/pcbg/ PC Building General - housefire edition

post your component list; rate other anons'; ask questions in general.

>Assemble your parts list with price comparisons & compatibility filter.

THEN state the PURPOSE of your PC & BUDGET. State COUNTRY if not USA.
List GAMES/SOFTWARE you use often. List resolution & hz if gaming.
Seeking build improvements? Clarify goal: lower price or improved specs?
ctrl+f to see if your question was answered already

>How to assemble a PC, select components & more. (somewhat outdated)

>G4560 - budget builds (R5 1500x - generally all you need for 60fps with power to spare. No i5
>R5 1600 - best value for higher fps gaming & mixed usage; 1600x if you too lazy to OC
>R7/Xeon/Threadripper - compute/Multitask/mixed use

>G4560 iGPU is fine for desktop stuff and very light game
>1050Ti for low budget. Drop settings if not Freesync/Gsync on newer games; RX560 if discounted RX570 4GB - 1080p@60+hz, running most maxed; older games at 144+hz
>RX580 8GB - 1440p@60+hz, inject SMAA & drop settings
>1060 - Generally outperformed by the RX 580 and GSync costs more; consider if AMD is not an option (ie CUDA/miners buying all RX400/500s)
>1070 - if on sale/can't afford 1080
>1080 - 1080p@100-144+hz maxed; 1440p at lower hz.
>1080Ti - 1440p@90-144+hz; 4k@60hz in SOME games, more at lower settings

>READ PRODUCT REVIEWS to see if that cheap SSD/PSU or whatever is reliable
>Consider larger SSD-only for what you budget SSD+HDD combined. Add HDD later once needed
>NVMe aren't for faster OS boot. They're primarily for productivity/scratch disk/VMs
>Stop confusing any M.2 drive with NVMe. M.2 is a form factor
>mATX board + case is often cheaper
>1 SR DIMM is slower than 2 DIMMs

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm trying to pick between Intel and AVX and going for a low-budget build that can scale well enough that I can make one build, prove it performs well, and then buy and build like 4 or 5 more
seems like the only multi-core option for intel that has avx2 is any of the 7th generation i5s while AMD has a massive gap and even then it's just "simulated" avx2

avx = meme

let me fall for the meme

How does this look?

Yeah, till you need it.
Everyone who owned a G3258 knows about it.

best way to get free win10?

Just download the Media Creation Tool and click activate later.

what is the cheapest shit that has avx2 right now

i3 7100 or Ryzen 1400. Obviously you can buy old shit like AMD FX or used Intel stuff but I would get the new ones.


First attempt at a budget build around $800 usd

Is 2x4GB RAM still Sup Forums meta?

change the PSU to one that's semi-modular or fully modular.
I'd also spend a bit more on the motherboard.

fucking poorfags with their shitty builds

isn't the 1060 'overpriced' now, uh, cuck?

new meta is 4x8 m8

32gb ram or gtfo

I fucking hate faggots like you who act better than everybody


So I'm building around an AMD FX-9590 (I have a friend who is literally giving it away to me if I finally pull the trigger on building a gaming rig). I already have the samsung SSD, as I've been using it as an external (got it really cheap not too long ago). I also have the 3.0TB HDD sitting around, too.

This is what I threw together. Just had some questions if anyone's used the FX 9590 or has any dealings with them:

Assuming I don't intend to overclock it, will I be alright sticking with an air cooler? Any recommendations you guys have for this build?

I get it. 140 cpu all that. Don't do it. Pre Ryzen AMD is trash. Get Ryzen or intel. I don't even care which one. Just nothing FX ever.

Just baked a dead 7870 I had sitting in a box for over a year and it works lmfao

How should I go about selling it to some mining tard without any chance of repurcussion if it fails on them?


Mostly for media consumption (Sup Forums) and home business, and older video games.
I want to raid 1 the hdds and store person documents, family photos, tv shows, and some video games like skyrim or warband.
What gpu could I snag for a windows hypervisor to play video games on my 5:4 vga monitor at 25 sold frames
I hear nvidia doesn't like hypervisors and all the amd cards are eaten up by crypto miners, so I'm asking here.
I plan to use an old amazon box as the case for a bit.
I'll be buying in a few months to replace an old c2d laptop.


All I need is a gpu but the market has imploded. Kill me.

