Already made this thread yesterday, but there were barely any replies.
Would be cool if we can have some discussion about this:
Which one's the best, Sup Forums?
Already made this thread yesterday, but there were barely any replies.
Would be cool if we can have some discussion about this:
Which one's the best, Sup Forums?
rtorrent is the best.
I use uTorrent 2.2.1
I really like it because no one has ever found an exploit for it. If you write the perfect program security updates become obsolete.
Technically, there's an exploit that requires you to paste in a malformed magnet link, but I haven't seen anything using it so far.
Transmission HAS a lot of features, all you have to do is to edit settings.json
I use transmission-daemon on my server, open transmission-remote-cli when I need, is fucking amazing
Deluge is by far the best as long as you avoid running it in classic mode. It works great as a thin client, but if you leave it running for a long time in classic mode the UI memory leaks all over the place. Not that I'd ever want to have the UI running 24/7 when I'm not using it, but that aspect kinda makes it a questionable choice for troglodytes who are only capable of using simplistic torrent clients like utorrent.
Tangentially related, how bad is it to run multiple clients simultaneously?
Are there any clients with per-torrent or per-category proxy settings, that can also handle >5000 torrents?
Switched to qbittorrent a month or two ago and it's outstanding. Would strongly recommend
>inb4 >stalled
Only a problem when you have no seeders. Otherwise a meme reply
I like Deluge but could use Transmission if I needed to. I like meme CLI interfaces
i use transmission-remote and the web client so that
I don't always torrent files, but when I do, I prefer rtorrent.
What's the consensus for picotorrent on /g?
Those torrents, gawd
Any reason not to use Vuze besides javascript?
utorrent is good as long as you remove the ads by replacing that fucking utorrentie.exe file with an empty file of the same name and lock it
isnt halite dead?
So simple and lightweight
Github repo is active