Can you force yourself to like programming?

Can you force yourself to like programming?
What would you say to someone who's good at it, but dosen't enjoy it?

"What's your fucking problem, retard?"

>Can you force yourself to like programming?
>What would you say to someone who's good at it, but dosen't enjoy it?
There are better earning jobs for unambitious people.

No you can't force yourself.
If it doesn't click with you, you will always hate it.

I don't know any programmers who aren't timid wagecucks working under tech illiterate normies who literally coasted through liberal arts degrees with little to no studying.

this. if you hate it, you're probably not as good at it as you think you are

>Can you force yourself to like programming?

No. It's either something you enjoy or something you don't.

A good example is, from time to time, you see those absolute retards in the questions threads saying shit like "alright I've read a book now I don't know what to program."

Fuck. If I lived the lives of a million men I still wouldn't have time to program all the things I want to program. And yet you've got these god damn subhuman pieces of slime who can't even think of a single thing.

These people shouldn't even be wasting their time as the hobby is clearly not for them.

>What would you say to someone who's good at it, but dosen't enjoy it?

There are plenty of things in life that can bring you happiness. Don't waste yourself on something you don't enjoy.

Tending bar at a beach resort is a great way to meet cool people and do fun things, even if your (assuredly Asian or Indian) parents don't approve.

When you're on your deathbed do you want to have the memories of a poor person who had fun every day of their life doing cool things with cool people or the memories of a middle class person who had barely slightly more money but spent every day of his life doing something that he hated?

I'm not the user you're replying to, but I currently work in a company where both CEO and head of sales are two of the original developers of the product and attend every single stand-up personally.

>not wanting to be a code monkey means you're unambitious

>What would you say to someone who's good at it, but dosen't enjoy it?


What other technology related skill could one acquire instead?

>Fuck. If I lived the lives of a million men I still wouldn't have time to program all the things I want to program.
To be fair, there is a point during learning programming when you don't yet have enough knowledge to implement the things you actually want, so you're looking for ideas for midsize projects.

I don't think that is what he is implying. He's rather implying that if you work as a developer but lack a passion for it, you're unambitious.

Become an evangelist for a product or service or technology. Program a little, talk and travel a lot.

Write software you wish existed. Or

...or write software enabling you to do things you always wanted.

(Shouldn't have enabled auto-post while typing.)

Please enumerate said jobs. Serious.

I actually really enjoy engineering software. But I fucking HATE this industry.

Some early success with shareware made me choose the wrong career path for the wrong reasons. Wish I had known then what I know now....

C++ will give you brain damage. Learn D

>learning D when B is the superior choice

>Can you force yourself to like programming?
Sort of. You can make the best out of anything, though programming is kind of in its own world and also pretty cut and dry with the kind of person you need to be

Look around a bit and check out the kind of things that appeal to you

I'll say this, if you think it needs to be boring then you're doing it wrong. One of the fundamental reasons computers exist is for automation (simple, repetative tasks) and the actual code you write should basically just be whatever human element is necessary to make a program. With frameworks like Ruby on Rails it's impressive just how much people are able to eliminate redundancy where generating working application consists of running 3 commands in the terminal

avoid sams teach yourself like the plague, they're shit books.

More like scams