I feel your pain, man. The last of my parts that I've been ordering over the past 2 weeks just arrived.
Still can't find the GPU I want...

Time to just settle and grab a 1060.

Come home white man

For general use, gaming, and creative software. Is this bad? Autism makes everything seem bad until after buying it and I haven't bought PC parts before.

You sincerely underestimate my stubborn autism. Being self-aware still isn't protecting me from the sunk cost fallacy.
I won't settle, but at this point I may as well save up a little more and grab the next step up. What are good brands of 1080? Or is a 1070 enough of an improvement over a 580?

Why the dedication to Amazon? You could probably shave off a good bit of money by shopping around more.

Might be a dumb question, but is there any reason not to buy a PSU with more wattage?

experience with them, return policy, amazon prime (that someone else pays for) I don't really care in the end though.

ur retarded if you can't infere that, to be frank.

Mult-game average, right? Seems pretty accurate. 8350 just below the stock 4770k and just below the point where it's not a bottleneck.
But on SOME GAMES you'll see worse than this, where it gets almost half the FPS that the GPU is capable even if it's just a mild bottleneck on average.

AMD, which you can't buy now because all are sold out.
B&H Video apparently has reasonable priced preorders that ship in 2-4 weeks.
Nvidia drivers don't work right with more than 4c/8t CPU.
Not a super powerful CPU, so I wouldn't get more than like a RX560 or MAYBE and RX570 (which I'm almost certain you'll bottleneck in most cases but can upgrade CPU later to make full use of it).


What should I expect from the 1050ti? I'm not trying to play AAA titles maxed out or anything

Squeeze in a SSD. It is worth it.

Why are you buying an extra wired network adapter? Don't want to use the one on your motherboard?

Any opinions on this mobo. It's for a lil simple build.

Looking to have an M.2 boot


Seems cheap right now: newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132871

THIS IS WHY I POST HERE thanks mate completely forgot that

How much ram should i buy and at what speed for a pretty good gaming system?

Do not pair a micro ATX MoBo with a mid tower. Either get an Atx MoBo or a smaller case.

2 x 8GB.
At least 2400mhz and up.

Power supplies are rated for a certain efficiency at 80% load. Under they can actually perform worse. Aside from that, you're really just paying for a lot of capacity that you'll not use.

MSI, Gigabyte/Aorus, EVGA, Asus, they're all good and will perform pretty similar. I like EVGA if only just for how good their warranty is.

How do i know what power supply i should buy, Should i overshoot the wattage calculators?
if so how much?
is there a difference between gold/platinum/ect?

Sorry user, but i think you`'re better off selling it for $80 at craigslist, bet ryzen.

if not you might as well throw that DDR3 and Mobo money to the trash

get an SSD for your OS at least.

First time using this website how did I do ?
This will be mainly for gaming, streaming, stuff like that.

If you're going to splurge like that get better memory, 2x8 ddr4 3200 or higher

get a usb wifi adapter

graphics card is to large for the case
cheaped out on ram
founders edition of that card may have heat problems especially in that case

What the other anons have said is true.
That monitor is also very expensive, I'd recommend something like these if you don't care about IPS enough to spend 400 extra dollars on it.

>$3K build
>ryzen cpu

Is 16GB of ram worth buying? it looks to be 30 USD more expensive then 8gb,

>owning an i9
don't you have a bull to prep?

The graphics card size is fine if you remove the drive cages according to the item description.
Ryzen is fine for this build. Stop trying to start CPUWars, faggot.

>any build
>intel cpu

For a lowend build, 8GB is fine.
For anything at or higher than a 1070 (higher range) build, you should consider 16GB.

Any recommendations for the graphics card ?
Also thanks user that 27" is perfect

Should I even bother upgrading anything?
I'm pretty content with this low-mid tier build. I don't really play super demanding AAA games.

get asus version it can be $100 cheaper and i like their products.

1080 Ti seems to be a good card for your very expensive pricerange, but you should get an aftermarket card that doesn't have that blower cooler design, because they tend to have worse thermals.
I'd recommend something like these ones, which are also cheaper than the one you picked out:
Both of these can fit in the case you picked out, but you'll have to remove some drive cages in the case.

