>browsers still require inefficient and cumbersome "ctrl+shift+tab" and "ctrl+shift" combinations to navigate from a tab to another

first world problems amirite xDDD lel

>he isn't using Linux
>he can't just scroll through his tabs with his mouse wheel

>the health of my hand and wrists are le meme problem
nice try, browser devs

>he isn't a guitarist
>he doesn't derive pleasure from obscure finger contortions
top zozzle

It's called a mouse, retard.

Do you use a tiling wm?

>he doesn't get something as basic as the point of having keyboard hotkeys over doing everything with the mouse
>calls someone else retard

>Mouse button 4 - ctrl+tab
>Mouse button 5 - F5
>Can now effortlessly glide between tabs and refresh without touching the keyboard
Get on my level

>Mouse button 5

>not having a wired 5-button mouse

Does ctrl+# not work for you?
Where # = 1-9 or maybe even 1-0... 1 being the leftmost tab.

>"ctrl+shift+tab" and "ctrl+shift" combinations
Nigger it's ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab. Also nobody is forcing you to EVER use ctrl+shift, you can just go ctrl+tab until you wrap around

CTRL+ Page up/Down isn't hard unless you have severe arthritis in your fingers.

>Page up/down
Nice; thanks for the tip but ctrl+# (using the keypad) is most comfy :3


Use scrollwheel on tab bar

>not having a 20 button mouse with all those buttons used for browsing to make life easy

>He is still not using an addon that makes your browser have vimlike keybinds.
Every browser has several options at this point.

What about scrolling?

Standard mice have seven buttons, but if you don't opt for a mouse with buttons 8 and 9 you're a cuck.

>mfw I'm not even joking
Apple cucks can't even comprehend this plane of existence with their one button children's toy.

Jesus Christ, it's a lion! Get in the car!

get the vimfx extension for firefox and stop using shitty keybinds. and go back and forth. plus you just press to bring up tags on all links so you get mousless browsing as an added bonus.

Thats the mousewheel
mb4/mb5 are side buttons.

You can also use ctrl+pgup/pgdown

As an ex-opera fag I became addicted to just 1 and 2 switching tabs

Fun fact: there is a Firefox plugin called "opera hotkeys" that enables the opera key bindings.

Where were you when I was asking about mouse-less browsing ;_;

aka fuckboy who can strum a couple cords. can you even read sheet music? of course not, you are a (((self taught))) "guitarist" who learned reading tabs. you probably use a capo as well.

What the fuck? My mouse is 1/3 left/right click, 2 is wheel click, 4/5 is up/down, 6/7 is left right (still on the wheel) and the side buttons are 8 and 9 and I've always had them default to going back/forward through browser history.

Nothing wrong with reading tabs and nothing to boast about reading sheet music either desu

i only read the patterns cut into rock by lightning strikes, as i was taught to do by my nordic draugr guitar master, who's severed, rigor mortis hand i use as a capo.

>can you even read sheet music?
Sheet music isn't really hard to read. At all. It can be learned fairly quickly. Of course the real question is one's ability to sight-read music, and the fact that wasn't what you brought up shows your incompetence.

>t. failed classical guitarist

>not learning all of all of guitar through rocksmith
>bothering with learning chords when you can practice legato and two hand tapping instead
>owning an amp

> 200X and Konqueror from KDE3 with khtml backend and OpenGL acceleration.
Still the fastest and memory efficient browser there was for the features.
CTRL+, and . to change tabs.

Added those keybinds to Firefox and still using them.

Interesting shortcut, but since I have more than 9 tabs for one it's not quite it
Thanks Sup Forums, just what I was looking for. Changed it to one-button bindings ( and ) and it worked. Simply marvelous

Also a nice shortcut btw

Nigger winbaby spotted
Real OS use alt and direction or alt num

>2 buttons

>pinky on ctrl
>ring on shift
>middle on tab
>this is cumbersome

Do you have baby hands or something?