So let's settle this once for all

So let's settle this once for all.
What do true engineers use? Snake_case or CamelCase?

IMO all the great engineers use Python and Python is used for stuff, not for gaymes like BabbyScript

I use C case.
None of my variable names go past 8 characters and they're all short and succinct because I don't use auto-complete in my editor.

Depends on the language for me, in C# I do snake for constants, camel for private, and WhateverThisIsCalled for public.

Snake case for Python and constants, camel case for everything else.

Hungarian is the only true way

pascalCase > snake_case > CamelCase

It's PascalCase and camelCase.

I instruct my team to use camelCase.

I'm a big fan of this_case

camelCase > snake_case > PascalCase

PascalCase is CS graduate tier, fucking disgusting.


Whatever the project I'm working on says. I personally prefer typing CamalCase, but snake_case is easier to read. I question the need to use multi-word names for anything global variables/functions, though. Lisp's hyphens are sweet,forbidden fruit.

On a related note, is there a Vim/emacs plugin that'll convert normal spaces to one or the other while typing a symbol name?

I don't mind camelCase that much so I use it if an existing project uses it. But if I'm starting from scratch it's sneak_case all day every day baby.

It's just so much nicer to read. Easier to spot typos and such.

>What do true engineers use?

Found the Java engineer, hi mate :D

I use whatever convention is accepted at whatever job I'm working. Fucking NEET homos.

been doing shit in C++ camelCase lately but I still think python has it right

class SnakeClass()

def snake_function
def snekafunction (also alright when two short words)

snake_string = str

pep 8 approved


You mean class PascalClass

fuck youuu

used to do snake case, but then I learned Java :^)

This is the only correct answer.

Whatever my lint tells me to.

>being a lazy faggot
enjoy your unreadable barely descriptive mess

>So let's settle this once for all.
>What do true engineers use? Snake_case or CamelCase?
whatever it tells you to use in the programming language's style guide

ITT: People who don't know the one true religion of kebab-case.

>names of user-defined types should be PascalCased
>types should be PascalCased and values should be camelCased
>Function names should be camelCased
>constants should be camelCased
>members of enums should be camelCased
>When acronyms are used in symbol names, all letters in the acronym should have the same case