Any software devs/designers/engineers on here...

Any software devs/designers/engineers on here? I switched majors in college to software dev and design and was wondering what you think of the field.

It's shit

How come? The major I declared previously was cybersecurity

You made a huge mistake.

I can easily change it, user. Just wondering why it's so shit.


Bad pay, the work sucks and nobody respects you
Same with doing real security (vuln research)

So I should definitely switch back to cybersecurity? Is it more respectable?

It's a lightweight meme degree.

No, go into advertising or finance

>So I should definitely switch back to cybersecurity?

>Is it more respectable?
lol no

But at least you won't hate yourself and your life choices.

Well the fact that software developers don't even need a degree to get a job in the field isn't impressive.


Then what STEM field would you recommend? I'm pretty limited. ISM, Comp and Net Sec, Game Design, etc.

I was enrolled at another university for finance with a concentration in financial planning but I switched to this one.

You don't need a degree for security either
Some of the best VR people dropped out of college or never went

In English please?

Just do computer science, computer engineering or electrical engineering. All those other things you listed are buzzword studies designed to attract lazy millennials and their parents' fat wallets.

Vulnerability research is one of the biggest security fields
It entails finding bugs in modern software, which are able to be exploited to gain code execution, or privilege escalation, then weaponizing said bugs, and selling them to the government
The industry is more merit based than most traditional roles, allowing people who are skilled to get decent pay (130-250k) without going to college

Prepare to get replaced by Poo in Loo.

>switch from the field where companies might just be willing to pay for an american
>to the field where all they want is pajeet and his sweet wage slave visa
Oh boy did you fuck up.

None are offered there. My family has a finance background though

I see

This advice is best advice.

I can change it back easily. It was just a curiosity switch. I'd be starting in Spring 2018 anyway.

>None are offered there
Huge red flag. Most likely a shit school.

>My family has a finance background though
Then do finance.

It's a private university. Not state.

>It's a private university. Not state.
Irrelevant to the quality of the education desu.

>Asking Sup Forums for help

Software Engineering is a great field, but theres alot of pressure on you to magically create the software, just like theres pressure on sysadmins when servers go to shit. But generally the pay is good, its a creative field but prepare to do alot of meetings and work in pairs or even teams.
Don't believe Sup Forums, they don't have jobs because they can't communicate with another human being, except on the internet.

The College of Technology was awarded in 2011 by the National Security Agency as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education (CAE/IAE). Take that as you will.
Agreed. They circle jerk about fucking Seiko watches and Chinkshit.

>Some of the best VR people dropped out of college or never went
That's like saying, Bill Gates dropped out of college, so should you and you'll be the richest man alive

You need to pick your degree the best you can and find a job that you are passionate about. I _was_ passionate about my programming job up until a few years ago, now I'm just a burnt out ember

How long did you do programming for?