've known 3 different people that have done the whole live in a van/RV bullshit. Honestly, every one of them were just fucking losers who begged shit from everyone they were close to until people cut off all contact from them. At least once a week I see my nephew begging to have gas money Western unioned to him so he can get to the next town for "design work".
unlimited mobile data? ever though about that, retard?
I said good.
lol... you're really fucking retarded.
not him but i get unlimited everything for 20 euro a month. often go 100gb. maybe in 3 more years, mobile data will get better latency.
Reminder that all hackers are russian hackers and if you want to get an amphibious rv, at least get a russian one.
>living in a van
>cant get good unlimited mobile data
only a retard would live in a van in some shitpoor 3rd world country
you've got wheels, move to a country where such a thing exists
She doesn't
>mobile data
>good internet
Kevin Mitnick fugitive days stories got to your head?
LTE is pretty fast if you're not in some shithole
that's the whole point of going VAN
to be somewhere far from everyone
>nobody asks where she shits
I would do this no problem, I love small comfy spaces and I already use a dongle for internet.
>I pull it with my car, it's fun.
Yeah, we got that part.
No I'm pretty sure the whole point is to be mobile. If all you want is to be somewhere far from everyone you can go live innawoods.
If I hadn't made the mistake of having a wife and child, I probably already would have.
Didn't meant that, my family is great, but without them I 100% would have already bought a van and converted it into a place to live alone wherever I want.
Living in a van would be pretty sweet if you do it near a beach or somewhere else fun.
Would get lonely after a while though unless you could find a grill that's into that lifestyle. Hard to do though because grills want kids and you need a house to raise kids in.
>Would get lonely after a while though unless you could find a grill that's into that lifestyle
>Implying I could get a grill anyway
>Implying I'm not lonely no matter where I live
I'm under the impression that if you park in any public place for any extended amount of time that the cops will come after you.
Where can you possibly go?
Depends on where you park. If you park somewhere without a time limit, why would the cops "come after you" ?
because in all likelihood you're probably the next zodiac killer or some shit
Not really.
About this production:
MINATO RIKU approached us and said,
"I can have SEX with people from my hometown!"
And with that, we set off for this two piece series!
EVERYOOONNEE! I went and fucked a bunch of old friends!
MINATORIKU goes back and FUCKS some childhood friends
rate my translation, I am practicing
i know this feel
i've got a work-from-home job too so it would have been perfect
but wife still has that "hurr i want to travel" thing in the back of her mind so it's likely we'll do it in a decade or so once the kids are older and easier to travel with
here in straya there's actually a fair few people taking their kids and hitting the road for 6-12 months driving the long way around the country and usually milking shekels from it through blogging and social media bs or freelance writing for travel/4x4/caravan magazines
there's also the endless hordes of backpacker cunts renting or buying vans and 4x4s kitted out for camping so they can spend the year their visa gives them cruising around the place
nothing stopping you doing it for a while even if you've shacked up with the perfect grill already - spend some time on the road together and then settle somewhere to raise a family but go back to vandwelling as your family holiday
a lot of places have restrictions on camping in vehicles and shit like that even if they dont have time limits on parking
but there's usually nearby places you can settle for a few nights
Wait, what show is this from?
They seriously trying to push this Russia delusion?
It's a porn, "Minato Mariku goes back to her hometown and has real sex with people she knows"
Try googling for her under 湊莉久 and maybe add 地元の知っている人達
Was "MIAD-777" really that hard to say?
It's from new season of Fargo. It's quite amazing. He's not even Russian.
Preddy good, though it's simple stuff.
>mfw even RV fags in Amsterdam ride a byke
>I pull it with my car
Not using horses.
>that shitty night lighting
>some appliances need external power (not even an onboard generator? wtf?)
Sounds like they have a shitty power system.
>fuel efficiency measured in gallons per mile
Yep same here. I have a fully remote job and make great money. If I didn't have a familiy I'd totally buy a legit RV. Probably a shuttle bus style one not a tour bus sized one. I'd just travel around to rv parks and travel all year. Most rv parks have internet these days I think
Those are some seriously fucked up feet. I bet she could pick up a softball with one foot and throw it.