You ain't building shit. You're just assembling gayming shitputers from the cheapest chink shit you can buy with your mom's allowance.


looks fine for your needs, any upgrade you could make (besides storage) would probably be better used in just making a whole new build much later on with Ryzen and a more high range GPU and all that




Can you guys help me find a motherboard.

I need an optical cable plug in for my Astro A40 mix amp though.


Here is my build any suggestions are welcome too

Yeah, that i5 pretty much is my socket's cap (besides 3770)
Thinking about it, I'd need to get a new mobo + new CPU + ddr4 ram. Pretty much a whole new build

MSI Tomahawk Z270 has optical-out.
I know because I'm picking one up tomorrow so I can use my kickass Sony system.


Building my first desktop PC ever. I know nothing about desktops or pc building at all.

I want to use GPU passthrough to be able to play modern games on Debian.
I don't really know how much I should be spending, but I just want something that will be able to play new games at good quality for a few years. I don't want to spend over $1000.

So basically, what I need help with, is what parts should I be picking for doing GPU passthrough? I've tried installing debian before but apparently drivers are a clusterfuck, so I want parts that cooperate with Debian. So what motherboard, CPU, GPU's, etc should I be looking at? Can someone give me a quick rundown on GPU passthrough?

New part list pcpartpicker.com/list/J84hwV
Thanks alot anons this is turning out pretty gud prolly change my case to be safe

just a suggestion, 16 GB of RAM is probably not necessary for that build, 8 will do you just fine and save you a bit. it's fine if you want 16 though.
that PSU is probably overkill in terms of wattage but the price seems alright, if you can find a cheaper 550W Gold+ though I think it'd be worth it. This one is cheap right now but it's only on sale on multiple fronts, otherwise it's around the same price as your 650:

*gonna change my case to be safe

Case seems to be fine (besides aesthetics, but that's subjective), just gotta take out the drive cages a bit to fit the GPU.
If you're looking for an alternative, this case is cheaper, can fit your GPU without modification and is also pretty low profile:
(Of course make sure it actually fits the desk or floorspace you're gonna put it)

explain your monitor choice, please
your build is pretty interesting

>every country that sells a cryorig h7 under 40 charges through the nose for shipping
>no one sells them in the country
What's a cheap fan?

Just off the top of the head cause I don't know your country, Hyper 212 EVO and Hyper T2 are both pretty good and cheap.
I have a 212 Evo cooling my i5 6500 (I built it before Ryzen don't judge me) and it does an admirable job, only cost like 30 dollars iirc. IDK how that'll translate to you though.

Hi guys

I've just upgraded to a new RX 580 MSI gaming X

It was good for two weeks but then I began having crashes when playing video games for more than 20 minutes (computer went into static then restarted).

The temp never exceed 60 C when under heavy load and it passed furmark and Ungine Valley great. (I ran it for 2 hours using both).

What do you guys think? could it be the PSU? GPU?

my PSU is Seasonic 620 W
Im running a i5-2500k 3.3 GHZ

Did i just fall for the AMD meme?

appreciate the help all!!

If these problems only started with the new GPU you might have gotten a defective unit, your warranty should cover it.
If you send it back and get a new one but the problems persist then you'll have to diagnose from there.

Oh, if you want to definitley know if the 580 is the issue, try putting your old GPU back in your PC (or loan one if you don't have it) and try to recreate the problems

Got it, I would think so I guess, It did not happen with my previous GPU at all, so that's probably that. I was expecting that this could be solved by just reseating my RAM or sumthing haha

thanks for the reply!

Intel iGPU with an amd card is the easiest to work with when you're talking passthrough. Passthrough with nvidia is hell.

how tight are these timings for 1333 DDR3? should i try to push for 6 CL?

frankenstein-ing together a computer out of old parts for a friend, tryin to get the best out of this pile of scrap

>Old parts
Yeah if you want the entire thing to never boot again

1440p/144hz monitor with Freesync (cheaper) or 1080p/144hz display with G-Sync?

