>1080ti is cheaper

>sold out
Are you retarded?

Don't worry, people will still buy them.
I sold a used one for $390

>amd lose presence in the gaming market because cuckcoin miners
>devs make their games for nvidia cards
>why games run better on nvidia reeeeeee


Who the fuck cares about gaymen sheep? Faggots bought fucking fermi's, that tells about the state of consumer GoyPU market.

amd is even a bigger joke in professional market
all they had is gaming one

>amd is even a bigger joke in professional market
They have their niche. It's easier to maintain than trying to sell better hardware for cheaper.

You do know most people still buy prebuilds a dont ever upgrade it themselves right?

why are third-party sellers allowed to sell through newegg's website, again? newegg themselves have the cheaper option 99% of the time

>be me
>wanted to build a gaming pc to play games on the summer.
>mfw mid tier gpus are 500 plus dollars.
>mfw I have no face.

All online stores use 3rd party sellers.

you could also just go secondhand
i picked up a 980ti for $280 usd

What the fuck. Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose for crypto miners?
Might as well get a 1070 then, cheaper, lower power consumption and similar performance.
For gamers it's an even better deal.

>mfw I got a RX 480 during Brexit
>mfw if I sell it now I barely break even
>mfw I watch pound sterling fall even further during election results
Fuck this country and it's bullshit politics


You are mistaking crypto miners for gamers.
Crypto miners only care about [Etherium per Kilowatt-hour], if the initial investment is slightly higher it doesn't matter to them. Mining with 1070 is less efficient, you get less etherium per kilowatt-hour, which means every piece of crypto currency you earn costs more.

go back to pakistan then

I don't get it, did you sell yours abroad

are you telling me they are not
kindly kill yourself

I could care less who they are made for faggot.
They sold out Nvidia's didn't.

What, you can't afford a $649 card? What are you, poor?

>I could care less
t. illiterate poojet

>implying ROI speed doesn't matter at all
Especially given the volatility of crypto markets, I'd argue even more so ROI is important.
Plus the 1060 is only slightly less efficient for mining. 1070 is actually better than 480/580

390x I got for $450aud last year

This is amazing mining faggots are retards

If there's an X anywhere in the name it's a gaming card.

>Sold out everyhere
Bankrupt how?

Didn't the 1070 have a lock on running 3-4 way SLI though?
If you can only put 2 cards in every PC it gets pretty costly if you want to run lots of these things.

You don't use SLI for $cryptocurrency mining.
OpenCL and CUDA accesses the GPU's directly and doesn't need inter-GPU communication very much.

Guys when will the prices go back to normal ? All i wanted was a 470/570 4gb to replace my gtx 760, 1060 is too fucking expensive

What are you talking about

>amd lose presence in the gaming market

The funny truth is that if/when the crypto bubble bursts they will need the gaming market. As long as it doesn't... they don't.

>why games run better on nvidia
This has a lot more to do with gimpworks and general nvidia presence in the gaming industry. This has been the case for quite a while. Basically game developing companies like Electronic Arts get a few nvidia programmers on-hand when they are making games and game-engines. AMD just doesn't have the resources to have that kind of industry presence.

>all they had is gaming one
Get a grip, like all AMD RX cards are sold out worldwide because of demand from .. gamers. Get real.

Nvidia cards can't do math very well. They really can't. Don't confuse computations-per-watt with frames-per-dollar in games.

Asking when the crypto bubble will burst is like asking when a stock market will pop.

I can tell you with absolute certainty that it will, see picture related. I with I could tell you exactly when because there's a ton of money to be made shorting the right cryptocoins at the right time.