you're place of residence has good internet right?
/speed/test thread
Other urls found in this thread:
how much per month??
I think it's 30€
>tfw moving from medium sized city to big city
>finally think I'm getting decent fiber
>max speed I can get is fucking 40/10
god damnit
define medium to big
>he thinks moving to a big city means better speeds
Hope you didn't sign a year lease in comcast land
Mate move to aus 5/256kbs
It's okay I guess.
Its cheap, fast and heavily censored. VPN helps at least for the time being.
University shouldn't really count though.
Here is my residential connection in the US.
> (OP)
>University shouldn't really count though.
>Here is my residential connection in the US.
Speaking of which, do you think jewgle fiber is a good deal? I'm moving to the States, more specifically Kansas next year, so hopefully I can get those gigabit speeds without being jewed on too much.
Yeah, all the large gigabit providers seems to have settled at about $70-80 a month for 1gbps residential service.
Unless it's a big city on the coasts surrounded by lots of middle class or upper middle class suburbs, you're still not going to have great access to fast internet unless you get lucky.
Only a few cities in the middle of the country get access to decent internet speeds, it's really hit or miss at the moment.
Unlimited 4G, 20€/month
>heavily censored internet
What do they censor over there?
Over here in Austria it's just DNS blocks for a handful of torrent and streaming sites. So you don't even need VPN really.
Welcome to Minnesota boys
That ping though, probably fine for gaming.
42 down
4 up
Only £25 a month though so can't complain.
Actually it's my vpn server. I live 800km to the east from it.
500 mbps
>500 mbps
What did he mean by this?
>haha look at my university connection : the thread
For OPs yea, but some people do have access to relatively cheap residential 500mbps or even 1gbps.
Ah, gotcha.
my university has a 50Mbit connection (like, in total, not "each device limited to 50Mbits). but lots of upload speed, so i buried a computer in the ground with a wifi antenna going up with a cable. its now seeding my /ptg/-torrents
>i'll never post where they are tho ;^) they just magically exist teehee
>(like, in total, not "each device limited to 50Mbits)
Lol no. Literally no actual university has only 50mbps download for the entire campus. Maybe the public facing network has bandwidth restrictions put in place to encourage people not to steam videos and shit. But I'd bet you dollars to donuts they've got at least 500mbps and likely several gbps if they've got a halfway decent research department.
Most major East coast cities and some of their outlying suburbs.
Here's my bill. $95 for TV, phone, and 1gbps.
ahh, a jew yorker
Alexandria VA.
But yea sure pretend what you want
>my cheap fiber internet in a big city
>*pays 4000$/month for rent on a 500 sqft apartment*
Telenor unlimited 4G
6000 HUF(20€)
>he has to deal with cold and snow
>also makes over $120,000 a year only 5 years out of college.
>Hes a thirdie
Okay maybe I'm a retard but is it normal that when I download something I get 1.2Mb/s tops?
$20/month, no caps, no port restrictions.
1.2Mb or 1.2 MB?
9.62 Mb/s is 1.2MB/s
took this the other day
bit vs byte.
Bits are 1/8th of a byte. So 9.6mbps is roughly 1.2MB/s
Why do they jew you on upload?
Not fiber. Around 12€. A small, crappy town in Poland near the border with Ukraine.
But hey, no hard feelings. I'm sure one day the US will catch up to more civilized countries.
Eh? This is the US you know
Wi-Fi speeds on phone
Was just giving you shit senpai, I knew what was going on.
US has faster internet than most of the world....
paying more than 40€ for that is not what you must expect from a developed country...
Riping off your own peers is something you find in shithole like brazil, mexico or china, not somewhere where people actually have human rights and are not considered as living stocks.
... and then compare US states with yuroclap nations, then get btfo
Eh you have to consider geographic location and the local economy.
It's actually dirt cheap when I know people paying $200 a month for 50mbps and Tv
and yuroclap nations with their "fast" internet speeds
Yea most of those states are also the states with the largest fiber rollouts
How is that so.
According to retards like you, every Yuro home is wired with fiber.