I'm on GTX 1080


Oh and preferably an amd card with the BIOS available online

I currently run a m2 960 pro 512gb and still have one slot open for another m2 ssd on my board.
Do I have to go for another 960 pro or can I go with another brand with different read/write without issues?
Google didn't help.

it's good. personally i'd go for mobo with 4 ram slots and pick dual channel memory, but if you can't get that in australia for max. 15$ more then don't bother.

then come back in few months. ryzen 3 and new APUs should be out by then, which can pretty much change the whole build.

you should always pick ram with max. frequency supported by your mobo. just don't go over 3000-3200mhz since after that they start getting too expensive for marginally better performance.
so for h110, b150 get 2133mhz, b250 - 2400mhz, b350/z270 - 3000-3200mhz.

be quiet! pure rock is pretty much the same as cryorig h7. i wouldn't get hyper 212 evo since it tends to be loud under load and is a pain in the ass to install.

yeah you can go with different brand. it's just like with sata ssds.

got a 1070, Ryzen 1600, New MSI mobo and ram coming in. Any particular order in which i should upgrade my system? i was thinking mobo and cpu first than gpu.

Fool. The PSU.

got a 520 antec thats maybe 3 years old. im sure its fine

Are you addicted to upgrading your build for no good reasoning?

nigga im on a 8320e and a r9 270. its time to upgrade

>got a 1070, Ryzen 1600, New MSI mobo and ram coming in

>tl;dr I'm looking for a Mobo+CPU combination + other little things.

Hi, I need some help with a new/upgrade budget gaming build.
Right now I'm using an old preassembled PC (an iMedia s3840) which has been upgraded some years ago: during the upgrade it was maxed out RAM (8 GB), changed the power supply with a VulTech GS-500W Pro, changed the external case and finally upgraded the video card to a GTX 760. The power supply failed months ago so it was changed with a Corsair VS650 (I know it's too much but it was the only one readily available in the store).

So the actual build is:
CPU: Intel Core-i5 [email protected] Ghz
PowerSupply: Corsair VS650
Video Card: PNY GeForce GTX 760 2GB

My objective here is to upgrade the thing to a gaming build able to support 1080p / 60 FPS on pretty much everything. I do have a 144hz monitor but 144FPS is not an objective right now.
I thought about changing Mobo (either DDR3 or 4 compatibility is fine) and CPU and adding an SSD. I don't know if more RAM is needed, maybe a better CPU would reduce the bottleneck effect?
Lastly, after looking at how much a Mobo+CPU+SSD+RAM (eventually) would cost I can think about changing video card (I guess the 2GB VRAM is too less).

So I'm looking for:
MOBO: ???
CPU: ???
PowerSupply: Corsair VS650
VideoCard: PNY GeForce GTX 760 2GB (for now)
RAM: 8 GB (should upgrade to 16?)

Budget-wise I would prefer to stay under 1000$/€, possibily under 500$/€, but I can manage either way.

AMD B350 chipset motherboard and a Ryzen 5 1600 6 core CPU.
The 6 core 1600 is close in performance to the i7 7700k. But the 7700k's emphasis on single thread performance, which still can't be beat, makes it the go-to choice for 144 fps gaming. The 1600 comes close but can't match. This isn't a real problem though considering the $100 price gap between the 2 processors making the 1600 the choice for the best performance for your money.
The B350 chipset is the mid-range chipset for motherboards, so the good ones are generally $85-110. What makes the B350 special is that it can overclock, which makes it the cheapest motherboard chipset on the market capable of this. It is also capable of crossfiring 2 AMD graphics cards. If you want 2 nvidia cards in SLI, you need an X370 chipset for that, and prices for X370 boards pick up off the high end B350 boards.
So budget-wise, the 1600 and B350 is the go-to choice because it offers the best performance and capability for your money.

no point in staying on 1155 socket with ddr3 ram. just sell it and buy a new pc.
8gb is fine for 95% of the games. only a few AAA titles benefit from more than that, though you'll still be able to get 1080p60. also you can always easily upgrade in the future.
as for gpu, currently it's a bad time to buy them due to rising popularity of cryptocurrency mining. for your needs pick either rx 580 8gb or gtx 1060 6gb.
i don't know about that case from your prebuilt. you'll probably need a new one as well.

Also, forgot to mention. Single thread performance is the ONLY place where the 7700k beats the 1600. The 1600 monsters it everywhere else. The 1600's single thread performance and IPC isn't that bad either. At absolute most, it's 9% worse on IPC, while at best, it matches the Intel chips.
The real problem with Ryzen is it needs FAST ram to work really well due to the way the Zen architecture works. So yea. 2133 or 2400 mhz? Step that up to 3000 mhz or 3200 mhz. Some people have even gotten 3600 mhz working though those are few and far between.