Son, you are 20+ and you still virgin, you stay at home all the fucking day, what are you doing with your life?...

>Son, you are 20+ and you still virgin, you stay at home all the fucking day, what are you doing with your life?, you will die a virgin!
how would you respond

Other urls found in this thread:

*unzips dick*
"then let's fix that right now"

fuck you mom! fuck you dad! you can't tell me what to do! this is my life! if I decide to die virgin then I will!
Thank God I don't have that problem.

I'm not a virgin.

>I've accepted it, why can't you?

I'm not a virgin.

Don't talk about death like you own it
We all have our own pace you did your share let me do mine


god will exterminate you and your lustful ways
ony the chosen ones will enter the eternal empire of love and peace

"It's not like I spent my school days at home and I still stayed as a fucking virgin instead of losing it by that age like every normal people"

You came back from the dead for this, bitch?

What is so great about going out all the time? I went out last night for the first time in a long time. It wasn't so bad. But it was meh. Too much of a hassle, Staying at home is cheaper, easier, more convenient, and more or equally enjoyable.

I haven't lived with my parents since I was 18 so stfu mom and get off my back

Paз, paз, paз, этo хapдбac
Bce в cпopтивкaх aдидac
И нa нaйки пaцaны cлyшaют хapдбac бacы

Этoт cтaйл любим мы
Жгeм вce в pитмe кoлбacы
150 yдapoв тyт
Пaцaны в cпopтивкaх жгyт

Шкoлa тaнцeв yчит вac
Пpaвильнo пляcaть хapдбac
B клyбe дo yтpa тoптaть
И ничo нe пpинимaть
Бyтиpaты и cпиды нaши злeйшиe вpaги
Ha плoщaдкaх мы пoд бac oтoжгeм для вac хapдбac

Бac, бac, хapдбac
Бac, бac, хapдбac
Бac, бac, хapдбac
Oтoжгeм для вac хapдбac

Joo joo vittu ei koske sinua saatana

>how would you respond
"What's your point?"

I go to college isnt that enough?why do i have to leave home on my free time?

> really ? dude if you can afford a computer you can fuck. period.

I can deadlift 210kg
Someone makes fun of me for being a virgin and i'll lift them

>well at least I'm not Jorge

>Someone makes fun of me for being a virgin and i'll lift them
What if I weigh more than 210kg though?

You can not make fun of people if you can't leave your bed m8

>bragging about memelift

>not squatting people


I'm not an unemployed virgin who lives with my parents so idk

my bum looks too god after squating so much. I am a virgin but i've had an 8/10 girl rim me. I didn't enjoy it.

Why didn't you fuck her huh?

>tfw no hot single mother(or older woman) who wants me

For me it's the countrary, I am the one who brings it up to my parents

>Nooo user! you're normal, it's normal for guys who attend Uni to have few friends like you!
>No, it's not, I'll never meet any girls like that
>Nooo, don't worry, just be nice to girls, invite them to drink a coffee
>It won't work, I'm a friendless kv at 20 year old which is NOT normal
>What are you talking about, you're normal, so handsome intelligent!
>Mother and father, I am AUTISTIC, aspergers, ever heard of it? GET IT RHOUGH YOUR HEADS!
>You? Autistic? Impossible?

They just won't accept it, I am the one who makes them feel uncomfortable about it, not the contrary.

I too share this feel.