Then you libtards also claim American ISP's have a monopoly so they don't have any reason to update their infrastructure.
I have a 100Mbps connection and when I connect my laptop through the router's LAN ports the speeds are fine but the Wi-Fi speeds suck. The router's in the ground floor while I work in the first floor. Is it a problem with the router? I have a Netgear JWNR2000. What are some of the things I could do to improve Wi-Fi speeds? Please help Sup Forumsuys.
hey, how about cutting your veins?
That's a $25 piece of shit from like 2009.
Things you can do to improve WiFi speeds? Buy a decent fucking router, spend more than $75
That's just WiFi. Laptop WiFi always has shit antennas and often just 50Mbit maximum. With a good USB adapter you should be able to improve this. I don't know that router but I'll just guess that it's shit. In short, don't bother with WiFi if you need high speeds
I suppose this could be considered alright/above average for America
Any recommendations?
>That's just WiFi
But do speeds drop as low as 7-10Mbps? Would buying a range extender be advisable?
Only a year before NBN... I can make it through...
Is that Mawson Lakes? I just save all my large downloads for when I'm there. Shame you can't use torrents.
$90 w/ tv and unlimited international calling, plus my speed is like five times my neighbor's.
Is this bad?
It's a shit router. If you don't care about network stuff in general just buy an Access Point and connect that to your router. Don't buy any powerline or "repeater" crap, it does not work.
$40 leafdollars
it's pretty nice
powerlines work fine, fag
but if he's on a laptop i don't see a point in using one either
>Any recommendations?
I use a ubiquiti AC HD access point and a ubiquiti edgerouter-X
>tfw 40mbps down/4mbps up
>these speeds are considered ungodly fast in my country because everyone else has download speeds in the kbps, to the point that they can't even load youtube videos at 480p so most resort to downloading them
>pay $35 dollars a month for this, landline and very basic cable tv that i don't use
These threads never fail to make me feel like the subhuman poorfag i really am.
No wired device to test with at the moment but here's my phone on 4g LTE and WiFi (1gbps connection)
No, no it doesn't.
It'll have much, much better internet soon, but it'll still be a 6th of your speed.
Such is life in Australia.
Forgot to post speedtest.
NBN (FTTN) soon, better than this for sure - but still terrible.
Also due to bullshit red-tape reasons, 'CVC' (a virtual circuit each ISP needs to buy for each of the 144 nationwide POPs) pricing is very high, (~$17.50 per dedicated mbps bandwidth, shared across all customers on that POP,
Still, at least our mobile data isn't slow as fuck like most everywhere else in the world.
7GB per month means it's not really useful for a desktop workload though.
I'm surprised more companies aren't offering 4g LTE hotspots with 500gb+ of data a month.
Probably shitty backbone bandwidth couldn't sustain heavy use from residential customers
The networks say it can't be done within any reasonable alotment of RF bandwidth.
We'll see though, TPG thinks they can do better and have 10mhz on 700mhz and 10mhz on 1800mhz now to prove it.
Go fuck yourself, cunt.
Dat ping
I called my ISP yesterday. They said the best they could do is 15mbps. Sucks man.
>Uni to AARNet
Not really a reasonable test tho.
well then at least go for 15
Who 3rd world shithole here?
FiOS is bretty gud
Pretty good for Germany
They have 1gbps for $69.99 now
Just saying
Shit dude, thanks for letting me know. I'll be flying with the likes of Google Faggot now.
If you're still under contract log in online and go to the shop tab then "I'm moving" enter your same address you currently live at and then say the current customer is moving out.
Enjoy your new customer pricing and no ETF.
hello fellow fiber bros
not bad for for $75 a month unlimited cap
>paying more than 40€ for that is not what you must expect from a developed country...
>Riping off your own peers is something you find in shithole like brazil, mexico or china, not somewhere where people actually have human rights and are not considered as living stocks.
Your internet is so great but your english is not, keep leeching poland - maybe russia will take you back one day.
$230/month for internet+tv+phone
which one of these was you
it may be 162 as well
yeah i suppose so
None, last torrent i downloaded was rainbow six
that lovely 1 ms ping