If I didn't have a girlfriend I probably would only to save on expenses
>live in van
>park in McDonald's carpark for free wifi
>watching hentai on my trusty t420 one night while tugging
>suddenly van starts rocking
>pokerface quiet mode
>here all these guys snickering
>suddenly vans on it's side
>t420 screen smacks me right in the face
>backdoor opens
>"uhm guys can u help me push it upright "
>we push it back over
>i go back inside
>sit down
>t420 screen is cracked but still useable
>notice foul smell
>my makeshit bucket toilet has broke
>shit all over my drivers seat and windscreen
Grabbed some of my personal belongings then pushed it into a river to wash it out but it wouldnt startup again even after sitting for 2 weeks so I just moved back home.
It's no use user he doesn't know what that word means outside the context of Pokemon
Or jerk you off with just one foot.
Hmm, really makes you think.
It only has 2 wheels. Does it tip back and forth if not secured to something else?
>he doesn't pull his trailer van with a dogsled
Never. But I've seriously considered living underground.
don't hack me mr anonomous
>think it would be interesting to live in a RV, exploring rural areas and natural parks and making a blog about about it
>could get some cheap mobile internet and food would be really inexpensive in rural areas
>would never do it though, because car robbery is extremely common and i fear that i would get robbed and then robbers decide to do more than robbing once they realize they could do whatever they want with me and would get away with it since i live alone in a car in the middle of nowhere
>google MIAD-777
>results are pages of clickbait malware sites
>browsing through the pages to see if theres anything of use
>suddenly google starts returning no results for MIAD-777 when it returned a bunch of shit just a few seconds ago
>shit like that has been happening frequently these past weeks, google acts like there are no results when I search for porn when its clearly just blocking content from me without even explaining why
I couldn't stand not seeing sunlight for an extended period of time. It would drive me mad. I already get antsy when I'm on the subway for my daily commute.
With her?
Depends on what distro she uses.
> ascape
> autistic escape
Of course, I'd put a hammock above ground so I can just sit out there.
I wish I knew more about underground constructions so I could one day make a home with underground features for me.
I wouldn't like living completely underground either, I think the best I could do would be build a few rooms under my house to use as storage, workshop, etc.
Are train busses the ultimate hacker home?
no i dont because im not a faggot
t. faggot
The van life isn't a comfortable one.
>I couldn't stand not seeing sunlight for an extended period of time
Then get one of these, I use it everyday
Your bunker needs to be built into the side of a mountain, that way you can at least have some lateral windows. Use camouflage netting as shades.
pretty cool as a concept unless you live in an area that might experience some kind of flooding.
show us ur boi pucci fukboi
You didn't notice the bulkhead and floor grating?
Any water that floods into the main shaft will simply make the bulkhead unable to be opened temporarily, and the water will reintegrate into the water table naturally as it soaks down into the earth below the grate. Then the bulkhead can be opened.
there is no shower in that bunker
you do plan to wash don't you ?
Yeah. Google refuses to show results for Hentai Haven now.
Switched to DuckDuckGo and this kind of shit literally never happens now.
And if its like a week of heavy rain and you are unable to open the bulkhead, what would you do about the sudden buildup of CO2 and unexplainable lack of oxygen?
When my country was bombed i spend a few months basically living underground shelters. Its a scary scary place to be...
>He doesn't wash his hair in the toilet
Cover the main shaft with a hatch, obv. Or just don't live in the phillipines
The answer is ALWAYS more bulkheads.
Fuck, I want that.
Oh, forgot to mention: For obvious reasons, it would be unwise to put all your eggs in one basket and ventilate air through the main shaft rather than through a pipe that does not allow rain to fall in it.
And even if you couldn't be arsed to construct one, consider that people in submarines get by pretty well with CO2 scrubbers.
How would I power my 700w monster in a van? Tying a bunch of batteries together?
>ass cape
The attachment point usually have a support that you pull out and lift the front section up if it's not attached to a car.
yeah living in a refurbished sewer is much better
tfw no Ural 375D/4320 RV
talk about being late
>not getting swole with your gym leader
What are you a magikarp?
(distant reeeeeeeeing can be heard)